The end of the trial

Dawn did not waste a single second and launched his assult on the two men before him.

Cutting ones head clean off while bashing the others in with the back of the axe.

He did not stop there and with incredible speed he began to make short work of the remaining peasents.

The bald man realised the danger quickly and began sending more peasents at Dawn.

But nothing he did could stop him.

Dawn was strong, fast and precise while the peasents were untrained and did not know how to wield their weapons.

The first men to face Dawn tried to thrust his pitchfork through his stomach only for him to stop it with his hand.

He then with a swift move broke the pitchfork and moved in to split the mans head in two.

The second seemed to be a butcher and rushed at Dawn with a large knife.

He raised it over his head and brought it down towards him.

Dawn simply moved to the side as he watched the butchers face slowely become full of fear as he was helpless to stop Dawn's axe coming towards him.

Seeing as they were no match to him on their own 3 peasents moved in to try and flank him.

Dawn met their attacks with precised deflects and countered them.

Every time he swung his axe a life was taken. Not one man could even strach him.

He outclassed them in every way.

The bald man was now terrified and began moving out of the cave in a hurry with panic and fear on his face.

Dawn noticed this and hurled his axe towards the bald man.

The axe landed and got stuck in one of the his calfs.

"GAAAAAH" He screamed as he looked back to see the axe stuck in his leg and blood spewing out of the wound like a fountine.

With the bald man unable to move and his axe gone Dawn continued his slaughter using only his bare hands.

He move forward with his eyes set on his prey.

The peasents tried everything they could but to no avail.

Once they moved in to try and land a blow he effortlessly caught, dodged or simply endured it and in return he tore them to shreds.

Heads were crushed, limbs were torn off and used as weapons by him.

They did not sign up for this.

The peasents eyes began to fill up with fear and terror as they saw a terrible scene unfold before them.

Dawn was covered in the blood of their fellow workers, their friends and for some even their families.

He held one of them by the head and legs while lifting him up above his head.

Dawn screamed at the top of his lungs as he began to pull the man apart.

He too began to scream in agony as his spine broke, his skin and muscles were being torn apart and soon his entier body was ripped in half.

The cursed elf could only watch in disbelief.

Dawn's fighting style was not like anything she has ever seen.

It had no elegance and was formless.

It was filled with brutality and malice with no base making it change according to the situation.

It was unpredictible and dangerous.

"How can someone fight like that? She thought

"How can someone commit such horrible acts without any regard for anothers life? Its as if he has been doing this his entier life. Its as if he was bred for . . . war."

Reiliazition struck the cursed elf as she remembered the scars on Dawn's body.

It was a testiment of the kind of life he lived.

There were some that were caused by sharp claws, and swords.

While some were caused by piercing or blunt weapons.

Erisha couldnt even began to imagine how he got those wounds and she didnt even want to.

The bald man slowely dragged his body to the cave entrance and shouted back at his men.

"Hold him the fuck back!"

The peasents no longer heard him as they were consumed by terror.

Dawn was now walking towards them.

All of them trembled at the sight before them and some even fainted.

Dawn was covered in blood with the corpses of their fellow men around him.

His eyes were like that of a a wild beast who sought to devour the whole world.

Dawn saw this and sighed.

When he was infront of them he decided to give them one las chance.

"Move" He said

Immidietly all of the peasents went out of his way as he walked towards the bald man.

The bald man began to crawl with all his strenght not daring to look back.

Dawn quickly caught up to him.

With a swift move he pulled the axe out of his calf as the bald man screamed in agony.

Blood splattered and flowed out of the wound on to the snow painting it crimson red.

He has never experienced anything like this pain before.

Dawn then walked next to the crying man and crouched down.

"Listen to me!" Said Dawn as he grabbed the mans face.

"You have about 2 minutes until you die from blood loss. if you want to live then answear my questions."

The bald man could only nod his head violantly.

Not wasting any time Dawn asked his first question.

"Did someone request the elfs or did you act on your own?"

Then the bald man answeared as fast as he could while enduring the pain.

"S- someone requested it!"

Dawn had a confliced look on his face.

His greatest worry turned out to be true.

"Shit!" Exclaimed a furious Dawn

"Where did they come from!?"

"I- I dont know!"

"How many were there!?"


"How did they contact you!?"

"In p- person!"

"How did they look like!?"

"Th- they wore a mask!"


"N- No, but please spare me I can find them plea-!"

But before he could finish his sentance Dawn's fist made contact with his head and caved his face in killing the man.

Blood splattered on Dawn's face and slowely dripped down.

With a grim look he stood up while clenching his fists.

He grindid his theeth as he could no longer contain his rage and let out a blood chilling scream in to the cold snowy night.

As Dawn screamed outside in the cave the child has awakened.

It was not the best of times to say the least.

"Wh- what happened here and where are we!?" Asked the young elf in a shaky tone.

Hearing her little brothers voice Erisha immidietly turned around and looked at him with great concern.

"Are you okay?!" She asked

The elf boy also had ropes tightly binding him, but he after a little struggeling he managed to sit up.

"I- I seem to be fine except for this stupid rope!" Said the white elf as he started trying to get out of it shaking his body, but to no avail.

Just then the screaming outside the cave has stopped.

The elfs turned their gazes at the cave entrance with fear in their eyes.

"Sister, is that the guy from earlier? Didn't I burn him to a crisp!?" Asked the young elf.

"You did, but he healed."

"What? How did he-"

"Let me explain what happened until now."

With that the cursed elf began telling what happened.

The young elf listened intently to his sisters tale.

At the same time Dawn managed to somewhat calm down outside the cave.

He walked back and forth while his mind raced.

"God damn it! Why is a cult on the rise again?! Didn't they learn their lesson that messing with that acursed plain only leads to destruction?!"

Instinctively he began to come up with ways to find their base and crush them as soon as possible.

Then suddenly he stopped.

His mind went blank until a single thought entered his mind.

He smiled and let out a small laugh as he held his head with his bloody hand.

"Right, it is no longer my burden to deal with them."

After his revalation he remembered the peasents and the elfs in the cave.

He took a deep breath and slowely let it out.

"I need a drink." Said Dawn as he began walking back inside the cave.

As he was walking he encountered the remaining peasents who were shaking from fear.

"Take the remains of those closest to you and get out." He commanded

Just from that single sentance the peasents hurriedly ran out of the cave carrying their fellow mens corpses.

Just as he was nearing the camp he heard the elfs talking.

"That is how we got here." Said the cursed elf to the white child.

Hearing all of what has happened the child had many questions, but decided to ask the most important one first.

"Can we trust him?"

"I don't know, but he didn't hurt you or me even after we attempted to kill him and he is even protecting us from those humans." Replied the cursed woman.

After hearing the end of the conversation Dawn decided to came out of the shadows.

Much to the elfs dismay he was covered in blood.

"It seems like the brat finally woke up." He said

The young elf glared at him with eyes sharp as knifes.

Even though he heard what has happened until now he didn't trust him one bit.

Ofcourse him being a bloody mess also played a part in that.

Dawn sighed.

He was tired and just wanted to sleep, but he had to make sure of something.

"Seal Realese" with those words the cursed elf felt the rope around her getting looser and the stange yellow glow from it dissappear.

Feeling her dark powers come back to her she quickly teleported infront of the white child and took a defensive stance.

Dawn then took the rune blade and its scabbard that were beside him and threw it for the elf.

The elf caught it and with a swift move pulled out the sword pointing it towards Dawn.

Tension built up as they stared at eachother in the eyes.

This continued for a whole minute until finally Dawn was the first to speak.

"Good, that child is important to you after all. Then this will make things much easier." Said Dawn as he dropped to the ground.

The elfs were confused by his actions and were still on guard.

While Dawn either didn't feel threatend by them or just didn't care.

"I want to ask one last thing before you do anything." Said Dawn as he took out a wine bottle he looted from the bald man's corpse and took a swing out of it.

"Bleh! What is this light horse piss? But this is the only alcohol I have right now." He then took another sip out of it and looked at the elfs again.

"My question is. What is your end goal?"

The cursed woman looked at the white one behind her with a concearned look.

She then with a sigh answeared.

"We want to return to our home realm, Eldmar."

Dawn smiled wickedly inside his mind.

He hoped she would say that.

"Then you are the unluckyest people I've ever met. I will now tell you what kind of a situation you are in. Do you know what the black market is?"

The elfs shook their heads

"Since you don't know I am going to start with that."

"I recomment you take a seat. This is going to  take some time to process."

After that the elfs exchanged on final glance before Erisha answeared.

"Only if I can free my brother!"

"Suit yourself."

Dawn then began explaining what the black market was, how it worked and why it existed.

He described it in gruesome detail making the elfs almost vomit on to the ground.

"Such cruelty and for what? Just because of one's selfish desires?" Said the white child with clear disgust in his voice.

"Most humans are not evil, they do not even know what the black market is." He explained "We do not live as long as you do. When you can only live up to at most 100 years desires become much more important then what is right and wrong."

He sipped in to the wine bottle before continueing.

"We tend to live in the moment while forgetting the consequenses for our actions."

Just then from the elfs direction came two loud growles that echoed through the cave.

Without saying a word Dawn picked up the two bowls he preapered and began to pour bear stew for the elfs.

He then passed it on to them with crude wooden spoons.

The elfs were hesitant to try it out suspecting that poison was in it, but once they took a spoon full of it they wolfed the entier thing down.

One hour later the elfs were full and satisfied.

"Now that you have eaten I want to continue where we left off."

The elfs nodded.

"Now that you know what the black market is you understand the situation you are in. However this is not over. The people who wanted to buy you are going to come after you and there is a high chance they will get you before you can return home."

The cursed woman clenched her fists as she was trying to think of something, anything that could help and get them back home.

"However I know someone who could help you."

The elfs eyes widened as they looked at Dawn again.

"This person owes me a dept. If it is that person then the chances of you going home increases and I can take you to her." Said Dawn

The elfs eyes regained hope and looked at one another, but the cursed elfs smile quickly faded and turned back to a frown as she looked back at Dawn.

"What's the catch?" Asked the elf.

Dawn locked eyes with her, his face emotionless and cold.

"As I said I can take you there, but I am not really beloved by mankind. Although the person I spoke about cannot refuse my request after she sends you back to Eldmar I will most likely be imprisoned or killed on the spot." Said Dawn

The cursed woman had expected this answear.

From where you might ask?

It was simple. Who in their right mind would willingly live in this godforesaken forest?

Most fruits were poisenious, every living being was out to kill one another and in some parts it was filled with some kind of mana that rejected the living and turned them in to undead monsteres.

The other thing that gave it away was the deal Dawn made with the bald man.

It was clear he was hiding and did almost anything to stay hidden.

So why did he offer to guide them to this person despite all the danger?

"What I want is to go all the way." Said Dawn.

The elf looked at him confused.

"What do you mean "all the way"? Asked the white child

"I wish to go to Eldmar with you." Said Dawn

The two elfs eyes widened as they screamed in union.
