Hot Spring

Dawn's hands moved with precision and without delay.

He cut the oni girl open like a fish.

Meanwhile the old shaman kept the girl's pulse steady, healing her just enough so that the bloodloss would not be a problem.

There were times in the operation when the girl would partialy regain her consciousness, resulting in screaming and her body involuntarily shaking and struggleing.

When this occured Dawn commanded several onis that were nearby to restrain her.

Thus the operation continued smoothly after that.

Dawn managed to remove all of the bone shards that were scattered in her chest.

Then using the shaman's healing flames they healed the open wound.

The old shaman sighed in exhaustion.

She was retired and did not use her flames for in a long time.

Nonetheless she was quite shocked and impressed by Dawn's skills.

His hands did not shake for even a moment while his eyes were focused.

This was not his first time doing this.

Suddenly Dawn turned towards her and held out his hand.

"Good work." He said.

The old shaman's eyes lit up as she became a little bit emberassed.

"To be praised by you is an honor sir!" She said as she took his hand.

An honest praise from a berserker.

She never thought she would experience such a thing at such an age.

"Can I trust you to take care of the girl?" Dawn asked.

The old shaman nodded.

With that settled, Dawn stood up and turned towards the bolbus oni.

He was looking releved that her adopted daughter was fine, but as soon as he saw Dawn striding towards him, his face quickly turned pale.

Dawn stopped just a few steps away from him and only glared.

His face was stoic, yet the oni around him could tell that he was enraged.

The bolbus oni stood did not shiver and did not show fear because he knew he did not have the right to do so.

"What was the reason behind your actions?" Dawn asked.

But the oni could only stare at the ground in his shame.

With a decisive grab Dawn lifted the oni with one arm in to the air.

His grip was firm and strong.

It was as if an adult was lifting up a child.

"Answear me!"

But the oni did not respond.

The fact that in his rage he almost killed his one and only child left him scarred.

Dawn was disgusted by this.

He let go of the oni who fell to the ground.

It was then that the oni has finally looked Dawn in the eyes.

His face and entier deminiour was misirable.

Seeing this Dawn turned away while spitting on the ground.

There was no point in punishing someone who wanted to be punished.

He will not give him that satesfaction.

Dawn began walking back towards the old shaman who now held the half breed girl in her arms.

"Where will you take her?" Dawn asked in his usual tone.

"To my old clinic, near the hot spring."

"I see. May I come with you?"

The old shaman looked at Dawn with a strange face.

"Excuse me for my blunt tone, but why are you so concearned about this girls safety?" Asked the shaman.

But Dawn quickly dismissed the question.

"Do not be mistaken. My original destination was the hot springs. I only wish to go there and nothing more."

"Oh, I am sorry that I drew the wrong conclusion, sir!" Said the old shaman while slightly bowing her head.

"Then let me show you the way."

With that Dawn and the old shaman began walking side by side, while the onlookers slowly returned to their work.

As they walked the old shaman kept glancing at Dawn.

Because of her profession she studied not only magic, but the anatomy of the most common races in Gaia.

During her long life she has treated all kinds of people with all kinds of injuries and conditions.

And the thought of cutting someone open to heal them was a strange thing to do.

It should have been impossible to begin with.

"Sir, if you dont mind me asking. What race do you belong to?."

For a moment Dawn eyes slightly shook at the old shaman's question.

"Can't you tell? I am a human." Said Dawn.

"With all due respect sir, I treated many humans over the years and I have not encountered one that was able to use such strange magic."

Dawn took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"I suggest that you keep your questions to yourself shaman."

Hearing this the old shaman shut her mouth.

"It seems that this topic is not something he likes to talk about." Thought the old shaman.

As they walked slowly but surely the young oni began awakening in the old shaman's arms.

She weakly opened her eyes and tried to look around.

Once she noticed that she was being carried her eyes opened wide.

Immidietly she threw a punch at the old shaman.

But before it could land it was stopped by the large hand of Dawn.

Her attention immidietly went on to him as she sprung out of the old shaman's arms.

However once she was on her wown without support she immidietly collapsed.

"Whats happening to me?" Asked the young oni in a weak voice.

"You have suffered a serious injury against your adoptive father. We treated your wounds, but the treatment took its toll on your body." Explained Dawn in a stoic tone.

He then walked up to the young girl and tried to pick her up, but his hands were slapped away.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled.

She could still faintly remember waking up in the middle of the operation.

She remembered Dawn's face and the feeling of his hands going around her insides.

Seeing this the old shaman ran between them before Dawn could respond.

"Show some gratitude!" The old shaman exclaimed.

She then struck her on the head.

"OW! What was that for!?"

"This man is an honored guest of the matriarch and the saviour of your life!"

The young girl was visibly shocked to hear this.

It was then that a faint memory entered her mind.

Although she could only remember a single image before she lost cosciousness, it was enough to know what the old shaman said was true.

Realising her mistake she weakly bowed her head.

"I am sorry! I was just so confused- I- I didn't realize!"

But to their surprise Dawn brushed this incident aside.

"You owe me nothing. I was simply tired of waiting for you to die."

This response earned a surprised glance from the old shaman.

She saw how Dawn interviened with her own eyes.

He was lying.

There was no way that enraged tone was fake.

But it was not her right to interfire here.

If he did not want to take credit for it or show weakness by exposing his conern was his decision.

"Your body is in no shape to refuse rest."

Dawn then turned his head towards the old shaman.

"Where is the hot spring?"

"It is nearby." Said the old shaman while pointing to her right.

"You will spot a large amount of steam coming out and that is your clue to where it is."

Dawn nodded and left the two onis behind.

The old shaman and the young girl could only at Dawn's back.

"Who is he?" Asked the young girl.

"Don't ask questions now. You need to rest." Said the old shaman as she helped the young oni to her feet.

"Can you walk?"

"I think I can."

"Good, you are not as weak as your father thinks you are."

Suddenly realisation came to the young oni.

Her eyes widened her eyebrows has risen and her mouth opened.

"What happened to my father!? Is he hurt!?"

The old shsman was quite surprised by her reaction.

She did not expect her to show so much concern for someone who almost killed her.

"His body is fine, but the shock of almost ending your life took quite the toll on his mind."

The young girl lowered her head upon hearing this.

The old shaman saw that she had alot on her mind right now.

"What is your name young one?"

"Tetsu" Said the young oni.

"My name is Reina."

She then extended her hand towards Tetsu who accepted it.

They then began making their way towards the old shaman's clinic.

It did not take long for Dawn to notice a large amount of steam coming out of a building.

He finally found it.

Dawn walked up to the buildings entrance and looked inside.

He saw a small desk to his right where an oni woman sat at.

She supported her head with her right arm as she slept.

From what he could tell this was the right place.

Dawn entered and approached the the sleeping oni.

He then snapped his fingers with such force that it was like a gunshot.

The oni's head bolted up at the sudden sound.

"What do you want?" She asked in a tired tone.

"Where is the spa for men?"

The oni then pointed to her right.

"On the right."

Dawn nodded and went inside while the oni laid her head back on to the desk.

After leaving his clothes behind Dawn entered the spa.

On the cieling bright crystals shone, lighting up the space in a blue hue.

During this time of day not many were inside here.

Without realising Dawn sighed in relif.

He was alone.

He could not hear the water splashing or the sound of a persons breath.

He considered himself luck.

The water splashed as Dawn stepped in to it.

Its tempreture was just right for Dawn's liking.

For the first time in weeks his body loosened and he could feel himself at peace.

The space was large, especially since he was alone.

Most of it was filled with the large pool of steaming water and boulders and rocks.

It was crude in design compared to the ones made by humans, but it served ita purpose well.

There weren't even towels to cover yourself with and you left your clothes in a bucket outside.

Dawn took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

Perhaps if it was here, then he could get some sleep.

And with such hopeful thoughts Dawn closed his eyes and laid back.

But the moment he fell asleep the nightmares of old returned to haunt him.