
Memories from the war came to the present and dragged Dawn in to the most bloody and gruesome battles.

Strangely enough Dawn's face did not change.

He remained stoic and did not show any reaction.

He simply stood still and waited to be flung away in to another memory.

These nightmares have been hunting him for a major part of his life.

It was not that he was used to them or he did not feel anything as the scenes played out before him, he was trained in resisting them.

Mental warfare was common on the battlefield, with many demons specializing in casting spells that caused halucinations and confusion.

To combat this, the new recruits of every legion would undergo harsh training to resist these spells.

They would be put to sleep and a mage would show them their worst nightmares repeadetly.

The training proved to be effective, but it took a long time.

Thus in the beginning, only those who could wield mana in some way could undergo it.

Later on the chaplins were created who not only served to boost morale, but to also protect ordinary soldiers from such attacks.

Slowly Dawn opened his eyes.

While his sleep was disturbed he still felt refreshed.

He raised his right hand out of the water and looked at it.

Based on the amount of wrinkles on his palm Dawn did not sleep for more than an hour.

Thus Dawn decided to lay back and enjoy the water for a little bit longer.

As time passed Dawn noticed something strange.

The water was getting darker and heavier.

As if an oily substance made contact with the water.

Dawn stood up and took on his fighting stance.

He did not hear anyone entering.

Dawn looked around, trying to find the source of this dark matter.

Then after turning his head he saw it.

It was that same bastard again.

With empty eyesockets and a torn body he stared at Dawn with a blank face.

Dawn's face hardened at the sight.

He stared at the creature for a minute.

Not a single movement.

Not a blink or a breath.

Complete motionlessness

"What do you want from me?"

The figure however did not answear.

They stared at each other for several minutes, until Dawn has had enough and stood up.

He then got out of the water and began walking to to the exit.

But before he could leave the ghost opened its mouth.

"You must not fail, Luthor."

Hearing his first name Dawn turned back in the blink of an eye, but it was already gone.

Dawn stared at the place where the ghost sat.

It has been quite some time that he heard someone use his first name.

However Dawn quickly dismissed his thoughts and worries.

That thing was a creature of his mind, it was only natural that it had access to his memories.

Just thinking about it was giving him a headache.

Elsewhere, Bertram was walking inside a hallway.

Beside him was a women in her late twenties.

She had brown hair and eyes.

She wore a brown leather attire and a black cloak.

On her hip were two sharp knifes, which were in their sheets.

They were inside Wolfs Bane fortress, and were heading towards a questioning room.

The woman in brown walked nonchalantly behind Bertram.

Sometimes she made ghasps of surprise as she observed the paintings on the walls and the people outside.

"Can you stop it already?" Said Bertram with an annoyed tone.

The woman in brown reluctantly stopped.

"Why am I here again?"

Bertram sighed.

"You were summond to give a report of what you saw yesterday. You are one of the three people who remained uninjured."

"Then why don't you ask the others? Why do I need to be here?"

Bertram held his forehead for a moment.

"They were already questioned. You are the last one."

"I doubt I can tell you more tough!"

"That is not for you or me to decide."

As Bertram said this they reached their destination.

Bertram opened the door and urged the woman in brown to go inside.

When the woman in brown entered Bertram closed the door behind her.

The room was quite boring compared to the outside hallway.

It had no decorations whatsoever, only a single wooden table with two chairs.

And inside one of those chairs sat a man.

He had blue eyes and short blonde hair accomponied by a well defined face.

He had no facial hair or scars on his face.

His body was muscular and large, he wore a shirt that had its sleeves pulled up and brown jeans with black boots.

He sat with a straight back and looked at the woman in brown with a stern face.

The woman in brown's face hardened an her previous leisure disappeared.

Without saying a word she pulled out the remaining chair and sat down.

"So, I guess that wasen't an ordinary bar fight?"

"It was not."

The woman sighed.

"I know nothing more then the others. I was with the young bartender when it was happening. I belive he aready told you that."

"What were you doing right before the incident?"

"I was not doing anything." She said as she laid back.

"But I was being done if you really want to know."

The man did not react to her joke, instead he opened a file that was infront of him on the table.

"Gabriele Gasell. An A rank mercenary for hire. Secretly a spy for the inqusition."

Sudden coldness filled the space between the two.

"That last part is a serious claim, captian. Are you sure you can back it up?"

In that moment the captian reached down, in to his pocket and pulled out a small black pearl.

"I discovered this when we were investigating the scene."

Gabrielle's face hardened upon seeing it, but chose not to say a single word.

"We found it on a painting that was hung up on the wall. Upon giving it to a mage we were able to get a response from it, but since the mana signiture was not right it locked down."

Gabriele remained silent, thus the man continued.

He held the pearl ot to the woman.

"Imbue it with your mana. If it does not respond then you are innocent and will be let go, but if not then you will have to explain yourself."

A minute of silance passed between the two.

Gabrielle sighed.

There was no point in hiding it.

She accepted the device and poured a little amount of mana inside it.

The black pearl almost immidietly turned white and projected a small white screen.

Once his suspicion was confirmed the captian's tone changed, his eyebrows became furred and his voice hardened.

"What the hell do you want from Geiza?" The man asked with a hostile voice.

"You do not have the authority to question me."

"While you are in my town you better show respect, agent!"

"Geiza is not yours. It is and always will be the emperor's."

"I am her guardian! I demand that you reveal your objective!"

"Watch your tone guard captain! Know your place! My misson is none of yor concern!"

"My place is between a threat and Geiza! Your very presence here means something dangerous is happening that I do not yet know of!"

He then stood up with such force that the chair he was sitting on flew back and smashed in to the wall.

He then held out his right hand and from seemingly thin air a white spear appeared in his hand.

The spear was larger then him and had silver decorations on its blade and handle.

With a loud thud he let the spear fall to the floor which created a small crater and released a burst of wind.

At the same time Gabrielle jumped back and pulled out her two black knifes from their sheets.

Tension grew between the two while the air inside the room grew colder with each passing seacond.

Both combatants stared at each other silently, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Seeing the man's unwavering determination Gabrielle gave in and lowered her weapons.

"Know this, Arnold Archibald. If you sabotage my mission in any way or form I will have you removed from your position and all your titles and lands will be taken! You will be removed from your position and will rot away in a prison cell for the rest of your life!"

"If it means protecting this town I will take the risk."

Gabrielle sighed in annoyance.

"Men and their stupid honor. Always sticking their noses where it dosen't belong." she said in her mind.

"3 weeks ago, a Seer had a vision of great concern regarding the safety of this town. According to her it was, but a single image depicting a gruesome future. She recognised the scenery because of that spear of yours." Said Gabrielle as she sheated her weapons.

Archibald looked at his spear with a strange gaze.

"What did the Seer see?"

"She saw Gaiza burning."

Archibald's blood froze inside his veins upon hearing her words.

"That is not all. She saw countless corpses scattered inside a burning fortress, surrounding a man who roars to the night sky."

She paused for a moment, contemplating weather she should say the last part, but then decided to continue.

"Sadly, you were also one of those corpses."

With the additional information Archibald's mind went to the one person who had the power to accomplish something like that.

Someone who could have the motivation and the power to do this.

"Kazamir!" He exclaimed with an anger fueled voice.

"Yes, I also belive that man could be the one the Seer described. But upon seeing his control over his anger and streanght I began to doubt if it is truely him."

"Who else could it possebly be!? He is a berserker!"

"It is a possebility. But if we deide to focus on a single option we will become blind and deaf to others. For example the vampire head that same berserker gave to you."

Understanding the truth behind her words Archibald began to calm himself with deep breaths.

The agent's word were logical.

Suddenly the ring on his left ring finger glowed with a white light and his spear disappeared.

"So thats the renowned Geiza's guard captian's artifact. They say it was used by one of the generals before the creation of their holy relics." She noted in her mind.

"What will you do now captain?"

"I will order all of my guards to stay alert and keep a lookout for danger. I belive you will continue your investigation?"

"That is correct."

"Then I have one last thing to say before letting you go. Arthur Kazamir will be leaving Gaiza on a mission to rescue an adventurer party at night. He will leave on a carrige at sundown."

"Oh? That is quite useful information indeed. Now then, farewell captain, may our next meeting be under better circumstances."

She then bowed and left through the door she came from.

When she left she noticed Bertram beside her.

She winked at him with a smile then left.

After that Bertram entered the room and closed the door behind him.

He saluted, but the guard captain waved him to stop.

"Did you hear everything?"

"You were not exacly whispering to eachother, sir."

"Put the jokes off to a later date Bertram. We have serious matters to discuss. But before that I need to ask you for your opinion on the vision."

Bertram took a full minute to gather his thoughts.

A seer's vision was no laughing matter.

Most of the time they were symbolic, only showing a glimps in to the future.

"Sir, as you know I hate that bastard more then anyone in this town. But I refuse to belive that he is capable of doing something like that."

This answear shocked Archibald, but he did not let it show on his face.

"How so?"

"Be it man or woman, all know deep in their hearts that what he did was the right thing to do that day."

"But not you, Bertram. Out of all of us you have the most right to hate him."

"And I do, sir. I very much do with all my being."

"Will you stay by your decision?"

"Till the day I die or proven wrong."

Archibald then let out a small chuckle.

His old friend was always like this.

"Bertram, I want you to gather all of the guards who are not on patrol and bring them here. I need to brief them on the situation."

"As you command, sir!"