After reading the extra note Hans threw the paper away and didn't wait any longer and ran towards the oldest tree, which is present around a couple hundred metres in front of the right most house of the society, it was the oldest tree among all the others and hence the name.
After Hans had run far enough distance, kai climbed off from the roof and picked up the paper slip, after placing it in his pocket he began to walk towards his own house, he climbed onto the roof and then looked at the guards since his house was closer to the place where those guards talked usually.
There were five guards walking along the boundary of the forest, they would often talk with each other but usually, they looked around vigilantly.
After observing them for a few seconds Kai wrapped the paper around a stone and then threw it in a way that the stone curved slightly in the air so that it would be impossible for them to know from where this stone had come from.
The stone hit the bum of one of the guards who noticed it a bit too late and was standing with his face towards the forest, he released a cry of pain and jumped forward, Kai instantly ducked down and didn't even glance towards the guards.
After the incident with Rojas's son, in the recent times, fewer and fewer rich families have been sending their kids for training here, so right now all five of the guards were old and experienced ones.
" What's wrong? " Other guards came running towards the guard who was hit, after looking at him for a few seconds they didn't find anything wrong.
" Something but my hip just now, ouch it still hurts. " The guard spoke while rubbing his hips.
" Huh? What hit you? Could it be an attack from the blazing monkey? " All the guards looked around within seconds they saw a stone that was wrapped in a paper.
" Look here is a stone, could it be the same person who threw the stone at that time? The one that hit Rojas' son. " One of the guards picked up the stone and raised his doubt.
" I think there is something written on the paper, read it out. "
Taking the paper off from the stone, the guard who was hit, began to read it loud.
" I know about your deals with those hunters... " After reading just the first line all the guards looked at each other with wide eyes, and then he continued:
" I wonder what would happen to all of you if this news somehow travelled to the ears of the branch family, but don't you worry I'm a well wisher of yours so I won't tell it to anyone.
Still, I think I deserve something for keeping it a secret, right? So come to the oldest tree I'll be waiting for my reward. Also, I haven't informed anyone about it yet. "
After reading the entire thing, all the guards glanced at each other, there was a dangerous glint in their eyes, they talked for a few minutes and then finally decided to go meet this person.
Three guards stayed near the boundary while two of them went to meet the owner of the paper slip near the oldest tree, this made Kai's job a lot easier.
With five guards present there, it was hard to find the blind spots but now with two guards out of the picture, Kai could easily go into the forest even more so because all three of the remaining ones were talking with each other.
' That wasn't too hard, now for the next few days I'll be able to go into the forest without much difficulty. '
He thought and then slowly climbed off from the roof of his house after which he walked towards the boundary wall of the forest, the three guards didn't even notice him as he climbed up the wall and jumped to the other side.
" I can't wait for her to come, I wonder what's taking her so long *SNIFF* " Hans spoke while he took a hard long sniff of the panty, he was standing right under the oldest tree, whose branches were spreading all around.
He waited there impatiently and after a few minutes, he finally heard the sound of footsteps. But as they got closer he found that there was more than one person, and within seconds the two guards appeared in front of him.
' Huh? Why are these two here, maybe they are here just for their usual check. And I shouldn't tell about her to them, or she might not come here. ' Hans thought and stood with his chest puffed out.
" Are you the one who want the reward? " One of the two guards asked, they both looked at him with emotionless faces.
' What reward? Why are they even talking to me- wait maybe they are talking about her, I saw she mentioned it in her letter. ' he thought and then spoke:
" Yes I'm here for the reward and won't go back until I get it, I had my eyes on her- COUGH my eyes on the reward for a long time. " Hans said with a lustful expression.
" Is anyone else aware of this? Or have you shown the letter to anyone else? " The second guard asked.
" Of course not, why would I want to share my 'Reward' with anyone else? " Hans said as if stating a fact.
" Just tell me one more thing and then you can have your reward, how did you find out about the deal? " Asked the first guard as he looked at the other guard and they both nodded in some kind of mutual agreement.