The Framed Photo

"But you shouldn't be alone, right. Charles should be there with you and Grace," he said slyly. "Oh, they should be in school by this time," he added as an afterthought. 

"He didn't go to school today," Rose said.

"That means they're at home," Trent pressed further.

"They were, but left a few minutes ago," Rose played along, finally realizing the reason her nephew was asking all these questions. He was probably asking to find out if Grace was at home so he could come see her.

"Oh, where could they have gone? Charles doesn't like socializing," Trent rightly pointed out. 

Rose almost revealed that they had gone to Brandon Corporations but stopped herself right in time. "They left while I was taking a nap," she said. "I'm yet to call them to ask where they are," Rose lied.

She didn't want Trent to go over to Brandon  Corps and cause another ruckus like the one that happened in the house yesterday.