Don’t Sound So Righteous

As the tension hung thick in the air, the door opened again and Trent walked in.

Not long after, Mrs Woods also entered breathlessly.

"I asked him to wait outside Sir, but he wouldn't listen," Mrs Woods explained, looking as if she was about to face the firing squad.

"You may leave," Jace ordered impatiently and the woman disappeared like air. She could tell that a storm was brewing but she was glad to have been excused.

After Mrs Woods left, Trent took in the scene, his eyes narrowing as he saw Grace's distressed face and Jace's furious one which had nothing to do with his sudden appearance nor Mrs Woods' inability to stop him. 

"What's going on here?" he demanded, stepping between them and at the same time, pulling Grace behind him, hiding her completely from Jace's angry glare. "Why were you yelling at her like that, Jace?"

"And what business of yours is that as I don't remember fixing an appointment with you," Jace growled.