Chapter 3: Milking the energy out of me?

A couple of days after I was stalking the thug, whose name I found to be Ezekiel. I began to feel followed. I couldn't think of anyone who could have been doing this though. It was unsettling. I had run into "Zeke" as his friends called him at Trigger URL, a gun range & gun club. He always seemed to be at home there.

All the other guys liked him and looked up to him. Apparently, he was a good contractor. "This bastard, all those years ago, and he upgraded from being a local thug to being a professional contractor?! so he feels no remorse at all for the murder of my father? No guilt? He now kills people for a living? I'll deal with him" I thought.

I kept following his every move, and one day, I randomly got a text that read, "The watchers become the watched." But...How? I was so careful in my every step up until now. Whoever's doing this must be a pro. I found a cabin in the middle of nowhere and based my work regarding the case there. I figured at the station/HQ would be too suspicious.

Now, at this point, I had two tasks; get Ezekiel, my dad's murderer behind bars, and find whoever's sending me these threats! and most importantly, don't die while doing so.

I often listened in on these Psychopaths' conversations at the Trigger URL. They would tell stories of how they killed people and would get joy from it. It was sickening. So I swore I would take them all down.

Whoever was following me continued to play more mind games. He broke into my cabin and moved everything a couple of centimeters from where it originally was. It messed me up psychologically, I felt as if he was still in the cabin. Hence, I couldn't sleep. And every time I fell asleep, I would have a nightmare. It was the same dream all over again. I kept seeing a jug of milk, and as I got closer to it, it would turn into blood.

The mind games weren't stopping. One morning, I woke up to a dead lion on my doorstep. It had a letter attached to it which read "All Hail The King" I interpreted that as a warning. The lion is the King of the Jungle, and it's dead. My surname is King. It must be a death threat. I fell into a phase of depression because whatever plan I devised. He or She would be a step ahead. I began to doubt my capabilities. I stopped working on the case for a few weeks. During that time, I was off the grid.

But then something hit me. I knew people who had skills. People who were not police officers but had advanced skills in combat and operations like these. So that night, I called Diana, a former Central Intelligence Agent. She was fired from her post due to a conspiracy a few years ago, but she's a hell of an agent. But I also recruited one other person...he went by the name Disco. He was a hacker who technically didn't exist because he wasn't in any database in the world. Yes, he was that good. All I had to do was mention him in my call with Diana, and he got the signal. These are the only two people in the world apart from my mom that I could trust with this.