Chapter 4: Shhh...Copy.

So I had a team, he had an army. Does that sound familiar? Yeah, almost every action movie tells the same story. Cliché much?

Me, Diana, and Disco spent the past week carefully planning every move. We had plan A, Plan B, and Plan C. We weren't letting this man get away. So:

Disco was to find whoever was tailing me and threatening me.

Diana was on sniper duty. She was in charge of taking out everyone else at the Trigger URL but not kill them.

DJ...erm Me! I was going to walk in as a one man army and face Ezekiel, ask him about my dad's death, and hope he spills the beans and if we're lucky some rice as well.

See, it wasn't a bad plan at all. We just had to avoid mistakes.

The day arrived, and that morning, I felt different. I felt like a new man. I was about to do something great. So I called mom and told her I loved her. Then I got ready. We wanted to ambush them in the morning as they would not be expecting it.

Disco called me to tell me he was looking right at who was following me all along. And you wouldn't believe me if I told you! It was the damn chief. How could he? He must've found my search on the computers and known something was up. Not only that, but this meant that he was the one who helped the culprit before. Now, things were unfolding too quickly at the wrong time.

My heart was pounding so quickly as I got to the door of the Trigger URL. But I knew Diana had my back.

It felt like a movie. I walked in, and there were two men in the walkway, Diana took them out instantly. I went into the bar, and there were a group of men, and I watched as one by one they dropped to the floor at the flip of a dime. The bartender reached for his weapon too but Diana came through for me. It felt too easy. It almost felt like I was the one walking into an ambush.

And surely enough, I walked into Ezekiel's office. He had two men by his side, and they had Glocks pointed at me. I walked right at him and stared him in the eye, unafraid.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want?" he asked without even blinking.

"I'm Jason King, and I want justice. So tell your men to back off, surrender their weapons, and lie on the ground with their hands on their heads. This does not concern them." I said while keeping my eyes on the prize.

He laughed, looked at his men, and they laughed too. And then, as I gave the signal, Diana dropped both of them... hmmm at least they went down laughing.

Now, things became more intense. He stood up and yelled at me. I couldn't even make out what he was saying.

"King. Jason King Sr." I said slowly.

I saw him calm down. "He remembers. He knows why I'm here now." I thought to myself.

"No, it can't be. That's a ghost from the past. How is this even..." he said under his breath.

"I'm his son. Just...tell me why you did it. Why would you harm a man who was only trying to help? Why would you kill a man who had no weapon to protect himself? A man who had a kid that was only A DAY OLD?" I questioned, tears were at bay.

"I'm so... I'm sorry. I didn't...I thought...I didn't mean was a mistake. I only wanted to injure him and get away. I needed that diamond in the purse. I begged him to let me go. But he...he said, "It only takes a moment to be good." and i know I didn't do it then, but I spent the rest of my life since then trying to make up for it. I've been using my skills to kill bad guys. People who deserved it. I know it had to suck growing up without a father, but..." he explained.

I let out a chuckle.

"Are you trying to be funny? Did you just try to justify why you killed my dad? Put down the gun and fight me. You were able to fight an innocent man back then, right? Let's see how you fair against some one who actually has combat skills to your level. Come on!!" I challenged him.

My walkey-talkey was going crazy at this time. Disco wanted to tell me he took care of the Chief. And Diana wanted to know what was happening.

Zeke? He didn't want to fight me. But I told him if he didn't, I'd hurt his family. I wouldn't... but he didn't know that.

So he fought me. It only took a couple of minutes till his office looked like a bulldozer had demolished it. We were throwing each other around, and blood was everywhere. It was a horrifying scene.

This all came down to me sitting next to the photocopy machine and him flat on his back in the rubble. I noticed him begin to move...he was crawling towards his revolver. But I was too exhausted to do anything about it.

Then he stood himself up, took out all the bullets, and put back one bullet in the host. Then spinned it, looked at me, pointed the gun at me, and said, "Nice guys, always finish last. You could've killed me but you didn't. Now I get to kill you."

And of course, he shot, but nothing happened. He was torturing me. He thought he would do that until eventually a bullet came out, and he killed me. Like in the movies.

BUT...THIS IS NOT A MOVIE. I reached for my Glock, gave him a smirk, and shot him in both his shoulders. And I let out a sigh of relief as he dropped to the ground.

I radioed Diana and Disco and said, "We won." In dramatic movie sequence fashion.

I called the station for backup. And they picked up where I left off. Ezekiel was charged with Murder and a couple of other crimes and sentenced 25 to life at Hillsview Maximum Security Prison. Victoria was there to testify, and I also shared the evidence I had just to make sure there were no loopholes. Some of the men he worked with at the Trigger URL gun range & gun club were unlicensed contractors, hence were also sentenced at different prisons.

Back at home, mom was filled with relief and was happy I had gotten justice for my father. The look she gave me was proof that she was proud of me as her son and as a detective.

Diana and Disco went AWOL again. I didn't even get to thank them. But they knew I appreciated it.

The chief was also given a sentence at a local penitentiary. I assume he'll be coming for me once he gets out.

But until then, I'm going to live my life. The life I hadn't quite lived all my life because I thought my dad left me reason being that I wasn't good enough.

I'm Jason King Jr. Detective by profession. I was raised by a single mom, Jessica King. My dad, Jason King Sr. was murdered brutally the day I was born. Saturday, 24 October 1992, at approximately 14:15 pm. I was only a day old. He went to buy milk.