First Mission(Part-1)

Beggar Cultivation System, Chapter 2.

"Argh… my head–" Apollo muttered in pain. He felt lightheaded, and the back of his neck was aching. He opened his eyes and saw the ground moving. His body was bouncing, making him even dizzier.

An alley? Apollo thought, trying his best to understand his surroundings. The memories from earlier surfaced in his mind, and he finally realized he was being carried on someone else's shoulder.

He looked at the person's face. Underneath that hood, Apollo noticed… greed? He was very familiar with this look. He was over a hundred years old in his past life. From poor to the wealthiest man in the world, one could say he experienced it all.

This guy! A bad feeling surfaced, and his stomach churned. Something was coming up from his throat; he could even taste it now.

When he was about to throw up his dinner, his body was hurled into the air before he hit the wall.

The impact caused him to puke, food and blood intertwined.

Apollo coughed a few times. His back ached in pain, and he felt like his bones were broken. "You!"

"This place should be good enough," The hooded man said.

This alley was dark, making it hard for Apollo to distinguish the man's whole features.

Apollo took a deep breath to alleviate some of the pain. He didn't cry out, surprising the man.

"As expected of a Leone," The man praised.

"You… who are you?" Apollo asked after wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

There were only a few clues he could think about. The whole situation was still confusing to him. This man was probably part of the family or was hired by his father, though in the end betrayed them.

"Hehe kid, I'm just here for the money!" The man smirked maliciously.

"You!" Apollo couldn't help but be angry. Although he only met his father in this life for an evening, that man seemed to be a good person, and this guy was taking advantage of his father.

"Shh!" The man suddenly made a quiet gesture.

"They are done. I should get going. Nice meeting you, kid! Thank your father for the money! If he is still alive! Hahahaha!" The man disappeared like a ghost, and only his voice remained, echoing in the murky alley.

What the hell?

Only Apollo remained, and some rats walked in the corner of the building.

After a while,

"Initiation complete!"

A blue translucent screen suddenly appeared in front of him, surprising him.

Then another screen materialized. It was his whole body picture wearing the signature Leone's noble suit. Beside the picture was his name, age, and underneath was his background description.

Apollo Leone.

Age: 7 Years Old.


Apollo Leone is the child of Froi Leone and Gina Leone. After they had a heartfelt dinner, they were then attacked by an unknown man. His grandfather tried to protect the family to no avail. Froi, on the other hand, hired someone to bring his child to a secret place, but because the man only wanted some money, Apollo was left in an alley.

This… is like a prologue of a game, Apollo thought while leaning on the wall. The injury from the throw made it hard for him to move.

That hooded man was probably hired by someone else other than Froi. Apollo frowned. His father already hired the man, and all he had to do was bring him to the safe place. The job is done, and his reputation is not sullied. But if the man has been bribed by someone else to fail the mission, then it's a different story.

Apollo deduced this clue just from reading his background.

The translucent screen changed.

"What now?"

"Beggar Cultivation System has been activated. Welcome Host!"

"Who!" A mechanical voice entered his mind. He stood up abruptly and looked around the alley. But there's no one around.

"You have been chosen by Aster to be given a second chance. I will be helping you in your journey from now on. But this second chance is not easy. You will have to be a beggar if you want to live."

The voice ignored him and continued its dialogue.

Apollo immediately realized that the voice is inside his head. Having witnessed strange phenomenon after phenomenon, he is no longer surprised. That faceless woman… She said I will have to live as a beggar and now it's starting.

"Please say Status Screen," The voice instructed.

"Status Screen?" Confused, Apollo still muttered.

A screen materialized in front of him with his name on it.

"Name: Apollo Leone.

Race: Human.

Alm Points: 0.

Spirit Cultivation: None.

Physique Cultivation: None.

Attributes: None."

"This is your status screen where you can see the state of your body and your cultivation stage,"

"Cultivation?" Apollo tilted his head. "What is that?"

"Cultivation is the state of a human body. Once reached a certain stage, humans can destroy mountains and split rivers with only their bare hands."

The voice said. It's an explanation that the past Apollo wouldn't accept but he is now different. He put a hand under his chin and recalled what he just saw from the mansion. Two men are flying in the air. It's an amazing scene and he probably wouldn't be able to forget it for his whole life.

Apollo's eyes lit up as realization dawned on him. So cultivation is the reason why they can fly. In his previous life, only vehicles can fly, and even if humans can do it, they are still using equipment. But as long as one can cultivate, even without high tech equipment, flying is still achievable.

"This cultivation thing, can I do that?" Apollo asked with excitement.

"Yes, but in order for you to cultivate, you will have to first finish your mission."

"Mission?" Apollo muttered, and another screen appeared beside the status screen.

"Mission: Find your beggar spot.

Time Limit: 3 hours.

Punishment: Lightning Tribulation.

Rewards: 10 Alm points."

Beggar Cultivation System Chapter 2.

"What is this? A game?" Apollo was surprised. And this mission has punishment? Although he doesn't have any idea what this lightning tribulation is, he knew that the word lightning is dangerous!

"Good luck on your first mission! Oh and you may call me System! See you later!" The System said before it went silent.