First Mission(Part-2)

Apollo stood there, stunned. He forgot the pain from his body for a moment. Sh*t! I still haven't recovered from all this mess, and this System wants me to do some mission? I want to rest!

"But lightning tribulation… it sounds dangerous," Apollo frowned. "There's nothing much for me to gain by standing here, and if I want to be on top of this world—"

The word cultivation surfaced in his mind.

That, I have to cultivate! Wealth and power, Apollo began to imagine the future.

Shaking his head, he got rid of this thought and his original body's family and conflict.

He decided to focus on the mission at hand.

His desire to be on top made his small feet walk faster. But after a few steps, he stopped and looked at his clothes. Wearing this suit is like giving myself to the enemy. Someone wanted the Leones to die, and if they found out he was walking in the streets, Apollo wouldn't want to think about the consequences.

He looked around and found trash on the side with a dirty robe on top.

"This will do," Apollo said after putting it on. Then he made his way outside the alley.

Apollo peeked his head out from the corner to observe the streets. Even though it's dawn, there are still people on the street looking in the direction of the burning mansion.

Taking this chance, he went out.

His head kept moving from here and there. He is amazed by the houses and buildings around. They resemble the medieval houses he saw in the history book.

Stone-grey and Brown-grey are the most common colors this place is using.

While he's observing the place, he's also looking for a suitable beggar spot.

Staying this close to the Leone's mansion won't do him good, Apollo thought. He decided to just keep walking and walking.

After an hour, when the burning mansion is out of sight, he stood in front of a store.

"This is a good beggar spot!" Apollo muttered. If he is going to live as a beggar from now on, then it must be in a good spot where people could see him and give him some money, right? Also, this place is quite far from the original body's mansion.

"System? Did I finish my mission?" Apollo asked with expectation.

"No," The system voice entered his mind.

"Why?" Apollo couldn't help but frown.

"It will be too crowded. Easily noticeable by the authorities,"

"Ah… I see," Apollo finally realized. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen any beggars since he started walking on the streets. Where are they?

He started walking again. So I have to find a place with fewer people, and the authorities won't be able to find it or won't care.

An hour or so later, he saw a wall, standing at least a dozen meters in height. Compared to the buildings he saw earlier, in this place are rundown stores and houses.

There are only a few that he considered to be in good condition.

"Aha! System? What about this one?" Apollo asked, his breathing heavy. Walking for that long with these short legs is exhausting. He is standing in front of the corner of a restaurant. The spot doesn't stink, and people won't notice him much.

"Mission Complete!" The translucent screen appeared in front of him.

"Finally!" Apollo sighed in relief. He went towards the corner and sat down. His shaking legs finally had some rest.

"System, now that I've completed my first mission, can you continue with the tutorial?"

"You have received 10 Alm Points. You can use them to buy items in the store to become stronger."

He brought up his status screen and noticed that his Alm Points had become ten.

"Name: Apollo Leone.

Race: Human.

Alm Points: 10.

Spirit Cultivation: None.

Physique Cultivation: None.

Attributes: None."

Apollo nodded in excitement. "So how do I bring up the store?"

"Just say 'store' or think about it."

"I see," Apollo tried it, and another screen appeared in front of him.

He could see all kinds of unfamiliar items. He picked a flower with red flaming petals, and the flower enlarged with descriptions underneath.

"Blood Phoenix Alstro.

Once eaten, the Cultivator will undergo a tremendous change. Flames will rise, and feathers will fall. Evaporating the whole sea will be child's play.

Price: 100,000 Alm Points."

That many?! At first, he felt excited reading the description, but when he looked at the price, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"W-wait… Is there another way to get Alm Points?" Apollo asked, feeling foolish.

"To receive alms," the system replied.

"Hehe, I see," Apollo scratched his cheek.

He played with the store for a while.

Ice Dragon Meat.

Ten-tailed Serpent Heart.

Universe Fist Scroll.

He read their descriptions with shining eyes.

But all of them were too expensive! Fortunately, he found out that the food didn't cost a lot. 1 Alm point was enough to feed him for a day.

"There's also a mobile phone," Apollo muttered. He kept scrolling and came to a realization that this store had all the items he could think of. And as long as he had Alm Points, then he could buy anything!

Suddenly, a strong whistling sound reverberated in the air. He looked up and noticed a figure zooming past in the sky.

Then another figure followed.

And another.

And another.

He saw at least ten individuals flying through the air, chasing someone.

"That guy is the one who caused the destruction of Leone," Apollo thought. "But that Leone is not me. I'm different." He decided to forget about anything that was related to this body.

Or so he thought.

"If I want to fly, I have to get stronger. And to become stronger, I have to receive alms. That's the only way to reach the top of this world," Apollo thought with determination.

In his past life, he died even though he had everything. He doesn't want that to happen again. He didn't want to die; he wanted… to live forever. It's just his desire. Nothing grand, Apollo admitted it. Mediocre? He doesn't care, as long as he can fulfill his desire, then nothing matters more.

"System, is there anything here I can use to increase my current strength with only 10 Alm points?" Apollo asked.

"Yes. I will sort it for you."

The store selections changed.

"Simple Breathing Technique.

A breathing technique to enhance the body and mind.

Price: 8 Alm points."

Simple Breathing Technique? Even the explanation is simple. It's better than nothing.

Apollo bought it, and a scroll appeared in his hand.

"How do I use this?"

"Think about it," the system said.

Apollo thought that he wanted to use the scroll, and the scroll turned into particles of light before it entered his forehead.

Suddenly, new information entered his mind. The ways and techniques to inhale the qi flying in the air and then make it circulate his whole body—so this is the Simple Breathing Technique.

"Hmm, I should try it after sleeping. I'm too tired," Apollo yawned. He looked around and found nothing to use as bedding, so he just lay on the ground.

"I shouldn't get involved with Leone. It will ruin my plan to be on top," Apollo muttered.

Time to sleep!

He was about to close his eyes when suddenly…

"Issuing a mission…"

"Mission: Revenge for your family.

Part 1: Kill the hooded man who threw you in the alley.

Time Limit: One month.

Reward: 100 Alm Points.

Punishment: Lightning Tribulation."

"Oh f*ck."