

Aiden places his hand on Jenny's small back, leading her up the curved staircase. As they ascend, the sound of their footsteps echoes through the grand foyer. Aiden turns to her, his deep blue eyes locking onto hers.

"Let's go and talk some in private," he says, his voice low and urgent.

Jenny nods. They reach the top of the stairs, and Aiden leads her down a dimly lit hallway. The walls are adorned with antique paintings and sconces, casting a warm glow that illuminates their path.

"Ok," she replies softly, feeling a rush of anticipation as they settle in for their private conversation. She feels a wave of nervousness washing over her as they step into the empty stairway. "This is definitely quieter but do you actually know where we're going or..." Jenny trails off, her voice trembling. "Here looks pretty good." Aiden leans in to kiss her but she pulls away, her heart thudding in her chest. "So, you said you wanted to talk. Uhm, what do you want to talk about?" she asks, trying to keep her voice steady.

Aiden looks at Jenny, his eyes dark with desire. "How into you I am," he says, his voice husky. He starts kissing her again, but after a few moments, she pulls away once more. "Ok, I am sorry. If you don't want to do anything that's cool. Let's start over," he says, his tone apologetic.

Jenny nods, her eyes darting around the stairway nervously. "Yeah, uhm... do you wanna start over back at the party?" she suggests, trying to keep her distance from him. Aiden hesitates for a moment before asking, "Eh... have a glass of champagne, please?" Jenny nods again, feeling like her heart is about to burst out of her chest. "Maybe one."

While Aiden pours a glass of champagne, Jenny takes out her cell phone and starts texting Ben about how she is in danger. Her fingers shake as she types out the message, her eyes never leaving Aiden's figure. She can feel his eyes on her, and she knows that she needs to get out of there as soon as possible.



Ruby and Ben walk out of the club and Ben holds the door open for her. Ruby smiles and thanks him. "Thanks!" As they exit, Ben stares at Ruby with admiration, taking in her beauty. 

Ruby notices Ben's gaze and asks, "What?"

Ben hesitates before responding, "Sorry, nothing, nothing. I just, uhm... my sister was right: You're nice."

A smile forms on Ruby's face as she replies, "You asked me out on a date and you didn't think I was nice?"

Ben stumbles over his words, "No, uh... I just thought you were hot. And technically, you asked me out."

Ruby rolls her eyes playfully and retorts, "Oh, ok, ok, I see. So, uhm, sensible tortured soul boy is actually kind of superficial."

Ben chuckles, "Yeah, just a little bit."

As they continue to walk, Ben's cell phone rings and he takes a look at the new text message. His expression changes as he reads the message from his sister Jenny, a sense of urgency taking over him.

[Jenny (Mobile), 9:15:05 PM, HELP. EMERGENCY. NEED YOU, J.]

"Sorry" Ben apologized.

[Jenny (Mobile), 9:15:44 PM, 911, 4 REAL PLEASE. U KNOW Aiden?]

Ruby notices the change in Ben's demeanor and asks, "Got a better offer?"

Ben shakes his head and replies, "No, it's my sister. She's at that 'Kiss On The Lips' party, you know. She's having some problems with that guy Aiden. I'm sorry, I have to go."

Without hesitation, Ruby insists, "I'll go with you."

Ben protests, "No, really, that's ok."

Ruby's eyes are filled with concern as she responds, "No, no, listen, if it's Aiden it's not ok."



As Ben and Ruby enter the 'Kiss on the Lips' party, the music is pumping and the room is filled with a lively atmosphere. Ben goes off to do a lap, "I'm gonna do a lap, ok? Look for her." leaving Ruby by herself. "Yeah, ok" The party is well decorated with balloons, colorful lights, and a big 'Kiss on the Lips' banner hanging on the wall. 

However, the party's mood changed after the guests noticed Ruby and started to gossip about Ruby's arrival. They were amazed and surprised that she had come to the party without an invitation. The guests whispered among themselves, commenting on her drunken state and how brave she was to come to the party. Some of them whisper, ".. Ruby... it's Ruby... oh my gosh... is she really here?... is that really her?... Lucy said she wasn't invited... she is wasted... she is so brave..."

Isabel and Katy both receive text messages, and they are surprised to hear that Ruby is at the party. "Ruby's here?" Meanwhile, Lucy expressed her anger and confusion. "What is she doing here? She wasn't even invited!"

Lucy notices Ruby and begins to make her way through the crowd towards her. However, Noah stops her and asks, "Lucy, come on, are you really gonna kick her out?" He pleaded with her not to cause a scene and asked if she was going to kick her out. Lucy is clearly angry and frustrated and demands to know if Noah invited Ruby. "Did you invite her?" Noah denies the accusation and says, "What? No! God! I told you."

"Do not talk to her." Lucy is visibly upset and warns Noah not to talk to Ruby.

"I was going for a walk."

Noah passes by Ruby without looking at her, and Ruby turns around and stares at Lucy with a mixture of hurt and confusion.

Despite the excitement and anticipation of the party guests, Ruby's presence had ruined the vibe. Everyone looked great and excited, but the atmosphere had changed, and all eyes were now on Ruby and the drama that had unfolded.



Aiden was inching closer and closer, his hand resting on her thigh. Jenny's heart started to race, she knew what was coming and she wasn't ready for it.

Before she could say anything, Aiden leaned in to kiss her. Jenny's heart sank as she pulled away, her hands trembling. "No," she said softly, but Aiden didn't listen. He put his finger to her lips and shushed her, telling her to be quiet. "Quiet."

Jenny's mind was racing, she couldn't believe what was happening. She told him to stop, "Stop!" but he didn't listen. Aiden was bigger and stronger than her, she couldn't defend herself against him. She tried to push him away, but he was too forceful.

Jenny's heart was pounding in her chest as Aiden continued to try and kiss her. She could feel his grip tightening on her wrists, causing her pain. Tears started to stream down her face as she begged him to stop, but he didn't seem to care.

In that moment, Jenny felt helpless. Her mind was clouded with fear and confusion, she couldn't think straight. She wanted to scream for help, but her voice was caught in her throat.



Ruby searches the crowded room, her eyes scanning every corner, every face. She spots Ben standing near the bar and hurries over to him.

"Hey, no luck?" she asks, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Ben shakes his head. "No, I haven't seen her anywhere," he replies, his face creased with worry.

Ruby takes a deep breath and looks around the room again. "Come on," she says, taking his hand. "Let's try upstairs."

As they climb the stairs, Ben's steps sound heavy and hesitant. "There isn't going to be anybody up here. This is pointless," he mutters.

But Ruby's determination doesn't falter. She scans the room and her eyes land on a bright pink scarf lying crumpled on the floor. 

"Ben!" she yells, her voice filled with urgency.

Ben looks up, his eyes following Ruby's gaze to the scarf. "What?" he asks, confused.

Ruby points at the scarf. "That's Aiden's scarf," she says, her voice barely a whisper.

Ben's face turns pale as he realizes the implications of Ruby's discovery. "Oh god!" he exclaims, his voice hoarse with fear.



Aiden had been trying to kiss Jenny for the past few minutes, but she kept pushing him away, her hands on his chest. He was persistent, his eyes filled with desire as he leaned in closer. But just as their lips were about to touch, a figure came running towards them.

"Get off. Stop!" Jenny exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration.

"Hey, Jenny!" Ben shouted, his eyes blazing with anger. Jenny's face lit up with relief as she saw her brother coming to her rescue.

"Aiden! Get off of her!" Ruby commanded,

Ben grabbed Aiden's arm and pulling him away from Jenny. Aiden stumbled back, surprised by Ben's sudden appearance. He tried to act tough, pushing Ben away with force.

"What the hell is your problem?" Aiden yelled, his face turning red with anger and being calm at same time. "It's a party. Things happen. Who are you anyway?"

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Ben retorted, his voice filled with anger. "I'm in your class. My name is Ben Madden... and that is my little sister."

With a deep growl, Aiden lunged towards Ben, but before he could lay a hand on him, Ben's fist connected with his face. The impact was so strong that Aiden's nose immediately started bleeding. His hand flew to his face, trying to stop the blood from dripping down his shirt.

At the same time, Ben's hand throbbed with pain. He had never hit anyone before, but seeing Aiden disrespect his sister had triggered a protective rage within him. He glared at Aiden, daring him to retaliate.

But Aiden was too shocked to react. He couldn't believe that someone had dared to stand up to him.

"Let's go. Come on," a voice said, breaking the tension. Ruby

"Aiden! Don't you ever touch her again!" Ruby scolded him, her eyes blazing with anger. Aiden's face contorted with rage as he heard her words.

"Hey, your life is over, slut!" Aiden shouted, his voice dripping with venom. "Don't forget: I know everything!"



As Lucy watches Ruby, Ben, and Jenny leaving, she notices that Ben seems worried about Jenny's well-being. "You sure you're okay?" he asks her, concern etched on his face. Jenny, looking a little shaken up, assures him that she will be fine. "Yeah, I will be. Just take me home, okay?" she says.

Once outside, Ben and Ruby discuss the evening's events. "So, think I've got a shot at a second date?" Ben asks, hoping he didn't mess things up. Ruby, still basking in the glow of the 'Kiss on the Lips' party, replies, "Well, I don't think we can top this one." Ben chuckles, then adds, "I did punch someone." Ruby nods, acknowledging the incident. "True. We'll talk about it in the cab."

As they get into the cab, Noah watches them leave, while Lucy and Aiden stand outside too. "Ruby better not show her face again," Lucy says, frustrated. Aiden, on the other hand, expresses a different opinion. "I'm actually hoping she will."



Ben hugs Jenny, making sure she's okay. He looks at Ruby and sees her smiling at him. He turns to her and sees that she is looking out of the side window, lost in thought.

Ruby... making an heroic exit from L's party. Too bad for her there's school on Monday. So, until next time. You know you love me...