
And now that R is back... will the Upper East Side ever be the same? We're all just dying to see what happens next.


the sound of clinking ice cubes fills the air as they are tossed into a large bucket. The sharp scent of lemons and the crisp aroma of cucumbers waft around the room as they are expertly sliced by busy chefs. The sizzle of eggs being scrambled on a hot stove adds to the lively atmosphere. The kitchen is a hub of activity, with each chef carefully preparing their ingredients with precision and care.

Is there really anything better than a lazy Sunday? Reading the paper in bed, sipping coffee, scrambling an egg or two. Yeah, right. We Upper East Siders don't do lazy: Breakfast is brunch and it comes with champagne, a dress code and a hundred of our closest friends... and enemies.

The room is being prepared for a special occasion as tables are being adorned with elegant decorations. The sweet fragrance of fresh flowers fills the air as they are meticulously arranged into beautiful centerpieces. Meanwhile, plump strawberries are being delicately dipped into smooth, melted chocolate, adding the perfect finishing touch to the festivities.

Aiden's dad Henry Woodbury is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation. Everyone is invited. Well, not everyone.



Ben opens the garage door that separates his room from his sister's. Jenny is sitting on her bed, looking down at her hands.

"Oh, hey, you're up," says Ben, trying to hide the concern in his voice.

"And you're checking up on me. I'm ok, really, I'm ok," says Jenny, looking up at him with a forced smile.

Ben can see that she's not really okay. She looks tired, and her eyes are red from crying. He knows that she won't forget what happened with Aiden Woodbury anytime soon.

"You know, I was ok when you asked me at the party and in the cab, when we got home, before and after I brushed my teeth. Well, I just feel really... stupid. I mean, how could I've actually thought that Aiden Woodbury just wanted to talk to me?" says Jenny, her voice cracking a little.

"Because you trust people, which is normally a good thing," says Ben, trying to comfort her.

"Yeah, except when it involves Aiden," says Jenny, her voice bitter.

Ben nods in agreement. "Yeah, pretty much." Aiden had always been trouble, and Ben had warned Jenny about him before.

"So, the real question is: How are you?" Jenny asks, trying to change the subject.

"Me? Why wouldn't I be ok?" says Ben, frowning a little.

"You know, at the end of the night with Ruby and the... the..." Jenny makes a waving gesture, not wanting to say the word.

Ben's face falls. He had been trying to forget that moment, but he knows that he won't be able to. He had let his guard down, and Ruby had taken advantage of him.

"Was it really that bad?" asks Ben, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jenny looks at him sympathetically.



Jenny, Ben, and Ruby are sitting in the cab. Ruby is getting out, but then she stops. Ruby looks at both of them and says, "This is me. So, good night." She seems a little hesitant, as if she wants to say something more.

Ben replies, "Yeah, uhm, yeah, good night," but he sounds a bit distracted.

Ruby gets out of the cab, and Jenny turns to Ben and says, "Go! Walk her to the door! Something! Go!" Ben nods, but as he tries to get out of the cab, the doors slam into his head. He winces and holds his head, clearly in pain.

The cab starts to drive off, and Jenny quickly says, "Whoa, stop, stop, sir, stop, stop!" Ben looks a bit dazed and says, "I think I have brain damage." His speech is slurred, and he seems disoriented. 

Jenny replies, "You know, Ben, if you had brain damage you wouldn't even know you had brain damage." She sounds a bit exasperated, as if she's dealt with this before.

Ben insists, "No, let's go, please. Williamsburg." Jenny firmly says, "No!" and looks out the window.

Despite his injury, Ben waves at Ruby with a goofy smile on his face as the cab drives off, hoping to leave a good impression on her. 


Ruby looks inside through the side window, watching as Ben waves at her, and the cab drives off. She looks puzzled and slightly confused, unsure of what just happened and waves slightly.



Elijah is sitting on a chair, staring intently at his hand, lost in thought.

E looks up at Ruby and says, "So he waved? I wouldn't have taken him for a waiver."

R responds with a smile, "No, he was just trying to be funny."

E's eyebrows furrow in confusion and he responds, "Or maybe he is shy."

R shrugs her shoulders and says, "Or he hates me."

Elijah looks at her reassuringly and says, "No guy in the history of the world has ever hated you."

As Elijah speaks, his tone is gentle and comforting, trying to alleviate Ruby's concerns. Ruby looks at Elijah with a mix of gratitude and uncertainty, as if she is not entirely convinced by his words.



The shelves are filled with books, trinkets, and photo frames that capture precious moments with her family and friends.

In the corner of the room, there is a cozy reading nook with a plush bean bag and a stack of books, where Jenny spends countless hours lost in different worlds and adventures. Above it hangs a dreamcatcher, a gift from her grandmother, which she believes brings her good dreams and wards off any bad ones.

But the most special part of Jenny's room is her bed. It is a canopy bed, draped in soft pink curtains and fairy lights, giving it a magical feel. On the bedside table, there is a jar filled with handwritten notes from her friends and family, reminding her of the love and support she has.

As you look around the room, you can't help but notice the small details that make it truly unique. A collection of seashells from a family trip to the beach, a handmade dream catcher from her best friend, and a vintage record player that belonged to her father.

Ben, clearly distressed, and starts pacing back and forth.

"She probably thinks I hate her now. I waited my entire adolescent life for a date with this girl. You know, Ruby Hart! And I decided to close the evening with a wave," Ben exclaims, his frustration evident.

Jenny, who is lying on her bed flipping through a magazine, calmly responds, "It was a nice wave."

"At the end of a date? Come on, there's no such thing. And you only get one shot with a girl like Ruby. I got mine and I blew it," Ben laments.

"Which means you've got nothing to lose," Jenny retorts.

"Nothing except my last shred of dignity," Ben says, clearly defeated.

"Oh no, I think that's gone," Jenny teases.

Realizing that his sister may have a point, Ben's face lights up with determination. "You're right. You know, I'll just... I'll go talk to her. I'm gonna apologize for the wave, I'm gonna tell her how much I like her and I'm gonna ask for a second shot... and I'm gonna get a second shot."

"Yeah you are!" Jenny cheers, always being his biggest supporter.

Ben walks out of the room, determined to win back Ruby's heart. But before he can even reach the door, Jenny calls out, "Wait, wait, wait! I love the plan but uhm... you need a better outfit... and maybe a shower."

Ben heads into his room, a smile on his face, as he knows he can always count on his sister's honesty and support. As he closes the door, the sounds of his guitar strumming and Jenny's soft humming fill the house, a reminder of the strong bond between the two siblings.

Jenny's room in the Madden household is more than just a room, it is a reflection of the love, warmth, and support that the family shares. A place where dreams are dreamed, passions are pursued, and memories are made. And for Ben, it is the perfect place to gather his thoughts and plan his next move in the pursuit of love.



Ruby is pacing back and forth, her arms crossed and her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She seems lost in thought, her lips moving as if she's rehearsing something. Suddenly, she stops and speaks out loud to herself.

"Whatever, it is probably for the best. The last thing I need in my life is another guy. He was just so smart, though, and funny..."

Elijah, who's been sitting on the bed reading a book, looks up at her and raises an eyebrow.

"It sounds like you like him," he says, his tone curious.

Ruby bites her lip, her eyes flickering with uncertainty.

"... and really nice. God, Lucy was so plain to me last night. I don't even know why. Whatever, I'm sure if we talk about it we can work it out. Hey, maybe I should go over there."



Lucy reads a note clipped to a dress that says, "Went to Paris. Brunch at 2. Wear pearls! Eleanor Evans, New York." She mutters to herself, "Ruby had better just stay away. Thank you, Doretha!"

Isabel and Katy, who are sitting nearby, both express gratitude to Lucy's comment. Katy adds, "We were sleeping on flares last night."

Lucy's anger towards Ruby is palpable as she exclaims, "I don't want to see Ruby at school, and she better not show up at brunch today."

Katy remarks, "You're really mad at Ruby," to which Isabel adds, "I hope you never get that mad at us."

Lucy responds, "Well, you would never do what Ruby did," as Isabel looks puzzled at Katy, who shrugs her shoulders.

Katy: "No, never."

Isabel: "'Course not."

Lucy then worries about her boyfriend, Noah, and whether he remembers the brunch plans. She says, "I wonder if Noah remembered brunch. It would be so wrong of me to show up without my boyfriend whom I love... and who loves me." She promptly calls Noah.



Noah's cell phone vibrates on a table covered with cards and poker chips, disturbing the peaceful silence of the hotel room. Noah wakes up with a startle, rubbing his eyes before answering the phone with a groggy "Hello?"

Lucy's voice sounds energetic on the other end of the line, "Hi sweety. Did I wake you?" 

"No, I'm up," Noah replies, still trying to shake off the sleep.

"Well, get some strong coffee and jump in the shower, sleepyhead. Aiden's dad's brunch for his foundation is today at The Palace," Lucy says, her tone filled with excitement.

Noah's face falls at the mention of the event, "Ah, great, of course."

He hangs up the phone and throws it onto the table, the noise jolting Aiden awake. He groggily sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes as he tries to make sense of the commotion. As his vision clears, he realizes that he is not alone in bed. Two women, who look just as startled as he does, are lying next to him. They quickly cover themselves with the sheets, while Aiden tries to regain his composure.

"Noah! Keep it down! Some of us are trying to regain our strength," Aiden grumbled, trying to get Noah's attention.

"Your dad's brunch is today," Noah replied, his voice filled with urgency.

Aiden's eyes widened in shock as he glanced at the clock. It was already 10 o'clock, an hour later than he had planned to wake up.

"The alarm's set for nine," Aiden protested.

"It's ten," Noah insisted, his voice tinged with annoyance.

Aiden let out a deep sigh and ran his hands through his messy hair. He was about to get out of bed when he noticed something in the mirror across the room. He had a black eye.

"Ladies, double time!" Aiden exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Oh, unless... Noah?"

Aiden pointed behind him at the two women lying in bed with him. They quickly covered themselves with the sheets, looking just as startled as Aiden.

"I'm good," Noah replied, shaking his head.

Aiden turned to the two women, who were dressed in maid uniforms. "Actually, could you two bring some coffee when you get a chance? And some water, lots of water."

The maids nodded and scurried out of the room, while Aiden turned to face Noah.

"You want ice with that?" one of the maids asked, pointing at Aiden's black eye. "Looks like you could use some."

"That's enough, ladies," Aiden said, trying to hide his embarrassment. "And I'll make sure to tell my father just how committed you are to the hospitality industry."

Noah couldn't help but chuckle at Aiden's discomfort. "That kid popped you pretty good, huh? Never mess with a guy's sister."

"If I knew his name, I'd hunt him down and kill him," Aiden growled, feeling the anger building up inside of him.

"What, 'cause you kill people now?" Noah teased. "Are you gonna strangle him with your scarf?"

Noah grabbed Aiden's scarf and threw it into his face, causing Aiden to swat at it.

"Don't mock the scarf, Noah. It's my signature," Aiden retorted, trying to defend his fashion choices.

"Just saying, death by scarf: Not that intimidating," Noah replied with a smirk.

"He sucker-punched me, I told you," Aiden said, rolling his eyes. "Besides, better a broken nose than a broken heart."

Nathaniel, one of the maids, walked into the room with a blender in his hands. "What? I didn't even talk to Ruby last night."

"Who said anything about Ruby?" Aiden asked, confused.

Noah shrugged his shoulders as Aiden began to prepare a hangover remedy in the blender.

Aiden sipped his drink



Ben walks into Jenny's room, his clothes changed. He seems a bit nervous as he asks, "Do I look okay?" Jenny looks up and gives him a smile, "Definitely second-shot material," she says with a reassuring tone. Ben nods, visibly relieved, "Alright then, I'm gonna go." 

He takes a step towards the door, then hesitates and turns back to face her. "Oh, uhm, and about what happened, you know, with Aiden... if you want to talk to someone... not your brother, just let me know." Jenny nods, a hint of sadness in her eyes, "Ok. Yeah, alright." 

Jenny suddenly remembers something, "Hey, wait! Actually, there is someone I want to talk to." She quickly grabs her purse and starts to make her way towards the door. Just then, Huck enters the room. 

"Hey!" Ben greets him, but Huck seems more interested in what his kids are up to. "Hey, where are you guys going? I was going to make waffles." Ben apologizes, "Uh, sorry dad." 

Jenny chimes in, "Yeah, can't." Huck looks disappointed but doesn't press the issue. "But I want to know everything about your date," he says to Ben. 

"Later," Ben replies with a grin. Huck then turns his attention to Jenny, "And your party?" 

"When I get back" Jenny suggests, already heading towards the door. "You guys missed a really great show! And I make really good waffles!" Huck calls out after them as they leave the room. 

Ben looks confident and stylish in his new clothes, ready to impress at his second shot. Jenny seems a bit down but appreciates Ben's offer to talk. Huck is his usual cheerful self, eager to know everything about his kids' lives.



Noah paced around Aiden's room, his eyes fixed on his phone as he waited for the concierge to answer. His fingers were trembling with anticipation as he heard the voice on the other end.

"The Palace Hotel," the concierge answered.

Noah took a deep breath before he spoke. "Hi, this is Noah Whitlock, calling from the Woodbury suite. I know you don't normally give out this information but could you tell me what room the Harts are in, please?"



Ruby walks down the busy street in New York. She looks worried and stressed, her pace quickens as she takes out her phone to leave a message for Lucy. She dials Lucy's number and waits for her to pick up, but she doesn't. 

"Hey, Lucy, it's me," Ruby says, her voice tense. "Eh, I guess you're still sleeping but I'm gonna come over. I think we need to talk. Ok, ehm, see you soon. Bye."



Meanwhile, Lucy lies in bed, still asleep. Her phone starts ringing and she wakes up with a start. She checks her missed calls and sees that it's Ruby. Lucy looks annoyed and deletes the message without listening to it.



Each table is adorned with a beautiful arrangement of flowers and delicate ornaments, creating an atmosphere of elegance and refinement. The soft glow of the chandeliers overhead casts a warm and inviting light throughout the room.

Looks like the tables are all set. As soon as the guests arrive we can start dishing.