(Author's note)- hey there I'm the *Abyss-gazer* . This is my first work and I would like to apologize in advance for any spelling mistake I make as english isn't my first language so please bare with me. I may use some abilities from different anime and manhwas. This novel is created for me to relax my nerves and take a break from my hectic schedule. If you read all of this I sincerely thank you, so without any distraction let's begin!


"Hey there, I am gray." Said a boy who looked like a college student with above average looks, glowing red eyes, black unkempt hair, a fair complexion with a lean physique wearing a black suit sat in a pitch black room complementing his looks.


The boy, now known as gray started to speak again "this place isn't actually a place, heh sounds wierd right? Well to explain where *this* is we need to go back in time to where it all begin" as he said that, the black room shifted into a forest "this is the place where everything begin, the place which caused the downfall of humanity" said the boy with a sad smile.

In February 2025, A meteor fell in one of Brazil's rainforest killing everything in a 2km radius due to the radiation it spread, except 1 thing. A fungus survived the radiation, it was called "Ophiocordyceps unilateralis" or also known as "the zombie fungus".

It didn't only just survived in the radiation, it thrived in it evolving into a sentient lifeform that only had a single goal. to spread itself, and spread it did, in less than 2 weeks it spread itself throughout the whole forest infecting everything that was once living.

after getting infected all of subject's bodily functions slowly stop working, organs start failing until the brain shuts down ending the life of the subject. Then what rises is the desire to spread itself and a endless hunger for flesh creating what people call an undead.

In the span of next 2 years 70% of the humanity had either died or been turned into undead flesh craving monsters, these things don't feel any pain or fatigue, due to most of the brain being dead the limiters the body placed on itself were now disabled causing these things to be faster and stronger than most of the athletes, but the biggest problem had yet to arrive.

In June 2029, the first mutant was seen, a undead who was able to tank bullets and tank shells with its bare skin appeared, they were getting stronger.

After this siting many more mutants begin to show, some were able to run at impossiblespeeds, some were able to smash buildings and some could even manipulate the elements of nature.

When it seemed like it was over, they showed up. People with powers to fend of the mutants. these people were called "evolved ones".

"Now 50 years later" the boy said "that was the story of how the world got fucked up and how humanity made its comeback" the boy smiled brightly but it slowly fell "now I will tell you how I changed from looking like this " as soon as the boy said that his body started to change his black hair turned silverish white, his skin turned ghostly pale as the glow in his eyes intensified "into this".

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"I am gray talen and I am a undead who opposes it's creator." Said the now transformed boy. "Oh, did I mention that this is just the beginning of the chaos. This is the story of how I became a god".


Author's note - sooo, how was the chapter. This is the the prologue of how the things came to be and how the undeads were created. I'll try to upload the next chapter as soon as possible. Thank you all for reading till the end.