the humanity wasn't able to salvage the whole planet due to the land getting currupted by the virus.

So they setup their bases in uncontaminated lands and build great walls to Stop the undeads from entering.

Some might think "what can a wall do when a undead could destroy buildings with a single punch?".

That would have been the case if humans didn't find*astronium*. A metal that was created due to the energy of the meteor seeping into the core and indirectly in the whole planet.

Astronium is a metal that could take a atomic bomb and still come out without a scratch. The only way to synthesize this metal is with the help of a person who gained the ability to synthesize it.

Now that abilities are mentioned why not talk a little about them. The abilities have been divided into 3 categories:-

1) emitters- they gain the ability to channel energy through their body to activate their ability like body strengthening, shooting energy projectiles, healing etc.

2) evolved:- A part of their body or their whole body mutates to give them special abilities for example - a mutant with animal like feature can use the abilities of said animal or a

Evolved who's body changes to generate a special type of energy causing them to be use special abilities similar to emitters. These are classified as *ubermensch* the final and 3rd category.

Well we have talked too much about the world so now let's get to where our hero is.

Inside of a humongous dome of energy and surrounded by walls was the base no. 12 or also known as "Heaven". In which millions of people resided, their life which turned upside down has became stable again, truly the most terrifying ability humans have is their adaptability to their environment, all they need is a semblance of stability and the humans will be able to adapt to it.

Back to the topic at hand, we see a modest house, it wasn't too fancy yet not something anyone could afford even before the apocalypse.

POV change: inside a spacious room, a boy with black hair and jade white skin who looked no older than 17 slept peacefully on a twin bed.But not for long as suddenly the alarm clock placed on the night stand next to the bed started blaring. As the boy slowly opened his eyes revealing crimson ruby-red pupils which did nothing to diminish his other-worldly charm. Slowly getting to seated position and turning off the alarm, he remained seated for a few minutes to get his body functions active. He got up from his bed, tidied up his bed and then walked towards the right side of the room to open a door which turned out to be a bathroom, after that he did his daily chores and came out after 30 minutes. he wore a black skin-tight t-shirt which left enough for the imagination to do its work, black pants which showed his leg muscles and a sleeveless white jacket with a hood. Now standing straight the boy was atleast 6 foot with a

"6:30 huh." first thing the Boy said after waking up. As opens a different door leading to a corridor with three other doors on both sides and a double door leading out of the corridor. He walks towards the one next to his own door and knocks at it. "Harper, are you still sleeping?" After waiting for a few minutes with no response from the inside the boy heaves out a sigh and then *BANG* with a strong shove the door flew open as the boy walked in and shouted "WAKE UP YOU GODDAMNED SLOTH WE HAVE CLASSES TO ATTEND!!!" At the sudden intrusion the boy named harper fell off from his bed and crashed head first on the floor in a comical manner. "GAAAHH!!" the boy shouted in pain as he held his head with tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. Now having agoodlookat him, he looked the same age as black haired boy with messy golden hair and a healthy skin tone, a different charm of cuteness radiated from him. "GRAY WHAT THE FU-!!!" before he can finish his words he was suddenly smacked on his head causing more agony to the poor boy. "No cursing, unless you want to spend a few weeks at the infirmary." The black haired boy now named Gray said in a flat tone causing the blonde's face to turn ghostly pale. "D-do you t-think *she* heard me?" Harper said in shaking voice. "I don't think so, now get ready and be at the table before seven." Gray said in tone that left no space for argument. "Yeah sure I'll be there." Harper said after heaving out a tired sigh.

Gray left Harper alone to do his thing and continued to walk through the corridor, he didn't bother to knock on the other two doors as his keen hearing picked up on sounds of rummaging and shuffling of footsteps from the other side of the door. With a small smile on his face, he walked through the door leading out of the corridor and walked into a spacious living room with the kitchen connected to It.

As he walked in, he saw a beautiful woman with blonde hair and sapphire eye cooking while A man who looked like gray sat at the dining table sipping coffee while reading news on a hologram.

As gray walked in the woman looked at him and smiled as she walked towards him and gave him a hug "good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" She asked gray as a small smile crept on his face as he answered "yes I did, mother." She smiled, gave him a peck on ghe cheek as she ruffled his hair and went back to cooking. Gray glanced at the man and greeted him "good morning father". The man now known as Gray's father looked at him and nodded. These are reena and Edward telan, parents of gray, Harper and 2 twin girls named cassie and maria.

At the mentioned the 2 names, the door behind gray opened as 2 girls at least 2 years older than gray walked in. They were identical to each other, a gorgeous face with eyes and hair similar to Edward and gray. They were wearing black skin-tight light-armor plated combat gear with a trench coat on which *protection force" was engraved on the back while a badge with 3 stars was attached to left shoulder.

"Good morning sisters, you woke up earlier than usual" he greeted them which they reciprocated. "We don't want to have you breaking our doors like you did with Harper" they replied in unison. "What is this about breaking doors" reena asked with a gentle smile. "Nothing. Just Harper being harper." Gray said as he sat down on the dining table with the twins taking their seats across him. Few moments later Harper arrived and sat next to him.

They had their breakfast in peaceful silence.after breakfast Edward dawned his trench coat similar to sisters, the only difference being that he had 7 stars instead of 3 like the twins. After that they left for the headquarters which was the base of operation and control for heaven.

"We will be taking our leave now, take care mother." Gray said as he and Harper also left for the "academy".

POV shift:

After taking the tram gray and Harper arrived at the front gate of a giant facility known as the academy where the awakens and non awakens were taught upon how to survive and combat the undead outside the dome.

"So, we've arrived huh." Harper said. Gray just nodded, his mask of stoicism not slipping even for a moment.

"This is where the fun begins" Gray said with a grin creeping up on his face.