Chapter 79 A peaceful day.

"It's such a shame Soma couldn't come with us, right Hina".

"Um, wait, Mom. Why did you ask me that?".

"Well, it's because you always have that long-distance gaze, feeling lost in his absence".

"..Eh? Did I do that?".

"Yeah, you did".


The two mother and daughter spend their waiting time exchanging family banter as usual. They are currently inside a bustling family restaurant near the hotel as the time comes for them to eat their lunch.

The inside of the restaurant was buzzing with activities. The mellow sunlight streamed through the window glass basked the interior with its warmth, illuminating the modern interior adorned with its modern artwork and sleek furnishing.

The interior of the restaurant was filled with the laughter of a family who is spending their time together or a friend who is conversing with each other, livening up the atmosphere.