Chapter 80 Hero Academy.

One night passed as Soma and Hina now stood in front of a towering wall that stood tall around ten meters height, creating a massive hexagon wall that was built on top of the vast mainland in the Ark.

They stood on a straight, wide road connected to the enormous gate of the prestigious Hero Academy. The place to nurtured a talented seed that came from across the land, gathered around and filtered through the education system they had.

The Hero Academy was like a fortress itself, with its towering wall, which was built using an enhanced material that could withstand a Rank-S monster attack, and vast land that could accommodate a city. Soma couldn't close his slackened jaw, for it was the first time he had seen that massive school in his life.

"Hina, Soma, do your best".

"Dad, Mom, I will. Let's go, Soma".

"I will do my best".