Chapter 265 Contract.

Soma moved aside the unconscious men to the side so as not to block the way. The other groups began to arrive, and Serafina, who had seen the event, knit her brows in shock.

Violet rushed ahead and began to gather her own information.

"They are just unconscious".

Soma calmly assessed the situation.

"It seemed so".

Violet begins to help Soma move the unconscious man to the side.

"What happened?".

Serafina suddenly switched her mood and dropped her tone to the coldest Soma had ever heard. It is not surprising that the subordinate who protected her mother's place had just been laid out.

Soma approached her side and told the other about what was on his mind. The group mood instantly turned solemn, and Serafina, who was on her edge, almost snapped and rushed inside, ensuring her mother was fine.