Chapter 266 Help.

A translucent window appeared in front of their eyes; suddenly, their body turned sluggish in a moment, and a faint white aura leaked out from their body before they got sucked into the contract that was still hovering in between them.

However, the effect was not too fatal, unlike the first one; this must be because his constitution was stronger compared back then. The magic circle just disappears and leaves an eerie feeling for those who see it.

The woman who was also in the same situation gradually regained her strength. She stood up from her place and demanded the item while extending her hand.

"Give me the items!".

The girl behind Soma began to reluctantly take out their item and hold it in their hands. Serafina also looked toward the two of them, who proceeded the talk without her consent, gritting her teeth, taking out the necklace from her neck, then extending her hand, followed by the other two.