Ch -4

After waiting for around 4 hour , our class come to an end. I am so tired.

" So Ayro this is the last class of today after that I can go and play my only game in the big screen of my computer with Vr it's going to be fun are you sure you don't want to come. " Mike asked while looking at me we have 15 minutes before the class will start.

" Yes , I am sure not going to your home. " I said and looked at Lily, just as I turned my face to look at Lily she also looked at me.

" Hi Lily. Nice to meet you." I said while continue looking at her. Just as I said it to her Mike looked at me.

" What are you doing ? " Mike asked in low voice.

" Ah.. Hi ..!! , by the way, what's your name? " Lily said while looking at my direction.

'Anhhh what are you doing Ayro why are you talking to her. '

" Oh my name is Ayro. Lily. I just want you to know that you are looking absolutely beautiful with your new earing and I really like it. " I said while looking at her.

' Oh..Wow..! ..He noticed my earing but this idiot didn't notice it. ' Lily thought to herself as she looked at Mike before answering me.

" Oh ..! Thank you Ayro. By the way, your name is kinda cute. I also like your name." Lily said with a smile.

" Thank you.. For the complement but I am not the one who think that , it's my friend he thinks you are beautiful. " I said and pointed at Mike.

' What why are you framing me now. ' Mike thought as a bead of sweat appear on his forehead. As he let out a weird smile.

" Now is your chance say it Mike, " I said in low voice.. As I looked at him.

" Anhh ..! Yes , you are looking so beautiful with your new earing, Lily. " Mike said with a weird smile.

' what are you make me saying it while in front of the whole class. ' Mike thought looked at Lily.

" Oh thanks. " Lily didn't talk to Mike too much and turned her head towards me.

' What did he mean, his friend said I am beautiful , did he mean I am not pretty enough in his eyes. ' She thought .

Just as Mike said it to Lily that she was looking beautiful the girl in front of Lily turn her head towards Mike and said.

" Wow Mike finally you are willing to talk to Lily in class, seems like you are becoming bold. " Anna said and wincked at Mike. Anna has black hair and deep red eyes.

Hearing her word Mike flush red. And didn't dare to look her. And without looking he said.

" I am not the one who talked to her, he is the one. " Mike said and pointed at me.

" Hi Anna. Nice to meet you. " I said to her as I looked at her directly in her red eyes.

" Hi Ayro, It's Nice to see you too. " Anna said with a smile. ' He is one most quite student but why he is so talkative now. '

" You also know him." I asked her as I looked at her and Mike.

" Yes, I and Mike are next-door childhood friends. " Anna replied.

" Oh is that so i see where is the problem why he doesn't want to talk with Lily in front of the class. " I said in loud and clear voice. So that it can be hear by the three of them.

" Oh you find the problem then what is it. " Anna asked in curiosity.

Lily also looking at me. Mike also looking at me with pleasing eyes that saying " No dude don't say it in front of them. "

But i will solve your prblm once for all don't worry Mike. After few more second I didn't say the problem. Anna looking at me with curiosity, and Lily can't able to contain herself.

' What he knows why Mike didn't want to talk to me in the class while he talk freely in the house. ' Lily thought. ' Why isn't he is telling is he waiting for me to ask. '

" What is it, why didn't Mike wants to talk to me in class. " Lily asked. As she asked Anna also looked at her. I smile under my mask.

" Because he is in love with both of you so he can't talk to one in front of other that's why he talked to both of you at home. " I explained.

" What are you saying Mike in love with me , what a joke. Haha. "Anna said with a blush on her face. ' What is he,saying Mike is in love with me that simply not possible. ' Anna thought.

" Yeah if he is in love than why don't he talk to me in class but he talked with me at home. " Lily asked with a red face.

" No, I am telling the truth just imagine if you love two people at the same time and the two of them know you then how are you going to confess your love to one in front of another one. " I asked at my question no one replied Mike turned his face away while blushing and Anna also turned her head her face turned red and Lily was looking down near her desk with blush.

" Just as I said it the surrounding turn awkward silence. " I thought as I looked at them.

" Now both of you tell me are you going to confess one in front of another and hurt another one feeling for you. " I asked again while looking at Anna and Lily. Hearing my question once again everyone face turn beet red.

" I.. I don't know. "Lily said while looking at me with red face tried to calm down.

" I also don't know.... But I don' him or something so why he have to be so Consedrated. " Anna hurriedly explained.

" Oh I see do you want to say anything about this Mike if not I would say. " I said to Mike while looking at him.

Just as I said it to him, he looked at me and thought it's now or never. Say it Mike.

" I only wanted to say that I really like both of you ,and I know both of you like me as well, so I can't choose any one that's why I don't talk to any of you so that it wouldn't hurt any of you. " Mike said while lowering his face.

'Oh I didn't expect him to say that. Good then it's one for all. ' I thought.

' Damn.. What is this idiot saying now, why I would love him, I just like him as a childhood friend, that's all. ' Anna thought as she replied while her face was still red.

" But I never said I li.. Like you. Then what the problem. " Anna said I could feel like her voice is going low, I am afraid she would start crying.

'He have feelings for both of us but she denied it, but I like him, I should take a step as well otherwise I might lose him. 'She thought as she immediately said to him.

" I also didn't say I love you . But I have feelings for you Mike. " Lily said it.

'Oh my goodness it's going intense and I love this atmosphere hahahhahahahha , they say they don't want to talk in class but as you can see whole class is looking here. It's going to be fun. I like more fire let's go. '

" What's going on here. " One of the topper student asked and many student looking our way without disturbing the intense heat.

" Don't you listen Mike has confessed to Lily and Anna at the same time. Look it's going to be fun. "He said to a topper student but the girls around them also listen to there conversation.

" What let's see. " One of the girl said and come near our four group.

" What's going on Emily. " Lara asked to her desk mate , as she turned towards us.

" Lara there is going a love conversation with one guy and two girls. Let's go and see. " Emily said.

" Well okay it still have time before the teacher come, let's go over there. " Lara said and come to the left corner of the class where student already crowded.

After coming near there they can see everyone clearly because not many student covering it only 10 student covering it while other student using there drone camera to see what is happening.

" Oh isn't this where Ayro is also sitting. " Lara thought.

" So if that the case since everyone knows about it. I Sinciarly want to said this thing. " Mike said and come to his one knee.

" I love you Lily, will you be my girlfriend. " Mike asked and bring out a flower.

' This, I really want him to say it first but I didn't know he will really say it,in front of everyone.' Lily thought as her eyes weld up with tears.Lily looked at him in surprise and started to cry, and nodded her head.

" Yes... Yes... I am willing to be your girlfriend. " Lily said while tears coming down to her cheek. And take the flower from him.

" Thank you Lily, I really love you. " Mike said and continue to kneeling and said to Anna.

" Anna I also like you but I like Lily more please forgive me for hurting you.. Please forgive me. " Mike said and started to cry. While he doing all of the mess I was thinking where the hell he get that flower that's something interesting.

" Mike you don't have to worry about it, I never like you so I am not hurt. " Anna said with the best smile as she could do.

While this was happening I thought, 'this is the best opportunity to become his and both of girls best friend. Hehehe. '

After I thought this I went to Mike and bring my mouth closer to his ear and asked.

" Mike do you want to make Lily and Anna both of them your girlfriend. " I asked.

He turned his head in surprise and looked at me.

' Did he really have plan to make both of them my girlfriend. ' Mike thought as he looked at me with surprise.

" Brother Ayro you are really my best friend. " Mike thought and nodded his head and Lily standing beside us seeing us in suspicious gaze.

" Okay then just follow my words,although I can't guarantee but l will try my best. " I said in his ear once again.