
"After Mike confessed, I noticed all the onlookers were open-mouthed, as if they were witnessing a miracle of the world.

'He only confessed to the person he loves. Why the hell are you all looking at him like that? Well, forget it,' I thought to myself, then moved closer to Mike and whispered in his ear, 'Mike, do you want to make Anna and Lily both your girlfriends?'

Mike's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at me.

'Wow, this brother Ayro is really something. He actually wants me to have two girlfriends at the same time. Even you couldn't make Anna my girlfriend. You've already helped me a lot, my friend. You'll always be my best friend,' he thought, gazing at me with grateful eyes.

'Okay, if that's the case, then leave everything to me. Before that, just apologize to Anna once more and thank Lily one more time,' I instructed him. As I spoke, everyone's attention was on me, curious about my conversation with Mike.

'Wow, did you see that guy in the mask? He was the one who started all this, and he's still telling Mike something. He's in the mood to help him. I think I need friends like him. I'll also ask for his help to confess to my crush,' one of the boys in the crowd said.

'Lara, I think I have to make him my friend too. I want to confess my feelings to a senior in 3A,' Emily whispered to Lara.

'What are all of you saying? Who is that guy again?' Lara wondered, turning to look at me. When she saw me, she was struck by thunder.

'Ayro... What...?! What are you doing there? And why the hell are you saying that you started all this commotion? And you're still talking to that guy? And why are you even talking to him in this situation? You said you didn't like too much attention, and now you're grabbing all the attention,' countless thoughts raced through her mind, leaving her speechless.

'Look, he stopped talking to Mike. Let's see what he's going to do now,' one of the girls exclaimed.

'Yes, let's see, but don't you feel sorry for Anna? I wish someone like her would become my girlfriend. Just look at her, she's beautiful and smart. I'm really jealous of that guy,' another boy commented.

'Yes, you're right. Although I'm happy he finally confessed to Lily, I also feel sorry for Anna,' someone else agreed.

We could hear their conversations clearly. But as I finished talking to Mike, he turned to face Anna. Feeling sorry for her and influenced by the crowd's comments, he decided to do whatever it took to make Anna happy again.

'I'm really, really sorry, Anna. I know I hurt your feelings, but please forgive me. I'm ready to do anything to make our relationship normal again,' Mike apologized, bowing his head in respect. Anna replied slowly..."

"I... told you I am no... not hurt. You don't have to think about me," Anna stammered, her head bowed. Though facing away from the crowd, I could see she was barely holding back tears. Seeing her response, Mike felt obligated to address Lily next.

"Thank you, Anna, for forgiving me. If you ever wanted to, we can continue our normal friendship," he offered, unsure of her true feelings. Still, Anna remained silent, her emotions a whirlwind.

Mike then turned to Lily, whose cheeks were still streaked with tears.

"And thank you once again, Lily, for accepting my proposal," he said, bowing slightly.

'What are you saying, idiot? I've been waiting for this day for years. How could I not accept?' Lily thought, gazing at him with a mix of joy and disbelief.

"You don't have to be like that, Mike. I've liked you too, for a while now," she confessed, pulling him up and surprising everyone with a kiss on the lips.

The class erupted in a cacophony of cheers, whistles, and surprised shouts.




Clapping and whistling filled the air.

'Holy moly, that was unexpected!' I thought amidst the chaos. 'And these idiots are just making things worse for Anna with all this noise.'

A sly grin spread across my face. 'This situation is turning out perfectly. I can use this opportunity to get closer to Anna, but only as a friend, of course.'

Observing Anna, I noticed her head hung low, her lips pressed into a thin line. She bit down so hard that a trickle of blood appeared.

'I need to get her out of here,' I decided, checking the time. 'Teacher Lina should be arriving any minute now.'

As predicted, the classroom door creaked open, revealing Teacher Lina. She was dressed casually in a shirt and tight jeans that accentuated her curves.

'Why is there so much noise? It's echoing throughout the hallway. Did something happen?' Lina thought, her brow furrowed with concern, as she entered the room.

"What are all the students doing on the corner of the class? Did something happen?" Teacher Lina asked, her voice cutting through the commotion.

At her command, the students quickly returned to their seats, avoiding any mention of the confession.

'They're indeed smart, not to say anything. It's good for Lily, Anna, and Mike,' I thought, reaching out and grabbing Anna's white hand. Even as the students settled back into their seats, Anna remained frozen in place.

'This is so embarrassing. Even though I didn't like him, he shouldn't have rejected me like that, especially in front of the whole class,' Anna thought, biting her lip harder, drawing blood.

I gently pulled her towards the classroom door, seeking to escape the intense scrutiny of the students. Anna, lost in her thoughts, offered no resistance.

Meanwhile, Mike felt the weight of the situation. 'Ayro, everything depends on you now,' he thought.

As we reached the classroom door, the entire class watched our movements, their curiosity piqued.

'What is he going to do? This is getting more interesting,' a student whispered.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on us, waiting to see what would happen next.

After coming in front of Miss Lina, she looked at us, her eyes lingering on Anna. Sensing something amiss with the girl, she asked, "What happened to her?" Her gaze shifted to me, as I was the one pulling Anna along.

"Teacher, she's feeling a bit unwell. She's bleeding from her lips, so I'm taking her to the infirmary for a checkup," I explained, pointing to Anna's lips. Upon seeing the blood, Miss Lina immediately gave her permission.

"What? She's bleeding? Go, go quickly and bring her to the clinic for treatment," she urged, her voice laced with concern. As she spoke, I momentarily lost focus, drawn in by her alluring scent and the sight of her cleavage. I quickly regained my composure.

"Thank you, teacher," I replied, continuing to pull Anna towards the door.

"That's why you all gathered in the corner. You were enjoying the show, weren't you? Good for you," Miss Lina remarked, a hint of pride in her voice.

"We didn't do anything. We just watched and enjoyed ourselves, and now we're getting praised. There's no reason to tell the teacher the truth," a student thought to themselves.

"If she knew the truth about us gathering to watch a confession, it wouldn't end well. Better to keep quiet," another student agreed.

Meanwhile, in Lara's mind, a storm was brewing. "He was dragging her like that, grabbing her hand and attracting so much attention. While he didn't even want to stay near me, let alone hold my hand. He said he didn't want to attract too much attention, and now... Fuck... I hate him..." she thought angrily, clenching her fists.


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