Ch -20

Meanwhile while inside a very big building around 400 floor building, on the top of the building floor there was a frosty cold looking woman sat in her office in her chair there was a glass window while was fully transparent to show the view of other things .

Where she was sitting on her chair laying her body on her chair completely. She seems to excluding extremely proud aura and cold which sent chill down to the spine of the person in front of her .

" Madem, they are not selling it on fixed price they want a increase of 19% in the whole. Which was a very big amount, I didn't think it is a great choice. " Faith replied in clam voice to the person in front of her.

" If that the case then cancel it. " Alicia said in low and calm voice.

" Yes madem. " Faith said and went out of the office after she gone.

Alicia said to herself,

" He didn't replied me yet probably he would be angry, other wise he would have replied me. " She thought and continue to lay on the chair with eyes closed.

There was two phone in front of her and a laptop . But every thing was for only office use. Just Alicia closed her eyes a ring of notification came from her Jean's pocket.

Which was her own phone which was used to make call and message to maid of Ayro's.

Just as the notification come from the phone. Alicia instantly opened her eyes and take out the phone from her pocket and opened it just as it opened we can see a lock screen appear which has a photo if Little Ayro when he was 4 years old.

In this picture he had his white hair and purple glowing eyes which was literally shining . And the most abnormal thing there was a dark half moon shaped thing in his left eyes. He was laughing in the picture that was making him so cute that anyone want to give this little boy hug cuteness overload.

And beside him there was girl with long white hair and shining red eye with her hourglass shaped body making her look like a literal goddess itself. Her beauty can't be compared to anyone. But her shining red eyes can make anyone feel treamble to his/her core just by a single glarance . She had taken the little cute boy in her hand both of them looking extremely heavenly pair. Anyone can tell they are brother and sister.

Alicia saw there was a message from her son, which she was waiting for and after seeing his message the tention on her head lighten a little. She clicked on the message to see what her son said she had already expected that not very good would be the reply . But still she was curious, just as she opened and read the message her expression didn't change she closed the phone and put it on her table and once again lay back on her chair.

" So atleast he is not angry with me, and it was a good reaction then I had imagined, hhhhaaannn.... He would really hate me in the future. And the distance between us is keep increasing. " Alicia thought.

" I think it's better not to tell him about his sister other wise I don't even know what he would do, if he knows about his sister. Now he didn't dislike me Rela said to me that Ayro was missing me so he is just a little angry about I cancel coming to him, but if he knows about that... I am afraid.... He will hate me to bottom to his heart, maybe he even stop calling me his mother, so it's better to not to meet him. " Alicia thought and her eyes turned moist , as she close her eyes once again a tear drop appeared on her phenoix shaped eyelid.


Come back to present where Ayro was sitting on the sofa waiting for Mike. But suddenly he heard the foot steps coming to the door. He instantly turned his face towards the main door to see who was coming.

The footsteps stop in front of the door and suddenly the door open and a girl enter in the hall. She has blonde hair and blue eyes with sexy body, she was wearing the same dress as in our academy so it's not hard for Ayro to understand.

" Oh seems like she is Mike's sister but I have never seen her before. " Ayro thought and looked at the upcoming beautiful girl.

She also noticed that Ayro was glaring at her, she entered inside hall and came in front of sofa and sat down without speaking. She keep staring at me.

' She seems to have a attitude of this is my house so I can do whatever I want by the way who the hell are you. Seems like I have to start a conversation.' I thought and about to speak but before I could say anything her voice sounds.

" Are you the one of the my brother's freind in school who helped him yesterday in proposing to a girl. " She asked in cold tone.

' seems like she knows what I have done I would better stay alert she seems to senior from upper class. ' I thought and replied.

" Senior know me, ah yes I helped him a little. " I replied politely. While my mask was still on.

" Do I look old to you. " Cherry asked in her cold tone.

" No. You doesn't seems to old you are extremely young and had a graceful figure. " I replied truthfully.

" Oh if that the case then why are you calling me senior and why are you wearing a mask inside our house do you think our house smell bad. " Cherry asked in her cold tone.

' Anhh what a pleasure to tease this little boy . '

" Aaaa.. Senior you misunderstood me I didn't know what is your name so I don't want to disrespect you that's why I am calling you senior, and as for my mask I always wear it. So it has nothing to do with your house. Please don't misunderstood me. " I said calmly.

' I thought he would get flustered or get panicked but he didn't get panicked like any other boys around his age. Interesting. ' Cherry thought and a small smile adore her face.

" Oh I am not misunderstanding you I just wanted to tease you, I thought you would get panicked but you handle it quite well, forgot it. My name is Kia but genuinely everyone call me Cherry so you can call me whatever you want it wouldn't be a problem. " Cherry replied .

" Yes, well I am genuinely confused what should I call you senior, Cherry, or kia. Why don't you tell me what to call you. " I asked.

" Just call me Cherry. By the way what is your name. " Cherry asked with a smile.

" My name is Ayro, Cherry. " I said in a calm expression.

" Hmm your name is quite cute. " Cherry said.

" Thanks But your name is cute as well, Cherry. " I said.

" Oh by the way why don't you remove your mask I can't able to see you clearly with your mask. But if you're not comfortable then forgot it. " Cherry asked.

" Well it's not I am uncomfortable it's just I don't want to attract unwanted attention, that's why I wear this mask. " I said to her and proceeds to remove my mask and just as I remove it and shake my head a little.

Cherry was looking at me continuously without blinking.

After removing my mask I looked at her.

" Cherry now I believe you can see me properly. " I said to her. She was still looking at me.

' Oh my he indeed looks handsome, I think no one in my class is this handsome. This boy is indeed interesting. ' she thought .

Just as she was thinking about it I moved my hand in front of her and asked.

" Cherry, hello are you there. " I asked, just as I asked she come to her senses. After realizing what she was doing her cheek turned light pink.

" Well I am here why are you moving your hand in front of me. " Cherry asked.

" Well because I thought you would thought I am looking handsome and fall in love with me. " I replied with a smile.

' he indeed look handsome but isn't he is just over confident in his handsomeness. ' Cherry thought and pouted in her mind.

" Well you indeed look handsome but why do you think I would fall in love with you just because of your face . Aren't you way too confident. " Cherry asked.

Just as we were discussing Mike also came out with her mother who was behind him.

Just as she come out she saw Cherry and Ayro was talking she stopped in her track and looked at the kid in front of her.

' Wow he looks so handsome, I didn't know Mike has this handsome friend, his friend is more handsome then himself, and taking care of a guest as handsome as him it would be fun, it's been so many years since I saw someone this handsome to this boy. ' she thought a come near us.