Ch 21

Just as we were talking to each other , Mike and his mother come out of her mother room.

" Oh sis you already come from school. " Mike asked as he came near us.

" Well yes Mike I just come here, and I was talking to your friend. " Cherry said to Mike and turned her face towards Mike.

" What you are Ayro, I thought you are some senior from my sister's class . " Mike shouted in surprise.

" What you don't even know your friend is this handsome. " Cherry asked.

" Well I seriously didn't know he is so handsome, bro it's good you hide your face other wise all girls would fall for you. " Mike said in excitement.

' oh it turns out Mike also doesn't know about his handsomeness that's why I didn't know someone this handsome his friend before. ' Freya thought as she looked at Ayro.

" So you are Mike's freind. " Freya asked with a smile. She also has blonde hair with pinkish eyes with milfy body with big breasts and round ass, she was wearing a black top and a black skirt. Which was showing her beautiful curves.

" Hello, aunt , yes I am his friend. " I said and bowed a little.

" Oh you don't have to be so formal you can treat it as your own house, Mike explained me about your situation. " Freya said with a smile come near sofa and sat down. Mike also followed her lead and sat next to Cherry.

" Cherry I have to take my words back, I said you have a graceful figure but seems like aunt has more beautiful figure then you. " I said to Cherry while looking at her.

" What aren't you being honey tongue now. " Cherry asked in surprise.

' Does he really think I am less beautiful then my mom, hump '

" Oh thank you for your complement. By the way what is your name I haven't asked you yet. " Freya asked with a smile.

' this kid know how to talk, huh. ' she thought.

" My name is Ayro, aunt. " I said in calm voice while sitting on the sofa.

" Hmm your name sounds cute, by the way don't call me aunt I feel like old. Just call me Freya. " Freya said. ' I let him to call me by my name. '

" Thank you Freya, but can I ask you what had Mike told about my conditions. " I asked.

" Well he told me you live alone, you have been living alone since 4 years old and now you are feeling loneliness living alone that's why you started to make friends, Mike is your first friend isn't it. " Freya asked.

" Yes, Mike told you everything right, Freya. " I said and nodded.

" What you are living alone since 4 years old, then what about your mom. " Cherry asked in surprise.

" I don't know about her much she left me alone when I was 4 years old since then I am living alone but she send money for my living, and with that I can conclude she is rich." I said.

" Well that's sad how can she left you when you are still a kid. Don't worry Ayro you can treat this as your house. " Freya said.

" Yes bro don't worry I have said you since you have made me your friend I will not let you feel alone again. " Mike said in proud.

" Thank you, Freya and thank you all of you. " I said with a smile.

' Ohhh he seems so handsome, cute and well behaved boy how can someone didn't take care of him. ' Freya thought.

' I didn't know behind such a handsome boy there was such a sad story. ' Cherry thought and looked at me with sympathy.

" Enough with his past don't make him more sad by recalling every thing from past. Now since everyone is here why don't we eat together. You can wash your hand while I prepare plates . Go wash your hand and eat with us. " Freya said and she stand up from sofa and went to kitchen.

" Okay Mike saw him washroom I am going to my room to change my clothes. " Cherry said and went to her room .

" Okay let's go I will show you bathroom bro come with me. " Mike said and waved his hand towards me, I simply follow him.

I am thinking how can I fuck Freya without any problem, within the presence of all of them.

( what would you do in this case..)

After washing my hands I came out of washroom and sat on the chair of dinning table. Mike sat next to me. Soon after Cherry also came from her room she was now wearing a long top with hot pants her thighs was on full display. As she comes she sat next to me actually the dinning table was round in shape . Soon enough Freya served all food for lunch and we ate happily I didn't want to stretch it more you know food was quite good I praise the cooking of Freya and we talked a little during lunch and after we finished lunch, Cherry went back to her room while Freya started to wash the dishes.

I also went to Mike room to play games with him but he was so immersed in the game that he didn't pay attention to me so I said him I am going to drink water, he replied ok without even looking.

He is a pro sigma player. He didn't care about his surrounding at all while playing good this give me a good chance.

I come out of his room I saw Freya completed her washing dishes she was sitting on the sofa while seeing Tv as she was sitting on sofa she put her hand on her shoulder seems like she was feeling pain.

" Good chance. " I thought and came her behind and put my hand on her shoulder and started to massage it.

Just as I put my hand her body wants to get up by sudden touch but I held her not let her get up from sofa. She turned her face towards me to see who was massaging her.

" Ayro why are here? " She asked while I keep massaging her on her shoulder.

" Mike is already fall asleep so i thought of going back home. " I said to her while moving my hands.

" What Mike already fall asleep how can he fall asleep leave you alone, do you want me wake him up. " Freya asked she turned her head towards tv once again .

" No.. No need for that i also about to get back home but before going i want to repay your kindness, and i can see you are pretty tired of working so just let me massage you. Freya. " I said calmly.

" Hmmmm.... You don't have to repay me I did all this not for any repayment. " She said while a little moan.

" I know, but I want to repay you so just let me massage you as a repayment. " I asked.

" Hmmm~ .. Although there is no need for the repayment... Mmm... But speaking truth your massage is indeed feeling good. " Freya said as she felt her body becoming relaxed.

" Oh you like my massage. " I asked.

" Yes, you are such a good child . Mike never massage me hannn... " She said with a sigh.

" Oh it means I am the first one giving you massage. " I asked.

" Ahhh.. Yes " Freya said while enjoying the massage. ' I am feeling so good and relax that I want to fall asleep a well. If he could give me massage while sleeping in my bed that would be heavenly but I can't ask for it he is doing it to repay my kindness. If Mike or Cherry massage me like this would be great.' She thought while enjoying it.

" Oh if that the case then let me give you a good massage, let's go to your bed. " I suddenly said..

Just as he said that Freya thought' did he read my mind but I can't simply accept his offer. '

" No need for it Ayro, you don't have to repay me that much. " Freya said.

" What you don't like my massage. " I asked in sad tone.

" I like it but isn't it would be burden for you to massage me. " Freya asked.

" No, it's not burden I am doing it with my own will. So let's go to your bed I will give you a good massage. " I said and stopped my hand.

" Well if you insists on it then, I will trouble you. " Freya said and get up from the sofa and went inside her own room and I simply followed her.

Inside Freya's room.

" You just relax on the bed while laying down. " I said and Freya nodded andlay down her back was up.

After she lay down I started to massage her.

" Hmmm ~ I have to say Ayro your massage is quite good, I feeling so good. " Freya said her eyes was closed . While enjoying the massage.

" Oh thank you do you want me go down a little. " I asked and lower my hand from her back.

" Hmm... I think you know about it better so just do, if it would be problem I will tell you to stop. " Freya said while her body was in full relaxation.

" Okay. " I continue massage around 10 minutes of continue massage I couldn't hear any more moans from Freya it seems like she fall asleep.

" Oh so she finally fall asleep . " I thought and withdraw my hands from her back and went to the door and locked it from inside. Manually not by voice so that no one can open it.

After locking the door. I wander my gaze around her back and saw her big round ass that has only skirt while her whole long legs are showing it self.