
Meanwhile inside the Ayro's room he was in bathroom for around 45 minutes and has just came out of it.

" Oh, fuck it's already, 7:15 am I have to go after breakfast. " I thought as I wear my dress. Meanwhile thinking about what I have said to aunt.

" I genuinely said her to become pregnant, I mean I want her to become pregnant, they might thought I am a kid but in truth I am a mature man. "

" And the main thing, it's not I believe in love but I know how to take care of your own people, furthermore it wouldn't be a problem if my personal maid get pregnant with my child after all, I can protect her that's why I allow her to become pregnant, not like Lilith whom I didn't care that much. "

" As I said before I am not obsessed with anything but I didn't want to lose my owned thing. " While I was busy in my thoughts I came down to the hall where aunt Luna had prepared breakfast for me so I instantly walk there and sat on the chair of dinning table.

" Good morning, Aunt. " I said to Aunt who was busy in kitchen, just as she heard my voice she turned her face and greeted back with a beautiful smile.

" Good morning, young master, you are ready, wait a second I am preparing your plate. " She said as she brought some plate full of dishes, and put it down in front of me.

" Thanks aunt. " I said as I started to eat. In just 8 minutes I completed my breakfast and ready for good to school.

" Aunt, I am going to school bye. " I said as I instantly get out of the house but I heard aunt's reply.

" Walk slowly in your way, young master . " Aunt replied back.


In the way to school.

I once again started to think about what I have said to aunt Jena.

" I mean it wouldn't be a problem, I have enough money, I am fucking hacker, I have a sexy and badass mother but I can't guarantee it or depend on her I haven't seen her for years, so it definitely wouldn't be a problem if mother know about it, right. " I thought.

" But if it still not enough than I have my secret power Dark Zetrus. I can relay on it when I would be in trouble but I believe I simply can't get troubled. " I thought while walking soon enough I reached in front of my school gate.

And I simply went inside the gate I saw many student all around the ground but once again it has nothing to do with me. After walking for five minutes I came in front of my class and went inside.

Just as I entered I saw many students was already there. I really didn't remembered that I have class today fuck what a idiot I am.

I thought as I sat on my desk there was around 12 students already in the class.

And just like before my friends have yet to come, it's already 7:50 am.. Since no one was there so I closed my eyes and put my head on my head and continue to think about yesterday. And what to do I have already said Freya that I will come to her house, today what should I do, I can go to her house but what if I can't able to went back to home early I have said them that I wouldn't be late.

Oh I am in such Delimma. I thought as I was thinking, I suddenly heard the voice of Mike and Lily.

" Good morning, Ayro. " Mike said as he sat down on his desk.

" Good morning, Ayro. " Lily also said but.

But I still decided I am not going to Freya's house I didn't gonna give her more priority over my own personal maid who was living in my home, furthermore I have made promise with aunt Rela and Jena so simply not.

And way I can also able to see if Freya was a slut to go out for pleasure or let her husband touch her, if she did then I will not go to her house from now on. I thought as I ignored their greetings and my eyes was still closed was on my own thought.

" Hey, Ayro what are you? " Mike said as he moved his hand in front of me. Suddenly one more voice came.

" Good morning, everyone. " Anna said with a beautiful and cheerfull smile ,as she sat on her desk next to Mike.

" Good morning. Anna. " Both Mike and Lily said with a happy tone. Seems like what had happened between Mike and Anna is get resolved.

" What happened to, Ayro why isn't he is talking. " Anna asked as she looked at Ayro.

" I didn't know, he seems to thinking about something but i think he fall asleep. " Mike said with chuckle.

" Then wake him up, it's almost class time. " Lily said.

" No need, I am already wake up, by the way, Good morning everyone. " I said as I opened my eyes and looked at them.

" Hah didn't you reply quite late. " Mike asked.

" Well, yes I was busy in thinking about something that's why I didn't hear you voice. " I explained.

" Oh, I see what are you thinking by the way." Mike asked.

" Nothing, just someone. I know . " I replied and my gaze landed upon Lara who was wearing the earrings that I have gave yesterday.

" Oh, whom are you thinking about it is a girl. " Anna asked with a teasing smile.

" Yes. " I replied truthfully, I have no reason to hide it.

" Oh my, did our Ayro fall in love. " Lily also get in .

" No, I simply didn't understand love. I only know, lust, obsession, affection, and manipulation. And in my type of thing I only use two things lust and manipulation, I have nothing to do with obsession or affection. " I replied.

" Oh, you mean, you can use people to your advantage. " Mike asked.

" Yes, I have already did with many. " I replied calmly.

" By the way, Ayro you said you said I should ask Lily for date after school but she still rejected why. " Mike asked in low tone but both girls can here it.

" Are you sure you asked after school. " I asked.

" Yes I am 110%sure that I have asked after school. " Mike said with a nod.

" Oh, there is a problem you only 110% sure you did but you are 90% unsure that's why. Understand next time prepare that 90% before asking okay. " I replied calmly.

Chuckle can be heard from next to my desk.

" Wait... What.... Okay if that the case. I will give attention to that. By I want to ask another question. " Mike said. He wanted to ask about yesterday.

" Don't ask too much question, questions are offensive. " I replied.

" But I didn't even asked anything. " Mike said in confusion.

" That's why I am telling you my friend. My brain cells are not brain celling right now. So let's talk in next class. Until it starts brain celling. Enjoy study. " I said as I put my head on my hand and close my eyes.

" Haha ... Your brain cells are not brain celling.. Haha good one. " Anna said with a little laugh.

" Hmmm... Seems like my friend you really need a good rest. " Mike said with a nod.

" Hmm. He seems to like his quite brain cells are really not working because of that girl he was thinking. Huh. " Lily said a teasing smile.

" Yeah, that would be the case after all I was also in that mantal stated before. " Mike said with a smile as he looked at Lily. But suddenly bell rings and teacher came in class.

And like it listing to then our class came to an end. Soon bell rings of another class.

Just as the bell rings Mike turned his face towards me.

" Ayro, you are really thinking about a girl. " He confirmed if Ayro was telling truth or not.

" Yes , why. " I asked in confusion.

" How did you even fall when you just said you can't love anyone. " Anna asked.

" Well when did I even said I love her. I am just waiting for her. " I replied.

" Oh, you didn't love her just waiting for her, who is she, is she is from some airport crush. " Lily asked.

" Yeah, how does she looks does she looks beautiful. " Mike asked with a curiosity.

" I didn't remember her face properly, but I am sure she looks beautiful. " I replied as my tone lighten.

" Oh, I see. You didn't even remember her face, then how many days are you waiting for her. " Mike asked.

" Aaaa 13 years. " I replied.

" Ohhh.. I understand , guys don't work up. He is just missing his mother. She left him when he was 4 than it can be considerable. " Mike said.

" Oooo. I see. Hmmm I can understand." Lily said.

And just like it our conversation and class come to end.

I was literally fucked up by there fucking question I didn't know how they feel lonely by living alone in school I feel fucking annoying by making friends why the hell I even make one. I thought from now on I am not going to make any more freind. They are just annoying.

I want to live alone, I found peace in living alone fuck.