
After our another class ends, Mike once again turned towards me and asked.

" Ayro you said that, if I ask her for date after school, she would agree but she didn't agreed , why. "

" Didn't I have already told you. "

" No don't joke around tell in real. " Mike said as he looked at me.

" Then listen, Lily know's that you are asking for advice after that you are asking her. So she rejected you because she wants you to do things on your own not to ask for my advice every time, after all it's your life you can't depends on me every time. " I explained just as I did, Lily instantly said.

" Yes, Ayro is right, I have to admit, his advice is really good but you have to do it with your own. Mike. Understand. " Lily said with a nod.

" Oh, I understand don't worry I will not ask for too much advice from him I will try to do every thing on my own. " Mike said as he smiled at Lily. Seeing him smile at her Lily blush but control her blush.

" Okay guys, you can go, I am also going to my home. " I said as I parted my way.

" Okay bye Ayro, see you tomorrow. " Mike said.

And just like it we parted our ways, since we already came out of the school gate. Soon after walking few minutes, I thought to myself.

" What should I do with this school, because of it , I can't able to go some milfy's house, neither, I can able to enjoy myself, wait a sec, why I am even going to school once again because it's attendance would go to my mom and she might be get angry. If that the case then didn't I have already find a way to it. " I thought as a evil smile from in my face.

" I can simply hack the school attendance , system and if I didn't go to school, it will definitely send message to my mother about I am absent but if I change that absent to present wouldn't I be present even I don't go to school. "

" Good, this would do, let's head to my another house which I have buyed for my hacking things. It would take few hours to do it. " I thought as I ordered a taxi and went to a quiet place there was not a single people around it. This is good no one is around.

While going inside the moderate size house. I thought.

" If I will change that then I can able to go to Lilith house as well. I mean it I didn't leave her because she choose to become pregnant with my child but instead of I didn't have time before, because I thought that my mother would came but she didn't so I have enough time to go to her house again, furthermore it's not too late for change my decision after all it's merely only 3 day since all of that I have said to her, I can simply say to her that I never planed to leave her, I was just checking her, loyalty, or I have some work that's why. It wouldn't be a trouble for me Or her, in fact she might be happy if I went back to her. " I thought as I opened the door of the house and went inside. After coming inside it looks any ordinary house but after going inside the bathroom there was a button hidden, after pressing it a secret door opened .

I went inside it just as I entered into it the light on automatically. And a large number of Ai tools can be found around it. And multiple computer as well. I have spent too much money on it. Soon I sat on the chair near the computers. And choose one computer to start working on my school things.

It totally take me around 40 minutes before my attendance system changed from absent to present so I don't need to worry about not going to school.

After changing that successfully I laughed like a madman and get out of the room and went outside the house. And went out of that quite street and ordered the taxi once again and left for my house, it's already 2 pm. So before going to the home I went in the restaurant and eat some lunch.

If aunt Luna have made some dishes then, I will eat, if not then I have already eatan a little. I thought as I ordered some food .

............./...../... /...../....

Meanwhile in the Villa after Ayro went to school. Around 7:30 Am.

After Ayro left for school. Luna has already prepared the breakfast for everyone so she left the kitchen and went up to sofa and sat down on it.

" Haaa.. " She sigh as she lay her body down on it relaxing herself and started TV . Just as she was watching it soon Rela came from the up stairs and sat next to her.

" Good morning, Luna. Did young master left for school. " Rela asked clamly. As she was wearing her maid clothes just like Luna and after breakfast she is going to do some cleaning of house. Her melons was half displaying.

" Good morning, yes, young master left. But.. " Luna wanted to ask about this morning but suddenly stopped. Before continuing.

" Rela, I want to ask you, why did you were sleeping with, young master naked. Did you and young master already did.. Did. Se.. Sex... " Luna asked with slightly red cheek.

" Oh you are talking about this morning. " Rela asked as she looked at Luna and a smile appears on her face.

" Yes. " Luna nodded.

" No. I didn't have sex with young master but soon will. But to tell you Jena already had sex with young master and both of them did it this morning as well. " Rela explained.

" What .... WHAT.... Are you telling truth. Jena already had sex with young master how when. " She exclaimed in surprise as she held Rela's shoulder and shake it .

" Don't work up, don't you know Jena's nature I have thought of she might already have but I saw it today morning with my own eyes. She was moaning like a horny woman but I can't say anything after all it was just way too much pleasure. " Rela said with a smile.

" What you saw them having sex in front of you, and you didn't say anything. " Luna asked.

" What I would say I also want to have sex with young master so that wouldn't make any difference. But do you know what what young master said to me when we were sleeping. "

" No."

" He said that I was looking so beautiful and he like my boobs soo much, if you seen his reaction when he was touching my breast and take my nipples into his mouth while sucking on it. I was feeling heavenly when he was licking it..... "

" Heyyyy... Wait.. Wait. Wait.. Do you mean, young master himself touched your breast and said all of these things. " Luna asked.

" Yes, do you think I am kidding and he said he wants to drink his aunts milk he requested me alot last night , so what do you think I have done. " Rela asked as her smile went wide.

" Don't tell me you are going to take that pill to start your breast lacting for young master to drink your breast milk. " Luna said.

" Correct. I have already taken that pill. " Rela said with a smile.

" Fuck are you kidding me. " Luna exclaimed.

" That's not the end do you know Jena would going to become pregnant with young master's child. " Rela said with a bright smile.

" FUCK.... are serious, he is just a kid himself, he is going to drink your breast milk how can, Jena wants to make him father in such a young age. Do you know if any of this thing goes out that we are doing these things with young master, everyone think we are taking advantage of a 17 years old kid, no one will believe in our love.. And what if madem Alicia know about all this. Fuck... " Luna said as her mind went in chaos.

" Heyyy.. Hey. Calm down Luna don't think too much , she didn't get pregnant yet she was just thinking, we can convince her. " Rela said as she put her hand on Luna's back.

" You are right, we can convince her, okay I am going to stop her from doing all of these." Luna said as she was about to get up but Rela held her.

" Don't get hyper you can convince her later she is tired of having sex with young master this morning so let her sleep. " Rela said as she pull Luna back to sofa. Luna looked at her and nodded.

" Do you know Rela, what we are doing is just too wrong, young master didn't even came to age of being called an adult he is just a child. It is still considerable if you let him drink your milk but using him sexually is some type of sexual harassment for other people's view. Just think of it who would believe we 90 years old woman have sex with a 17 years old kid. This might even consider as a rape do you think of consequeness. " Luna asked as her worries started to rise.

" Hey, control your feelings, who can know about it except us, but if you are really that worried why don't you ask young master himself when he get back, don't lose your mind because of it, you love him then enjoy. If young master like you and you like him, then it wouldn't be any problem. " Rela said as she tried to clam Luna down after all what Luna said is right.