Past of Aunt.

" Luna don't worry too much, you know I genuinely love young master to the core so I didn't gonna do anything that will hurt him, for me he is important to anything else. So don't worry too much I know what I am doing. " Rela said in a serious manner. As she sat cross legs. Luna looked at her she was thinking something.

" Rela are you sure. What are you doing is right. I mean it, if you ask young master about if he loves you or not, do you really believe that he is old enough to understand all these things. " Luna asked in serious but still worried expression.

" Yes, he understand it properly, don't you think young master is living with us for years. Don't you think it would have already developed a feeling inside his heart. " Rela asked as her tone soften as she was imagined the look of love when young master look at her last night. She can't erase that view.

" Mutual feeling and pure love is different. Well forgot it I will talk to young master, myself and I am not going to have any sexual relationship with young master until he learn about it, perfectly. " Luna thought as she looked at Rela who was in her own thought , she was wearing a tight shirt with V shaped neck giving a clear view of her cleavage of her big breasts with a skirt on her waist while it was giving view of her sexy long and juicy thighs. Luna analyse her look and thought.

" Just look at her sexy, and perfect figure, and specially her big breast which can even make me little jealous because mine is little small than her, she looks so beautiful did she knows any man can fall for her just by her looks no matter how old he is, let alone a kid at 17 years old he also might have get attracted to her sexy asf body not her heart." Luna thought.

" But what If young master doing all if these just because of his rise harmon only, not love her same goes for Jena her sexy butt is also dangerous for man. I have to stop it. "

" But if young master really want to do it with Rela and Jena than I can't stop him , I can only advice him. " Luna thought as she continue to look at her. She didn't want that her young master lost his character in these things after all porn can make a good guy in bad person so that's why. She was worried. But she knows one more thing that if young master did it with any of them it will definitely create a feeling for them.

And he might get hurt if anything wrong take place. Damn I really love young master I can't see him in pain last time young master fallen ill neither of us have slept for continue 72 hours until we saw young master get okay.

I like to stay close to him but it doesn't mean I can do something unreasonable to a kid.

She thought while Rela was thinking of making her night with young master special.

" While she was thinking about making night special, she also know what Luna said is also true she didn't want to young master only to like her body she wants to young master like her through his heart not just a mare physical relationship. "

" That's why she would wait until young master really love her, until then at least she can be little more close to him and let his wish fulfilled of drinking her milk, even if she likes young master doing all these things to her she didn't goanna through herself upon him like Jena did to him. She will wait patiently. "She thought to herself as she looked at Luna who was also thinking nearby same thing.


Come back to present time. .

Ayro was coming back from his other house where he used all the things to hacking. It would only take him 20 minutes to returned back soon he reached back to his house.

He came out of the taxi payed the money online and went inside the villa. He saw that the both guards was not there they might be eating lunch it's already 2:30 pm.

Soon he opened the door of the house and went inside. But saw there was no one inside the house.

" What the heck no one is here did they all in there room. " Ayro thought as he looked at his phone, he saw the time,

' they might be sleeping in there room. Haaa they can't work all day. ' he thought as he closed the door and went straight up to his room and change his clothes.

After changing the clothes he also wash his face and body, before coming out to the room he went up to there room but find out that all of them was sleeping in the master bedroom.

They are genuinely didn't sleep together but today Luna and Rela tried to make Jena understand that her decision is little rash, she didn't need to make child so eagerly, although they will help whatever decision she makes but they prefer to first let young master become adult enough. After that she can be mother they also knew that she hasn't be a mother before that's why they are convincing her.

Although Rela also didn't have any experience in being pregnant , but she was mother of her adopted child when she was in her 60s but now they all have become something and went out of the country. She had Her husband before but he was died in an assassinated in his job. That's right both husband and wife are potential assassin but since her husband has died she didn't know what to do but Alicia ( Ayro's mother ) was the one who asked Rela to become maid of her son in order to protect him and take care of him as well since she didn't wanted to leave her job as assassin even after her husband is dead.

But now every thing seem to change she wants to forget about her past and she decided to continue be young master's maid because she have never expected that she would ever fall in love at her age now, even she had a husband before but she had never able to love him because of her professional assassin heart that didn't care a bit about anyone , after all she had been trained to become a professional assassin from her childhood. She had worked as a assassin for around 60 years but now she quite it . And only become young master's professional maid .

This same goes for Luna and Jena as well they were also prepared by Alicia and were a Fucking killer in there 50's but Alicia made them Ayro's maid. The only thing common is their husband has died in some mission .

[ But Rela and Jena was still Virgin , only Luna had physical relationship with her husband. ]

But the fact is they used there sexy body to kill many people so there beauty can't be compare to normal after all seduction is one of the important thing to them. But there one more fact Luna was pregnant with her own baby but she has to drop it because of her job.

Even if they were prepared by Alicia they never imagine that there life would change like this living like they are living right now a feeling had deploved in there heart for each other the feeling that has never for there own husband but for a kid of 17 years old.

At first when they realise that they started to like young master they become very nervous because of many reasons . But as the time passed their nervousness fed away and now there only goal is to be with young master until they can be. After all they are still afraid if madem Alicia will know about them like her son, there was very high chance of being beheaded ( killed right on spot) .

But even after knowing that , they take the risk because of the love they had for young master. They wanted to spend there rest of time in being with young master happily, just like they are living but now they want to close there relationship a little as the young master becoming adult.

And now they have only one goal that is to see young master happy and be together with him. If they have to kill someone to make young master happy, then they will do it gladly but they didn't want to let their young master know about anything of their past. They want to being loved in present by there young master.

[ I think for now it's enough if you want board explanation then in future chapter you will get it. ]


See you in next chapter. Have a nice day. 🙂