Love Overflow.

" Why do you hurt me, even you want to, you seem to so Considrated about my feelings, if I know that you like me , I would genuinely be happy not hurt . " Ayro asked in confusion.

" Young master you didn't understand, if you have good relationship with me and later if you discover about my past as a killer who kill anyone by someone else order wouldn't be it the biggest mistake I would made in my life. And after knowing about my past, if you stops liking me and started to hate me, I didn't care if I will get hated by you in my entire life because I have endure enough pain."

" But because of it if you get hurt your feelings, how am I supposed to forgive myself. It would still good if I get hurt but I can't see you get hurt, furthermore if I would be the one who hurt you than... I.. Don't know what I will do... Sinff.. " She thought as she came in the verge of crying. But she still control her feelings and said to young master.

" Young master, I didn't want to hurt you, but you also didn't know about my past, what if after knowing it, it might hurt ...your ..feelings and started to hate me. " She asked. As she close her eyes she knew if she open her eyes she will start crying without any control.

Meanwhile just as she mention about past, Rela and Jena who was listing to their conversation instantly opened their eyes they have urge to stop Luna from telling any further but they stopped themselves.

After realizing what Luna said is true they also didn't want to hurt his feelings so if it will reveals later it will hurt more but if it will reveals now, it might be less painful. Thinking about this they stopped themselves.

" What past are you talking about, aunt. " Ayro asked as he looked at her who has close her eyes and biting her red lips to stop crying.

" Young master.. I ... Amm... " Luna started to talk about her but before she could, Ayro's voice sounded.

" Listen to me , aunt if you are worried about your past then don't worry I really didn't care what past do you have, even if it was worse I could know about you I really didn't care about it a bit, now only one thing that matters to me , And that is you are mine now, and I am your that's all. I don't want to listen your past things ever again. "

" I didn't care what past you have lived, the only thing I care about is , the aunt I like is still there and I am still there the Ayro you like, your past has nothing to do with it. "

" But if you still wants to go away from me just because of your past then, it will hurt me alot , I really didn't care what past you had before , aunt Rela, Aunt jena had but I really like to live with you all if any of you leave me because of it, then it might be the worst you can do to hurt me. " Ayro said in extremely said tone.

" Young... Young master... " Listening to her young master's word her eyes opened as she looked at him.

" Now, just tell me do you love me Or not, or you want to go away leaving me here. " Ayro asked as he looked straight to her eyes.

" Young master... Wahaaa.... Sob.... I really Love~ .. You... I will never leave you alone.... I want to live with you.. Until I die.... Waaahhhaaaa... Sob... " She said as her eyes brust into tears as she hugged her young master tightly.

" I also love you aunt, in fact I loved all of you when you were first came to my house as my maid but I didn't tell you. " Ayro said as he looks around he saw Jena and Rela's body was trembling.

" Then what about you aunt Rela and Jena, what do planned of doing want to be with me Or wants to leave me. " Ayro asked just as he asked they turned their bodies and looked at him. Their eyes were red and filled with tears while tears flowing down through their cheeks.

" We, also want be together with, young master.....until our ....death separate us.. " Both of them said in crying voice as they suddenly hugged him tightly and started to crying there heart contains. This was also the first time for them ever cry this badly.

They didn't cry this badly in their entire life not when they get married not when they become widow.

Sobb..... Sob..... Sobb... Sobbb.... Sobb..

While hugging each other tightly they cried for continue one hour. After they stopped crying the separate from each other's embrace and continue to stabilize there breathing.

" So do you all happy now. " Ayro asked with a smile as he looked at them.

" Yes, young master I never felt this happiness in my entire life.. " Rela said as she looked at young master lovingly.

" Yes, young master this is the happiest day for me ever. " Jena also agreed as she hugged him tightly from behind her blossom was touching his back. While a smile was hanging on her face she was looking absolutely cute with her red eyes and red face due to crying same goes for other as well.

" Yes, young master I also never felt this good in my life. " Luna said as she put her head on his chest while her hand was also on his chest.

" You know you all are the first person in my life whom I have accepted from my heart. " Ayro said as he hugged back Luna.

" Young master don't say something like that other wise we can't able to contains ourselves. " Rela said as she started to sniff.

" Yes, young master. " All of them aggered as their tears once again started to come down through there cheeks.

" Don't cry now, why are you crying aren't you happy because of it. " Ayro asked.

" Yes, we are happy and it's tears of our happiness. " Luna said with a smile. As she looked at me with a smile she was looking so cute as I was feeling to pamper her.

" Okay if you are happy then don't cry. " Ayro said to them with a smile. As he looked at them while thinking.

' Hass such a easy task capture them emotionally. I am really professional at lying, isn't it. I am really evil hehehehe.. ' he thought as he laughed in his mind.

" At least tell me you all, I am your's and you are....? " Ayro asked with a happy tone.

" We are your's young master. " They said in union as they started to laugh.

Meanwhile when both of them said all these things Dark Zetrus in Ayro's eyes started to shine but due to the contract lense he was wearing it was over shadow and didn't get noticed by Ayro or others.

... ...

Check the characters picture once again after transformation.

Now getting fun increase since you all know it's a magical novel so the fun is going to start soon. See you at next chapter.