Prblm Solved.

After they all lighten there mood. We all felt good.

Soon Rela get up from Luna's behind and came close to me and said .

" Young master! ..My breasts started to feel heavier seems like it is producing quite good amount of milk. Do you want to have a taste of your aunt's milk." Rela asked with a smile.

" Why not ; but first let's get fresh up you all have been crying for an hour. Do you know. " I said as I look at them.

" Well. ..! What young master said is right. Rela we have been crying for an hour, so first fresh up after that you can let young master drink your milk. " Luna said as she looked at me but she can't control herself she never kissed me before herself so she give a peak after saying.

" Well.. Okay. " Rela agreed and about to get up. But before she could do Jena said.

" What.. Young master, did Rela is pregnant before me. " Jena asked in surprise. As she turned to look at me and Rela.

" No.. No Jena don't work out, she has taken the pill that help her to produce before getting pregnant. " Luna instantly explained.

" Yes; young master said he loves my breasts and wanted to drink from it, that's why. " Rela said as she smile and get up from the bed and went outside.

" What.. Young master do you really like to drink milk from breasts. " Jena asked with a smile she had another idea.

Just Jena asked Luna also got idea.

" Yes, young master, do you only want to drink from Rela's breast don't you like our's. " Luna said as she hugged me. Her seduction is on.

" What are you talking about, I like your's as well. " I said as I put my one - one hand on both of there breast.

" If, that's the case, do you like to drink our milk as well. " Jena and Luna asked in seductive tone.

" Why, not I will but if that pill have a side effects then wouldn't be a problem. " I asked as I looked at them.

" Don't worry young master, it doesn't have any side effects. " Luna said as her hand roam on my chest.

" Oh if that's the case, then I would definitely like to drink your milk aunt, and thank you for doing all these things for me. " I said with a smile.

" Don't get us emotional once again, Young master we love you it doesn't make any different if we do these things for you, in fact we like it . " Jena said aunt Luna nodded.

" Okay, young master be ready tomorrow morning you drink my fresh milk. " Luna said and give me a kiss on my lips and went out side the room for fresh up.

" Mine, too. " Jena said as she also give me a kiss and put her hand inside my shirt and take feel of my mussels before breaking it and go out of the room.

" Young master, we have to complete tonight what we left uncompleted this morning, . Understand. " Jena said before going.

" Yeah, I understand now go for a fresh up. " I said as I also get up from the bed and went straight up to my room. I am also waiting to fuck these Milfy's.

After coming in my room I went inside my bathroom to take some shower..

Meanwhile on some hundred meters above from Ayro 's house in the sky a figure was standing in the sky.

" He actually activated our power's too early. I didn't expect him to do that but his power seems to quit different from our. Not completely just a little different. Well seems like I have to send him how to use it other wise he might cause destruction. " That shadow figure thought as a ray of light came out of his finger and that shadow disappear from there.


Back inside the bathroom room.

After taking shower for around 30 minutes Ayro came out and put his clothes on and went down to the hall.

After coming down I went straight up to the sofa ,where Luna was sitting while some snacks were on the tea table. There was only Luna sitting on it, rest have yet to come.

She was wearing sexy shirt and mini skirt.

I came there and sit next to aunt Luna just as I sit she looked at me and asked.

" Huh..! Young master, do you want to eat something. " Luna said as she came close.

" Yes, how about you feed me that. " I said as I pointed toward the chips which was on the table, she looked at it and a smile formed in her face. Soon she takes the chips from her finger tips and brought it near my face.

" Here, young master. " She said as the chips was just in front of my mouth.

Soon I opened my mouth to eat it but before I could take it she withdraw her hand and put the chips inside her mouth not completely but a little to hold on.

" Oh... You want to play ... Huh..! " I said as I looked at her. She denied my words as she move her head to say no.

But before she could move more I brought my face near her, she stopped her movement .

' Yes, Young master come close take it from my mouth.. Hmmm I didn't know why I suddenly have this idea but I want to try it with young master. ' She thought as she looked at the approaching face near her, her eyes was focus on Ayro's pink lips which was coming closer to meet her red juicy lips.

Just as Ayro coming close her heart beat started to rise as a blush appears on her white cheeks. And soon both of there lips met , just as there lips met Luna put her hands on her young master's chest while, Ayro wrapped his arms around her waist and put other one on her back.

Soon the chips on there mouth break on each other's mouth as they grind it before opening each other mouth, soon there tongue meet each other and started to lick on each other. While licking on each other's tongue and take taste including each other's saliva, Luna's arc her body backwards.

As Ayro continue to suck on her tongue. Soon they break their kiss and gluped the chips including each other's saliva while breathing heavily as they looked at each other's eyes.

Hahhh... Hahhh... Hahhh. ..

" Young master, do you like it. " Aunt Luna asked with a smile as she looked at me.. While her hand was still on my chest.

" Yes, Aunt I like it. It was sweet and sour, taste amazing. " I also replied with a smile.

" Then wanna try again. " Luna asked as she brought her hand on the chips bowl.

" Why, not. " I said just as I said she instantly lifted up the chips from her finger tips and put it on her lips. Just as she did it Ayro brought her face near her face and was ready to kiss.

' Yes, young master kiss me, I really like it I didn't know that it would be this fun, why didn't I tried it before. Hmmmm~ .. ' She thought as both of there lips met and chip which was on there mouth break , Ayro instantly swallow it and proceeds to suck on her red lips, He suck on her upper lips.

After sucking on her red lips, Ayro stopped just as he stopped sucking on her lips, Luna take his lips inside her mouth as she lick it through taking taste of his lips like it's her last time enjoying it. After sucking on each other's lips they opened each other's mouth and traveles there tongue inside each other's mouth and wrapped around each other's tongue and sucking on each other's saliva while Ayro put his hand inside her mini skirt and take the feeling of her soft butt and mould it, just he moulded it Luna moaned a little inside Ayro's mouth. Soon she removed her hand from Ayro's chest and wrapped it around his neck and brought him more close to her. While enjoying the kiss on her full set .

' I love this type of kiss, furthermore it's from my love I am really feeling the most lucky, I want if time stop while we are kissing this gently and passionately. I love you young master. And your kiss as well. '

While Ayro and Luna was kissing each other like a lost couple. Soon Rela came down from her room , after drying her hair, just as she came down she saw Ayro and Luna was kissing each other affectionately. So she didn't make any sound and came near them but sat on another sofa while looking at the couple in front of her .

' Hmm, young master really great at kissing I didn't know it , I also want to kiss him like that. ' Rela thought as she continue to look at them. After some time they stopped kissing. Just as they stopped Rela thought of teasing them so she smile teasingly and looked at them, but they ignored her and went on another kiss.

' Hun, how could they ignore me and went on another kiss seems like I have to wait a little more. By the way they simply didn't pay any attention around there , Are they so deeply in kissing with each other. Shit, I started to feel jealous, no.. No. I didn't feel jealous. They are cute with each other. Oh come on stop it. ' She thought as she continue to look at them patentially.
