Aunt Know about her situation.

After drinking as much as I can. I stopped sucking further.

" Aunt. I am full now. " I said as I stopped sucking her nipple and brought my face near her.

" Young master, do you really enjoyed it. " Aunt Rela asked as she put her hand on my face while brought her face near mine.

" Yes, I really enjoyed it, thank you . Aunt. " I said as she kissed on my lips and started to suck on my lower lips, after sucking for a while she insert her tongue inside my mouth as our tongue met each other, licking each other's saliva.

After kissing for around 2 minutes we broke the kiss and looked at each other's eyes. While breathing heavily.

" Hahh.. Hahhh... Young master, I also enjoyed kissing you. " Rela said with a smile as she hugged me, I also return her hug . Her face was near my neck as she rested her head on my chest while her breast was still open , which was touching my chest. While I was enjoying our warm hug Rela was thinking.

' Yes, just as I was feeling young master seem little tasty, I mean when I kiss him, I can able to taste his sweetness. I didn't know how but seems like, this is how love works we can smell each other's feelings. ' She thought while feeling eternal calm and comfortable in Ayro's embrace while Ayro was feeling calm in her embrace.

" Aunt, you know I am feeling so good while hugging you. " Ayro said as he looked down at his aunt. Just as he said it Rela looked up at him as she smile and said.

" I am also feeling comfortable in your hug young master. " She said with a smile she was looking so beautiful and cute. Looking at her, I can't able to control myself and kissed on her forehead.

" But young master I want to ask you something. " She said as she looked at me.

" What is it , aunt? " I asked.

" Young master, can you remove your shirt. " Rela asked with a little blush as she turned her face down not seeing in my eyes.

' I want to lick young master's chest and stomach, it is smelling so sweet I can't control myself. Fuckkk when did young master get this addicting smell.. Sniff... Sniff... Anhh~ .. I love it. I can't wait to lick you anymore young master. ' Rela was thinking as she feels her mouth filled with saliva , she gluped her mouth full saliva.

" Oh, that's all. Then Why don't you remove it yourself aunt. " I said as I get up to let her remove my shirt. Just as she listen to Ayro's word she instantly looked at him before getting up from the bed and sat down on her young master's thighs looked directly in his eyes.

" Thank you ,. Young master. " She said as she instantly started to remove his shirt , soon enough she remove it completely. As she remove it she looked at Ayro's chest with a so much curiosity as her eyes was shining with it.

' This is young master's bare chest so.. So beautiful.. ' She thought as she looked at it her breathing increase as she came closer to it while continue to move her hand on Ayro's hard muscles. After she came enough close because of her high breathing she can able to smell her young master's fragrance more precisely.

' Snifff.... Sniff.. Sniff... Yessss.. This scent is so alluring . ' She thought as she gulped her saliva, while sniffing her young master's scent.

" Aunt, do you want to have sex with me? " Ayro asked as he looked at her action.

Just as he asked, Rela looked at him with a smile .

" No..young master I didn't want to have sex with you now , but it doesn't mean I can't have intimate moments with you. " She said as she came close to him while her big breasts touched his chest. While both of them started to kiss each other. While Rela wrapped her hands around Ayro's neck.

After kissing him for a while she stopped and looked at Ayro's eyes before pushing him down on the bed while brought her face near his abdomen and started to lick him.

Lickk... Lick.. Lick...

' Yes, this taste it's egniteing me, I am feeling like my body started to hear up. It's like I am licking drug and aphrodisiac both at same time. It's so addicting. ' she thought as she continue to lick him. After licking him for a while she stopped as she looked at me.

" I did enough young master. If I go any further I might end up having sex with you. " She said as she get up from him. Ayro looked at her reaction and simply agreed on her words.

" Young master, I am going to washroom. " Rela said as she went out of the room and went towards her room. After she was gone Ayro thought .

" So, it is real I didn't saw only dream about it, it means it would be little trouble for me to solve it, how should I tell them about their powers . Wait I can wait until they unlock their powers after that it would easy to explain. " Ayro thought as he looked at the time it's already 4:50 am. So he decided to rest for an hour before thinking anything else.

Meanwhile inside Rela's room.

Inside the bathroom Rela was standing naked while cold water is pouring on her from her head to toe. While taking the shower she thought.

" Young master's scent was really addicting, I didn't expect me to nearly lost control on myself. " She thought as she rubbed her hand on her body.

" Since I am away from young master, I am not feeling a little bit of horniness. I am now calm . But in front of young master I was acting like a slut. What I was even doing? " She thought as she wash her hair.


Soon enough she came out of the shower after she calm down herself .

" What should I do now, since I have wake up early let's go for an jog then after that exercise. " She said as she remove the towel and wear her exercise suit. And went out to the garden around the villa.

Just like it 1 hour went by as Luna also wake up from her sleep it's already 6:00am .

' Haaahh.. Good sleep. Let's go for fresh up. ' Luna thought as she looked at her side and saw her young master was laying down without his shirt.

'Oh my.. Young master looking so hot... What I am thinking early morning, let's go I have to make breakfast. ' She thought as she was about to get up but before that she looked back to me and thought.

' But one kiss wouldn't be a problem. Right. 'She thought as she crawl near me and kissed me on the lips. But suddenly a goan came out of my mouth.

" Young master, I didn't do anything." Just as Luna heard my little sound , her face flushed red as she instantly retreated and went out of the room. She is still as shy as before.

After she went out Ayro also opened his eyes around 10 minutes later.

" Haah, I have to go to school. Let's go Ayro. " I thought as I get up from the bed. And went out to my room .

After coming inside my room, I went straight up to my bathroom and take a quick shower because I didn't know why I am so obsessed with bathing I mean I have already clean myself late night yesterday . Well forgot it.

After taking shower I came out of the bathroom and wear my clothes as I looked at the time it's only 6:50 so I decided to go to aunt room and check on her.

" Hah... I genuinely didn't know, how they got those powers which are not even have to me. " I thought as I came in front of the aunt's door and pushed it open but saw aunt was not there, I heard water splashing sound was coming from the bathroom so I genuinely thought she would be there as I directly went down to the hall.

As I came down at hall I saw aunt Luna was cooking breakfast while aunt Rela was sitting on the chair of the dinning table while talking to Luna. So I go to them and also sat next to them.

" Good morning , Aunt . " I greeted them as I sat next to aunt Rela.

" Good morning, young master. Wait few minutes breakfast would be done soon. " Luna shouted from the kitchen. While Rela looked at me with a smile a greeted happily.

" Good morning, young master. " She said as she continue to look at me. While she was looking at me I was thinking should I tell her about it like she will get some changes or something.

' Yes, I am not feeling any thing like lick young master or something sexual right now, I am still calm furthermore I can't able to smell his fragrance or something anything. ' Rela was thinking as she looked at me.

" Aunt. " I asked as I looked at her eyes.

" Huh..! Ye.. Yes... Young master. " She replied as she came out of her thought.

" Aunt, I want to say you something. " I said in serious tone. Aunt noticed my tone and look serious while listening.

" What is it, young master? " Rela asked while thinking why did young master became serious suddenly.

" Aunt, if you feel something odd or out of natural, then don't panic just try to control yourself and call me if something unnatural happen. " I said in dead serious tone.

" Huh..!! What are you talking about, young master, feel something odd, do you think I would get pregnant just by our few kisses. Hehe " Rela asked with a little chuckle.

" We have yet to do sex , how could you think I will feel something odd without that. " Aunt said with a little smile.

" I am not talking about, your pregnancy symptoms, I am talking about your behaviour like you are feeling little more aroused around me , like feeling licking my body or anything else. I didn't know more symptoms but if you feel anything out of natural than instantly call me , okay. " I said seriously as I brought my hand on her face, while she continue to look at face.
