Aunt's Lust.

'How did young master know that I want to lick his body and feeling more aroused when I was with him this morning. ' She thought as she looked at me in surprise. As she instantly put her hand on my hand which was on her face.

" Young master, how did you know I was feeling like that this morning. " Rela asked in surprise as she lean forward and close our distance. Our face are few inches away from kissing.

' so she really feeling like that. Although I didn't have problem how she was feeling or something, but I have seen her power in dream she is indeed powerful if because of her mistake or accidentally she release her power no one can able to stop her, furthermore if any type of news went outside about there power, it would be problem. 'I thought as I looked at her.

" Aunt, I know that, but that's not important now, the thing that is important now is if you feel anything like it, don't supress it or something. Just say immediately to me and do whatever you are feeling not try to suppress any of those weird feeling , okay did you understand. " I said to her while gently rubbing her face.

" Young master, how did you know about , I was feeling like that , is my question and as for what you said I will take care about it and not suppress my feelings. " Aunt Rela said as lean back to her chair.

" Aunt, don't think too much after I came back from the school, I will explain you every thing, but until then if you feel anything weird then instantly call me . " I said.

" Okay, young master, I understand. " Rela agreed in normal way, while thinking.

' how did young master know, I was feeling h.... Wait.. Wait a second I.. I. Am starting to feel his scent once again what is happening. ' she thought as she instantly turned to look at Ayro. While her heart beat started to rise as the sweet smell she was inhaling , her breathing also paced up her breasts started to rise and fall immediately.

' I am feeling to kiss him once again, and lick his chest. Fuckkk. How is this happening young master just said and I have started to feel like it. ' She thought while breathing heavily, continue to look at Ayro. Ayro also noticed her gaze.

" What happened aunt, are you feeling something once again? " Ayro asked as he looked at her. Just as he asked Rela thought something before replying.

" Young.. Young master, I .. I can smell you, your sweet smell attracting me to kiss you and lick you. Young master. " Rela answer truthfully actually she also got a little scared how is this happening, until now she understand that , this is not how normal lovers feel.

" Do you want to kiss me now? " I asked in surprise, as Rela instantly nodded at my words.

" Yes, young...hahh...hahhh.. Master please kiss me now other wise I will.... " She said as her breathing increase at another level , but before she could say anymore , I instantly get up from my chair and sit on her lap before kissing her while grabbing her face.

Just as Ayro kissed her, Rela instantly started to suck on his lower lips hungrily before increting her tongue inside his mouth and suck every drop of saliva from his mouth. While thinking.

' Yes.. This is heaven I can't get enough of this. ' She thought as she drank Ayro's saliva continue.

' But why I am doing this, it's good that young master instantly kissed me other wise I was feeling like to rip his clothes and force myself upon him. What the fuck has happened to me? ' Rela thought while hand was roaming on Ayro's chest taking feel of it.

After kissing for continue 3 minutes they broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen other wise they might continue to suck each other's saliva. After breaking up the kiss they gasp heavily.

" Hahh... Hahh... Hahh... Aunt, are you now satisfied? " Ayro asked in calm but gasping tone.

" Yes, I am young master but why I am feeling like it. If you haven't kissed me just now, I might do something inappropriate to you. " Rela asked as tear drops appear in her eyes. Ayro wipe her tears as he think.

' So she was about to do something. Huh..! It is dangerous and the worst part I didn't know anything about it. So I can't take risk of those powers. ' I thought .

" I will explain everything, later for now tell me are you feeling satisfied or you want to do something else. Because it might be harmful if it get suppress. " I thought as I looked at her eyes, I am still sitting on her lap. While facing her.

" Young master.. I.. Waahaaa... Boohooo.. ~ I didn't know.. Why.. I am feeling like this. Boohooo ~ . .. I want to lick your chest. " Rela said but she suddenly started to cry as in an instant her tears came down to her cheek. I looked at her tears but I didn't stopped her crying instead opened my shirt and wrapped my hand around Aunt as her face dugged on my chest.

Sniff... Sniff.. Sinff....

'Yesss.... This smell.. Fuck that feeling I want to lick young master.. He is only mine. ' Rela sniff few times before her crying stopped while an evil smile appears on her face. As she instantly started to lick Ayro's chest .

' Yes, this taste, young master taste so good, I am feeling I should eat him alive but I can't after all he is my... ' she thought while continue to lick her precious young master.

While I was thinking. ' Wow, it went out of the hand just as I said to her. Fuck what should I do. ' I thought while Rela continue to lick me. After satisfying her lust. She stopped licking and looked at me.

" Sorry, young master I didn't do anything intensely. " Rela said with a sad expression.

" Don't worry, Aunt. Are you satisfied now. " I asked to her with a smile. Rela looked at my smile her heart instantly lighten up as she replied.

" Yes, young master I am satisfied. " Rela said while wiping her saliva from my chest by her dress. After she wiped my chest I once again sat on my own chair calmly like nothing happened.

" So, aunt since you feel how intense it could be so be alert. You are not only one with this, aunt Jena and aunt Luna have same thing." I said to her. Just as I said to her she looked at me in surprise.

" What young master, Jena and Luna also feel like me? " Rela asked me in surprise.

" Not now but soon, aunt Luna will start to feel. As for Aunt Jena she already feeling like it yesterday night. " I explained it to her.

' what, Luna had yet to start feeling it, while Jena already feel this. Oh my if I can't able to control myself in time I was feeling like I might have harmed young master, if he didn't let me do it. What if Jena or Luna can't able to or accidentally harm young master. 'She thought as she felt angry on the thought of young master getting harmed but before she could get more angry, a kiss once again felt on her lips as she felt calm as sea.

' Hahhh why it is so comfortable? ' Rela thought as she feels the kiss which was on her lips. After Ayro stopped kissing, Rela looked at him.

" Why did you suddenly kissed me, Young master? " Rela asked as she looked at him with a cute expression.

" I was feeling like you are angry or something. " Ayro replied truthfully.

Just as he said Rela thought. 'Fuck he can feel my emotion, I can't get angry. ' She thought as she calmed herself down.

After calming her down I looked at the time it's only 7:05am I still have time before I go to school. Aunt Luna has yet to make breakfast. But I am afraid if I stay any longer it can create more mess so I think I should go school early.

I thought as I get up from the chair and said to Rela.

" Aunt I am going to school. " I said as I started to walk away.

" Why are you going early? Atleast eat before going. " Rela asked as she get up from her chair to stop me but before she could say anything I turned to say her something but before I could say anything. I feel someone jumped on me. I can't able to balance myself as I fell down on the ground as I find myself lay down on the ground while my hand was being tapped down tightly on the ground I can't able to move it.

Soon I opened my eyes and saw.

" Aunt, what are you doing? " I shouted as I looked at my aunt who was sitting on the top of me while she was completely naked .

But aunt Jena didn't reply instead she instantly started to kiss on my lips roughly as she inserted her tongue inside my mouth.

Rela looked at the scenario in front of her. She didn't know where Jena came and instantly pinned her young master down to the ground and started to kiss him like a hungry wolf. And the most important thing why the fuck she came down here naked.


Hope you are enjoying it.