Jena's explanation.

After getting each other's essence to our satisfaction our heart feel comfortable and calm.

" So, wifey can you now tell me about this essence thing. " I asked as I lay down next to her. She was looking into my eyes.

" Huh..! Yes, about that it's nothing when you accepted the three of us your wife that afternoon. Our heart get a sealed with a contract so we have to be in each other's company in every 5 hours but since you contact with not only one wife but three you can get in contact with each of us in around 8 hours. " Jena explained.

" But we only have one that is you hubby so we want your essence more earlier than you need ours, so that's why. If we didn't take each other's essence at times our heart become restless and might do destruction in this world. " Jena said as she looked at me.

" So do you understand? " She asked as she put her hand on my face..

" Oh in simple terms if we didn't contact each other at time we might lose control in our powers and cause destruction. " I asked.

" Yeah in simple terms yes but in reality if we didn't get in contact with each other we might lose our mind as well and it eventually lead us to death. In simple terms if any of us die we all will die with them. " She said as a sad smile appear on her face, while continue to rub my face.

" Oh I understand. Okay then I shall take my leave it's already school time. " I said as I get up from the bed.

" But before going tell me about this smell that attract me towards you or you to me. And what happened to Rela. " I sit up and asked. Meanwhile Jena also get up from the bed and sat

" Yes, that thing it's our natural fragrance. Which I personally love it it smells so good more scented than a perfume. Back to the topic since we have that smell it will help us to detect each other's presence and if you deliberately want to not get each other's essence this fragrance will work as aphrodisiac, the more you resist the more strong it will get. "

" So don't try to hide your feelings when you are near your wives , understand hubby. " She said as she started to came close.

" I understand, but why are you coming close you didn't lack of it now are you? " I asked as I stopped her from coming close.

" Yeah, you are right, hubby. But it's my animal nature if I saw you close to me and didn't have physical contact with you , even it's just holding hands I started to feeling alone. " Jena said in sad tone.

" So your animal nature is to seduce. Huh..! " I asked suspiciously as I get up from the bed.

" How did you know..? Hubby. Well forgot it do you have any more question before going to school. " Jena asked as she gets up from the bed and stand in front of me.

" Yeah, I have since you have animal instinct do you get jealous if you saw me with someone else. " I asked with a smile. Jena looked at my smile and replied clamly.

" Yes, we got jealous that's why before you going out I wanted to leave my scent on you." Jena said.

" No, not you did I also get jealous." I asked in confusion since I never felt jealous in anything.

" Dear, it's simple just imagine me in someone else's guys hand. " Jena said in calm tone with a little smile, she seems to know something.

" So, what can't I just leave you by not giving you my essence since I can live more without your essence? " I asked. But Jena replied.

" No, you can't just imagine the same thing with your eyes shining, you will understand it. " Jena said with a smile. As she said I awake Dark Zetrus and imagine Jena with someone else hand.

" Fuck.. What is this pain in heart it's burning me,. Aaaaaaahhhhhhh.... My heart.... FUCKKK... WHY IT IS SO PAINFUL... " I thought , just as I did my whole body started to burn while immense pain in heart. Pain was that much that I totally lost control in myself as I was about to collapse in the ground but before I could fall,

" Don't work up yourself, hubby. I am still here. " Jena said as she grabbed my body and Hugged me tightly while planting a kiss on my lips. Just as she did my heart returned to normal.

" So do you understand, Hubby. " Jena asked with a smile while a tear drop appear on her eyes. While looking at my red face due to pain and heavily gasping figure.

" Fuck, I understand that painful . But you , you are only mine don't even think about it. " I shouted as I hugged her tightly.

" Yeah, yeah don't worry hubby. " Jena said as she rubbed on my back. Soon let her go and saw the tear in her eyes as it came down through her cheek.

" What happened, why are you crying? " I asked Worriedly as I put my hand on her cheek and wipe her tears.

" Nothing, just seeing you in that painful expression my heart also feel like it's getting crush by that pain. " She said with a sweet voice as another drop fell from her cheek.

" Oh my god. That's horrible . But I have go to school and I have friends if you see me with anyone of my classmates than did you still go through with this pain. " I asked to her. Just as I asked she wiped her cheek and replied .

" Not really. It will not hurt us until you take there essence inside your body. If you only get close to them and got there scent on you. I can always put my scent on you hubby. " She said as she hugged me once again.

" Oh I see, well forgot it. I will ask last question before going to school. How can I get your essence or anyone. " I asked as I started to walk outside.

" You can get anyone's essence by exchanging saliva, milk, and urine. Since in our case all of these play an important role. Hubby. And you hadn't taste my urine, after you come back I will let you taste it, believe me it's going to heaven for you . " Jena said excitedly.

" Really are you really going to give your husband, your urine. " I asked in surprise.

" Don't get shocked hubby, it's your fortune that I am ready to give you. Hump..! " Jena said with a pout. As she followed me down.

" Oh, by the way since you say you need my essence earlier it means I have to come back early. " I asked as I looked at her.

" No.. Not in our case you see, if it's only you and me than you have to come back early but now since you have 3 wives, if I get any of your wives essence I can wait for you longer there wouldn't be any problem. Same apply for them as well. " Jena replied .

" Oh, atleast that's good. " I said as I looked at her before going down to the stairs.

" You know, wifey you look beautiful without clothes but I still ask you to wear it even if it's in our house. Understand. " I said as I came down to the stairs.

" Yes, hubby don't worry I will order my new clothes. " She said excitedly as we came down while Aunt Rela and Luna was still there sitting on the chair.

" Okay aunt I am going to school. " I said as I came near them. Just as I said both of them turned there face towards me but before aunt Rela could say anything I instantly give her a kiss.

" Hmmm.. ~ hahhh... Hahhh.. Why did you kiss me suddenly young master? " She asked in surprise.

" Don't worry aunt Jena will explain you every thing. I am going so ... Chuuu" I said as I kissed aunt Luna on the lips and get out of the door. Just as I leave aunt Luna come back to her senses as her cheek turned red. But her attention instantly diverted by aunt Jena.

" Jena, what happened, what happened to young master, what is he saying? And why are you naked ? " Rela bombarded Jena with so many questions, but Jena didn't instantly replied instead she sat on the chair next to them.

" Don't worry I will explain your every question. Just be patient. " Jena said as she sat cross legs.