Ayro Famous the school.

After coming out of the villa I saw the time it's already 7:30 am.

" I didn't know what mess I am in how is my powers are getting distributed or they are gaining I didn't know, I am feeling like headache. " I thought as I walked some distance but I feel like my body hurts because the pain I have suffered in the Jena's room.

" I didn't want to walk more. What should I do , should I order a taxi. Well forgot it I will simply go to school by the bus . " I thought as I walk near bus stop I reached there in nearly 3 minutes.

" There was not much people there , bus has yet to come. It will come around 7:45 so I will sit on , yes on that bench. " I thought as I went up to the bench where a young lady was sitting there was a little boy next to her seems like her son.

" She is pretty. Huh..! Well forgot it. " I thought as I sat next to them and close my eyes until the bus will come . I genuinely didn't want to die .

' Damn I forgot to ask them about their power how much power do they possess. Well no hurry I can always ask them after I go back to home. Fuck my mind is not stable. Control. ' I thought while waiting for the bus.

Just some time passed more people come to the stop. 10 students can be seen from my school.

As Ayro was sitting on the brench, the little boy next to him who seems to around 12 years old. And quite cute .

" Mommy, see isn't this is the uniform of the school you are going to admit me. " He said as he looked at his mom who has light pink hair and she was also wearing a mask. Just as he said it that lady turned her face to see.

" Huh..! You are right ,Kito. " She said as she patted his head.

" And see mom he is also wearing a mask, like you. Hehe. " Kito said with a smile as he pointed at Ayro.

" He is. Kito but point at others it's rude. Okay. " Sayra said her voice was soft and sweet as she also noticed Ayro's mask.

' Should I ask this kid about the academy. It is safe or there is any bullying in the school or not. ' She thought as she was concidrated about Kito getting bullied at school.

" Okay mom. " Kito said with a nod. As he was looking like some cute little boy.

" It's good you understand, baby. " She said as she put her left hand around him and pull him close to her, while prepare to ask Ayro.

" Anhh~ ..! Excuse me. " She said in low tone her voice was sweet. After she called Ayro he didn't respond he was still in his thought.

' What is he didn't listen or didn't want to response. ' Sayra thought as she called Ayro once again.

" Amm... Hello. Excuse me. " Sayra said as she tapped at Ayro's arms. Just as she did it Ayro instantly opened his eyes and looked at their direction.

" Yes, sorry I didn't pay attention,did you call me. Miss." I asked in a calm tone as I looked at her she is indeed beautiful.

" Ah ha.. Yes.. I called you. You are also studying in.... Academy. " Sayra asked as she looked at me.

" Yes, miss I am studying in that academy." I asked in calm tone. After all no matter how flustered you are you can't take your anger at stranger's .

" That's great, by the way what's your name. Boy. " She asked in as she thought.

'He doesn't seem to rude, quite polite. He seems to have good behaviour. '

" Ayro. " I said as I looked at her eyes.

" Oh, Ayro it's quite cute name. By the way I am Reka. I leave here nearby. " Sayra said in quite sweet voice.

" Oh, I see Reka. Than what should I help you with. " I asked her directly by her name.

" Ah.. Well you see, this is my son and I want to admit him in that school so I want to know about there environment. Is there any type of problem or bullying things. " Sayra asked as she looked at me .

" Actually Reka I am new in the academy, it's only 1 year since I joined the academy. And that period of time I didn't know about any type of bullying other students or someone harassing someone. So I can't say. But if you want there are many other students here you can ask them. " I replied as much as I can.

" Oh, thank you for Clearfiying it. " Sayra said as she thought.

'He only study there for one year. And he didn't know about any of these cases. Seems like I have to ask someone else. But the way he talked to me seems to polite this is the primary reason of bullying isn't it . ' She thought as she continue to look at Ayro while Ayro looked at front waiting for bus. Just as she was in deep thought.

Kito suddenly asked Ayro. As he called Ayro.

" Senior Ayro. Why are you also wearing a mask? Like my mommy. " Kito suddenly asked as he pulled Ayro's coat.

'What is this kid asking? He might have his own reason. ' Sayra thought but didn't stop Kito because she thought Ayro is a good boy.

" Huh...! " I caught in surprise by both mother and son pair both have so sweet voice.

" Nothing, I just didn't like too much unwanted attention. Specially those types of young girls. " I said as I looked at the direction of the group of girls.

" Oh, you didn't like too much attention. Do you hate girls. " Kito asked. But Ayro's reply caught Sayra's attention she thought Ayro was a good boy but why did he talking bad about young girls.

" No, I didn't hate anyone, it's just simply I didn't like any young girls. Let alone them. " I said without looking at them.

" Is there any special reason of your not liking them? " This time Sayra asked because she is also a girl. So it came to her pride .

" Not much they didn't know what love is. I simply help any people out of kindness those idiot thought me as I am in love with them. Idiots. I have pretty face and I just help you because of kindness it doesn't mean you have to fall for me. I am just a normal guy with little handsome face. " I explained it to Reka.

' What isn't he is quite confidence about making any girl fall for him? Is he is just bluffing. ' She thought and decided not to comment anything.

' but isn't he is quite confidence. Kid. What can I say I have saw many wanted to show off by bluffing about themselves, is he wants to impress me? ' She started to think many reasons.

" Oh I see. " She said and become silent. Soon enough bus also arrived. As the bus arrived. Ayro saw it and said his goodbye to them and went straight up to bus.

" Okay, Reka. It's nice to talk with you. My bus has come so I am going. " I said as went straight up to the bus. Just as he said it.

' What a fool kid. I am also going there. I think he genuinely wanted to give a good impression. ' She thought as she grabbed Kito's hand and went straight up to bus.

After coming inside bus I saw many 20 students filled the bus while only remaining 4 seats in back are available. Which was like a sofa with five seat. Just as Ayro saw it he instantly went there without any problem and sit down there silently. Just as he sat.

He saw a girl came next to him for seat. Ayro was sitting on the corner. So she sat next to him. Meanwhile Sayra and kito also came inside and saw the seats are already full so without thinking much they also went back to the bus. Soon Kito saw Ayro once again and smiled at him.

" Senior Ayro we meet again. Hehe. " Kito said with a laugh before sitting down on the seat next to the girl. I looked at him but didn't say anything.

Just as Kito said, the girl next to me , looked at me instantly before checking on her phone.

' Did this guy really, Ayro. I mean the one who have become famous recently and even ignore seniors , didn't pay attention to girls and have high level advice on him . Who can able to help anyone to become girlfriend or boyfriend.' She thought I mean that's what school have news about Ayro.

'Yes, he have the same mask on his face plus same hair. Yes he might be the real Ayro. ' She check Ayro's picture on her phone , those pictures and videos have gone viral in internet it's just Ayro is too busy in his sexual life to notice it.

" Anh~ .. Excuse me, Are you Ayro. From class 2A . " The girl asked as she looked at Ayro. While Ayro who had his eyes closed also opened it.

" No. I am not. Ayro, Girl. " I replied in calm tone and went silent.

'Huh..! Isn't this kid first said his name was Ayro. Why he is denying it. ' Sayra who was sitting next to them heard there talk and thought to herself.

Just as Ayro denied it. Kito suddenly asked his mom.

" Mommy didn't, this senior said his name is Ayro before? " Kito asked to her mother.

" Uh huh. " Sayra didn't reply just nodded at him.

" What you are not Ayro, but you have same hair and mask on you. " Girl asked in suspiciously.

" I said I am not girl. Don't waste your time with me. " I replied as I once again closed my eyes.

' I really didn't like to clearify myself. And didn't like this unwanted attention. Why does they care even I am Ayro? ' I thought as I didn't say anything..

" Oh I see. Sorry I might misunderstood you someone else. " Girl said as she takes out her phone and take picture of her and Ayro together.

' Even if he is not, he looks copy to the real Ayro. So I can take picture of him to show off in front of my class. ' She thought as she takes few pictures silently while Ayro closed his eyes.