
After I take there lollipops of their mouth. Mike looked at with a smile.

" 1000¢ each. " I said suddenly. Just as I said Mike give two 1000 note.

" Deal. " Mike said as he take both of them and put it on his mouth.

" I have to admit this is sweet. " Mike said as he lick the lollipop. Meanwhile both Lily and Anna looked at me in surprise.

' What just happened didn't he take it, from us to eat himself then why did he give it to Mike. ' Lily thought as she looked at me in surprise plus her anger was increasing.

" What is the meaning of this, Ayro? " Anna asked in confusion.

" Oh nothing . By the way do you expect me to eat it. " I asked as put my chin on my fingers and looked at them.

" Yes,.. I mean no. But isn't that's why you take it. " Lily asked as she looked at me. Furthermore her face became more red as she said yes.

" Oh, don't worry. I will explain it when we go to canteen in second period. " I said as I looked at them, just as I said teacher entered in our class. And we started to pay attention to study.

' What is this Ayro thinking? Forgot it. I have nothing to do with it. But it's good he didn't eat that lollipop at least in front of Mike.' Lily thought before paying her attention on the board.

Soon after that period end. I got up from the seat and said.

" Let's go. " I said as I said all of them followed me.

In the way to canteen.

" So, you want to know what happened. Isn't it. " I asked as I looked at them.

" Anhh.. Yes " Both agreed.

" It's just Mike wants that lollipop you were eating. And he wants to learn how to calm your anger ,Lily. " I replied in calm tone.

" What do you mean by my anger? " Lily asked in confusion as Anna nodded in agreement.

" Aren't you angry with me? " I asked as I looked at her.

" Why I would be angry with you just because of that lollipop? If you think about it then forgot it I am not. Your plan of teaching him is fail. " Lily said with a little chuckle.

" Oh then you might be now. " I said as I looked at her with a smile under my mask.

" Why ? " Lily but suddenly I said.

" You see that Mike didn't say anything about your cough... I mean your chest.. It's my personal opinion. " I said just as I said. Lily's face became red as she throw a punch at me.

" You " But her punch got blocked by me. She wants to throw another but before she could do anything I said.

" Okay don't get too much angry girl. " I said but at last she settle down a punch in my stomach.

" Okay, now I believe I am really angry at you , Ayro and I want to see how are you going to calm down my anger. " Lily said in challenging tone. Meanwhile Anna laughed at it.

" You really pissed her off. Haha. " Anna said as she laughed.

" Yeah, that's how she got angry with me. You see Ayro you didn't get beaten hard but I got. After angering her. " Mike said to me.

" Okay now the thing is if you want to calm her down you have two ways. Slow and fast." I said to all of them.

" Oh, you have two ways the first tell me fast way. " Mike said while all of them looking at me.

" First if she is my girl then I can confirmed the fast way of calming down her anger will work on her you see, I simply need to give a kiss on her lips. And that's all matter settled. I mean it's working on my case I can't guarantee about you. " I explained as we were about to reach canteen.

" What are you serious when she is angry she didn't let me touch her let alone kiss are you kidding me? " Mike said in loud tone.

" Yeah, that's right I can't let him kiss me if I would be angry with him. " Lily agreed with a blush.

" Yeah how can you kiss when you angered your girlfriend. " Anna asked.

" No. It's in your case not mine. I can do that. But the fact is you need a handsome face that you didn't have Mike. " I replied in calm tone.

" Ayro are you insulting me. " Mike said in sad voice.

" No I am telling truth, " I said as I looked at him.

" Yeah, he is telling truth you are not handsome, idiot. " Lily sorted.

" Huh..! How could you say that Lily? " Mike said as he grabbed her hand and looked at her eyes. Just as he did it Lily instantly blushed as she lower her face. Before saying.

" Ok.. Okay you are handsome Mike. Now let me go. " She said with a blush as she takes her hand away from him.

" See I told you Ayro. " Mike said with a laugh.

" Forgot it, what about slow option. " Anna asked.

" What slow option, isn't he learn how to calm her down ? You see just now. " I said as I looked at her.

" But Ayro isn't she is angry with you not me." Mike asked as he still held her hand.

" Oh are you still angry with me. " I asked to Lily.

" Yes, I am. Stupid Ayro. " Lily said with a little smile she genuinely not that angry. After all she didn't care that much about Ayro's nonsense.

" If that the case.. " I said as I brought my hand near my face and oped my mask .

" Then be angry girl, I didn't care. " I said as I smiled at her. Just as I opened my mask Lily and Anna looked at me with a surprise.

' Oh my god, is this really Ayro. I didn't expect him to be this handsome. ' Anna thought as she looked at Ayro without blinking.

' oh my goodness, he .. He is really fucking awesome. ' Lily thought as she also continue to look at Ayro.

While they are looking at Ayro. Mike said.

" Ayro, you are really fucking handsome. " Mike said with a smile. As he put his hand on my shoulder.

" Okay then, let's go for eating. And order what ever you want okay, it's on me. " I said as I moved meanwhile they all also followed me .

' Damn he is more handsome then I have imagined. Should I ask him out for a date. ' Anna thought as a blush appear on her face but she followed them.

' Ayro is really handsome, and if he really eat that lollipop it wouldn't be any problem. Fuck what I am even thinking. ' Lily thought as she blush heavily before it gets disappear.

And this is how we went to a restaurant in school field , I took a private room and we talked too much nonsense that is not important and just like this our school ends.

Meanwhile inside Ayro's villa when Ayro left for school.

" So, the thing you want to know. But before that congratulations we have become young master's official wives no more official then any marriage contract. " Jena said with a smile but they didn't understand what Jena was talking about.

" What are you talking about, Jena?" Rela asked but suddenly Luna said.

" I can understand if you are talking about young master agreed on accepting us yesterday that are you talking about. " Luna asked.

" Yes, that's what I am talking about. " Jena said with a nod.

" I understand that your happiness but young master is still child, Jena so don't think too much. " Rela said with a sad tone.

" No, no listen to me you know young master is not a normal human. He literally have magic powers . It's just we didn't know about it. " Jena said with a shout.

" What Jena are you insane? How did you even think about it? " Rela said but suddenly her facial expressions changed.

" Je.. Je.. Jena. How are you doing it? Is it projection of image or... " Rela asked in surprise as her mouth become wide open.

" No, it's real you can try touch it. " Jena said as she showed the water ball in her hand which came out of nowhere.

Just as Jena said both Rela and Luna touch it there hand instantly become wet at it came in contact with their hand..

" It is really real. Fuck, I am dreaming. " Rela said as she held her head.

" No, no Rela it's not dream. " Luna said as she washed her face by that water ball.

" Oh my god, but how did you doing it, Jena? " Luna asked in surprise as she looked at her.

" Yes, how are you doing it? " Rela asked in surprise.

" Hehe.. You want to know, didn't I already said Young master is not a ordinary human. " Jena said with a little chuckle.

" What, what does it has to do with, Young master? " Luna and Rela both asked in union.

" Wait are you mean you get these powers from young master. " Rela asked as looked at her .

" Yes. " Jena replied.

" But how. " Luna asked as she held Jena both shoulder.

" Didn't I already told you, young master is not a ordinary human and since we have become his wives we also get his powers. " Jena said with a smile.

" Are you serious? " Rela asked in surprise.

" I am, Rela. " Jena replied.

" But why didn't we got it or know about it. " Rela asked.

" That's I also didn't know, I also know recently. " Jena said with a weird smile.

" Then it means we can also use magic powers like that. " Luna asked as she touched the water ball once again.

" Yes, you will. " Jena replied with a smile as she disappear the water ball.