Magic powers.

" But how we didn't know anything about it. " Rela asked as she looked at her own hand.

" You can but not now . " Jena replied as put her head on her palm.

" Then how did you get it. " Luna asked as her curiosity kicked in.

" Yes, then how did you get it. " Rela also asked this is the first time they even seen something like it.

" Oh, because my relationship with young master is one step ahead then both of you. " Jena said as she smiled at them beautifully.

" Is it because, you had already sex with young master. " Rela asked as she looked at her smiling face.

" Yes. " Jena said .

" Oh my god. Wait a second does that means you become this beautiful because of that magic. " Luna asked in surprise as she observe Jena's body.

" Not.. Really but you can say that. " Jena replied while thinking a little.

' I got beautiful appearance because of my another form, that was unlocked because of young master. I genuinely didn't know how my normal body changed. ' Jena thought as she thinks it might also because of that.

" Oh my goodness, by the way how much power do you possess, Jena? And what can you do with your powers? " Rela asked with curiosity.

" Anhh~ .. Actually I didn't know my power level but I know one thing the more we get each other's essence we will become more powerful. " Jena said with a little thinking.

" Huh..! You didn't know? " Luna asked.

" I mean I only get it recently I didn't test it or something. " Jena hurriedly explained.

" By the way , what is this essence thing? " Rela asked.

" That's what we need to increase our powers that same goes for young master as well if he get our essence he can also able to get more powerful. " Jena replied while looking at them.

" Then how can we get these essence, do we have to drink each other's blood. " Luna asked as her crucity was in high level.

" Yes, it seems like something inside us. Isn't it. Do we have to sacrifice something or something else. " Rela also asked her curiosity also kicked in.

" No that's not that brutal you didn't have to sacrifice something or any blood. It's . . It's

In simple words the liquid inside us work as essence. Do you understand? " Jena replied.

" What do you mean by that? Isn't blood is perfect example of it? " Luna asked, while Rela nodded at it.

" It is but it's not. " Jena said she was also confused at first but she understand it later.

" Then what are you referring to. Why don't you just tell us this essence? " Rela asked.

" Well you see it's nothing it's refer to our liquid inside us like our saliva, Our breasts milk and our urine. That's all. " Jena replied.

" What, I can understand this, saliva and milk thing but urine. How is that.. " Rela asked in surprise.

" Yes, is that really.. " Luna asked as she blushed heavily.

" Don't worry you will understand it, but first tell me, do you feel today like you want to lick young master and kiss him. " Jena asked.

" Yes, I felt like that, just this morning. " Rela instantly agreed.

" I didn't feel something like that. I mean I just feel like normal. " Luna said in confusion.

" Oh, don't worry you will soon feel it. But the main thing is, you felt like that because we are now really young master's wives and even if you deny this fact it will not change.

You see when young master agreed on accepting us as his own yesterday afternoon, we have sign a heart contract with him. You will soon see the effects of that contract. Like example. You can't be away from young master around 5-6 hours.

You have to get his essence in every around 6 hours. If you didn't do it, your heart will become restless and it might led you to death. " Jena explained.

" Do you mean, what I have felt before I will feel it every 6 hours. " Rela asked in surprise.

" Yes, you will but you will not feel it if you get his essence on time, his essence means his saliva, his milk I mean young master's sperm and young master's urine. " Jena explained.

" It means we have to do sex with him every 6 hours. " Luna asked with a blush.

" Not really you just need to get young master's essence no matter the method. But if you have sex with him it will help you to become stronger. And if you deliberately want to not made physical contact with him. Your body will get devour by the lust to do intense sex with young master.

So I believe you understand. " Jena replied.

" I didn't have any problem with it but I wanted to make it special that's why but if that's the case then forgot it. " Rela said in low tone.

" Yes, that's the problem. " Luna said.

" Well there is one more thing. We also have sign contract with each other, if we didn't able to get his essence in time and started to feel restless. We can control it by using each other's essence. " Jena replied.

" What do you mean by that ? " Rela and Luna asked in union.

' Don't tell me you are planing to do it with us. ' Both of them thought.

" Anhh~ .. It's simple if we didn't get young master's essence we can control our restless heart by taking each other's saliva or any other essence. Don't worry you will understand it. Furthermore if we take each other's essence we will also able to increase our powers. Without young master's help.

If he wouldn't be around. So the choice is yours. " Jena replied with a evil smile. Meanwhile both of their Experssion turn weird.

" Well, forgot it we will talk about it later. But first one more thing. Once you will get magic powers you can able to transform into this. " Jena said as she snapped her fingers just as she did it her blue white ears appears on her and her bule and white beautiful and soft tail came out of her body.

" Owwwww... What is that ,Jena? " Luna asked as she looked at her in surprise.

" Oh my god. Is it really a tail. Is it real, Jena. " Rela asked as she came close to it.

" Yes, it is. " Jena replied as she brought it near her face and hugged it.

" As you can see it's so soft , beautiful, cute and comfortable. And i love it. " She said while hugging and caring it.

" Oh my god, it's really seems so cute and soft. Can i touch it, Jena. " Luna asked as she lifted her hand.

" Yes, you can just don't press too hard. " Jena said as she saw Luna touched her soft tail.

" Oh my, it's so soft. " Luna said as she also hugged it. Rela looked at it and care it before asking.

" Jena it's really so soft and comfortable, is it also because of your magic powers. " Rela asked as she care her tail.

" Yes, it is you will gradually understand it and gain it just wait until few days. " Jena said as she became normal.

" I have to admit, this is really I didn't expected, I mean it's doesn't feel real. " Rela said with a light smile.

" Yes, you are right, I didn't know that young master possess magic powers. " Luna said .

" I am feeling it so unreal that if I go to sleep now , I would be afraid it all might be a dream. " Rela said while Luna nodded.

" Don't worry it's not dream you will also get these things. " Jena replied with a smile. Just as she said Rela looked at her and asked.

" But my question is still the same why are you naked sitting here? " Rela asked as she asked Luna also looked at her and realize it.

" Angh~ .. That's you see my breasts and hips get big and wide so I can't able to wear my old clothes, I have to order some new clothes. " Jena replied as she looked at her breasts and hips.

" Then order it and don't move around naked. " Rela said as she looked at Luna and.

" Luna, let's eat breakfast. I didn't know if it's dream or not. " Rela said as Luna went up to kitchen to bring breakfast she also can't able to calculate all of this.


After all of them sat on the dining table to eat.

" You know, young master forgot to eat. " Luna said.

" No, he didn't forgot he Delebratly leave without eating he said he was afraid of more trouble. That's why. " Rela replied .

" Oh, I see. " Luna said while eating.

" But guys I want to say something most important, so listen carefully. " Jena said in serious tone as she stopped eating. Seeing Jena this serious they also stopped eating and looked at her.

" What is it? Jena " Rela asked as she looked at her.

" Yes, what is it? " Luna asked.

" You see, young master accepted us as his wives if anything bad happened to us it will directly effect, young master with 10000 more folds of pain. So try not to do anything that can hurt him. You didn't know I see him in pain this morning, that felt like my heart being crush by something as I saw young master in pain. " Jena said as her tone become insane sad and soon enough a drop of tear appear on her eyes when she remember, young master screaming in pain this morning.

Meanwhile Rela and Luna looked at her. Seeing her this sad that can't able contain themselves.

" Why are you crying, Jena? " Rela said as she wiped her tears .

" Yes, don't worry, Jena. We know that don't worry we didn't do anything that will hurt young master. " Luna replied in low tone with a little smile.

" Yes, Jena don't cry you know, young master is more important to me than anything else so don't worry I will never hurt him. " Rela said with a assuring smile.


I hope you like it.