Ch- 88

"Here, go ahead," Luna offered, standing before Ayro and looking at Wandy. Ayro returned Wandy's friendly greeting with a puzzled expression. He didn't recognize the man.

"Uh, hello, Ayro," Wandy greeted, a hint of jealousy flickering in his eyes as he admired the beauty of Ayro's maid. 'Damn, I shouldn't forget why I'm here,' he reminded himself, awaiting a response.

'Who the hell is he? It seems like he knows me. Is he related to Luna?' Ayro wondered, his confusion mounting. Luna appeared lost in thought, so Ayro decided to respond to avoid appearing rude.

"Uh, hello... Please, sit," Ayro replied hesitantly. As he extended the invitation, Luna looked between Ayro and Wandy before turning to fetch a glass of juice for their guest. However, something she overheard halted her steps.

"Oh, thank you for your hospitality. I didn't expect such a warm welcome," Wandy replied with a sinister grin as he settled onto the sofa.

"What... What do you mean? Who are you?" Ayro asked, bewildered.

Meanwhile, in Jena's POV:

'Who has arrived at this hour?' she pondered as she descended the stairs. She spotted Wandy and Ayro seated on the sofa.

'Is he the young master's friend?' she wondered, continuing her descent. As she reached the bottom step, her eyes widened in shock.

"YOUNG MASTER!" Jena exclaimed loudly upon witnessing the scene unfold. The man sitting across from Ayro had suddenly lunged at him, his hand glowing with an ominous golden light. It was clear his intentions were far from benign.

Back to Ayro's POV:

"What do you mean, who are you?" Ayro repeated, his suspicion growing. Before he could finish his question, Wandy smirked and replied,

"Your death." As the words left Wandy's lips, Luna, who was about to return with the juice, froze in place, her eyes wide with astonishment.

"What?" Ayro exclaimed, utterly confused. However, before he could process the situation, he heard Jena's urgent call. Unable to see Wandy's movements clearly, Ayro activated his Zetrus, slowing down time around him.

In the slowed-down perception, he realized Wandy had launched an attack, his fist mere inches from Ayro's face.

"Oh my god, a surprise attack. This isn't good," he thought, swiftly grabbing Wandy's arm and redirecting the force, sending him crashing to the ground with his face buried in the broken floor tiles. Ayro's power was immense, capable of killing a normal person a thousand times over, but Wandy's strength limited the damage to a fractured skull.

Having immobilized Wandy, Ayro prepared to deactivate his Dark Zetrus, but a flurry of sharp ice spears intercepted his intention. Dodging the projectiles with practiced ease, he glanced at their origin.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect Jena to attack with such incredible speed, and she's even transformed her water ability into ice. That's my girl," Ayro thought with a proud smile. He was genuinely impressed by her progress and swift reflexes. His Dark Zetrus had proven crucial in protecting both himself and Wandy from harm.

Satisfied that the threat was neutralized, Ayro deactivated his ability, and the world returned to normal speed.

"Young master..." Luna's voice reached his ears, her tone filled with concern. She had been about to intervene but was stunned by the sudden turn of events. The scene before her was a stark contrast to the initial confrontation.

Jena's reaction was equally dramatic. Having witnessed Wandy's attack on Ayro, she had unleashed a barrage of ice spears with astonishing speed and precision. Now, as she approached Ayro, her focus was solely on assessing his condition.

"Hubby, are you okay?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly as she examined him from head to toe. Wandy, pinned to the ground with brutal force, was entirely ignored.

Rela, too, had been alerted by the commotion. Emerging from the bathroom, a glass of essence clutched in her hand, her heart pounded in her chest. The sight that greeted her was chaotic and alarming. Wandy was subdued, while Jena and Luna hovered over Ayro, their expressions etched with worry. It didn't take long for her to piece together what had transpired.

"Don't worry, Jena. I'm okay," Ayro reassured her with a reassuring smile. Jena, however, was not easily calmed. She gently touched his face, examining it closely to confirm his well-being. Once satisfied, her concern transformed into anger.

"Okay, what okay? Who is this guy, and why did he attack you? What if you had been seriously injured?" Jena demanded, her voice rising in pitch. Rela, too, had questions.

"Who is this guy? Why did he suddenly attack the young master? And how did someone like him get inside?" Rela inquired, her tone filled with confusion. She was more concerned with understanding the situation than assigning blame, as Ayro appeared unharmed.

Luna's voice trembled as she confessed, "It's my fault. I didn't know he intended to attack the young master. I'm so sorry."

Ayro attempted to comfort her, "That's not your fault, Luna. You couldn't have known." But before he could finish, Jena's anger erupted once more.

"Are you fucking idiot, Luna? How the hell did you let someone like him enter here?" she scolded, her voice sharp and accusatory.

Luna's head bowed in shame as tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she repeated, her voice barely audible. "I didn't know something like this could happen." She felt a deep sense of failure, unable to protect Ayro.

Ayro, sensing her distress, tried to calm her down. "Okay, Jena, I understand your worry, but don't scold Luna," he said softly, taking her hand in his.

"You understand? What do you understand? Do you know how I felt just now? It felt like my soul left my body for a second. Feel my heartbeat," Jena insisted, her voice softening as she placed Ayro's hand on her chest letting him feeling her raced heart.

Ayro held Jena's hand gently, trying to soothe her distress. "I understand, Jena," he reassured her softly. His words, however, did little to quell her mounting anxiety, she looked at his face.

"You understand?" she questioned, her voice trembling as tears welled up in her eyes. Ayro met her gaze with a tender expression and pulled her into a comforting embrace, kissing her cheek softly. "I understand how you feel, but I am okay,right. So please calm down my lovely wife." he whispered, rubbing her back soothingly.

Jena's tears flowed freely as she clung to Ayro, her body shaking with sobs. Meanwhile, Rela observed the unfolding scene, her heart aching for Luna.

'Since the young master is comforting Jena, I should comfort Luna,' Rela thought calmly. She noticed Wandy watching the situation with a cold glint in his eyes. A surge of anger coursed through her.

'Because of you, this happened,' she thought, her resolve hardening.With swift precision, Rela launched herself at Wandy, her foot connecting with his face with immense force. It was a blow that would have obliterated a normal human, but Wandy's resilience limited the damage to a broken neck, rendering him unconscious.

Turning her attention to Luna, Rela offered comfort. "Listen to me, Luna. This isn't your fault. Young master understands, and Jena's anger is a result of fear. Don't blame yourself," she said gently, lifting Luna's chin to meet her gaze. Luna's cheeks were flushed with tears.

"Really?" Luna asked softly.

"Yes," Rela affirmed, sealing her words with a tender kiss on Luna's lips. The gesture seemed to calm Luna, but she looked at Ayro before focusing on Rela.

"Don't worry, I'm here," Rela reassured her. She handed Luna the glass of essence, urging her to drink. After a few moments, Luna's breathing began to steady. Rela then offered the remaining essence to Jena, who initially declined but eventually accepted. The soothing liquid helped to calm her agitated mind as well.

"So, are you okay now?" Ayro inquired softly, his gaze fixed on Jena. She nodded, her voice barely a whisper as she responded, "I'm okay, but because of you, I felt all these emotions and scolded Luna. I want to spend some quality time with you alone tonight, do you understand?"

Ayro nodded in understanding. "I understand. Now, let's comfort Luna. She might feel hurt by your words," he suggested gently. Jena reluctantly released Ayro and moved to sit beside Luna, pulling her into a comforting embrace. Ayro followed suit, sitting next to Luna and wrapping an arm around her. Rela, sensing an opportunity to join the group, positioned herself behind Ayro, wrapping her arms around him in a supportive hug.

"Luna, you're not angry, right? You know Jena was just worried," Ayro reassured her softly while cuddling her. Jena echoed his sentiments, "Yes, Luna, I got a little carried away. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

Luna looked at Ayro, her eyes searching his face for sincerity. "I know, Jena. But I want to make sure you're not mad at me, young master," she replied.

Ayro touched her cheek tenderly before kissing her affectionately. "Oh no, don't be silly. I can never be angry with you," he assured her. Their kiss was a moment of shared affection and reassurance.

"Are you happy now?" Rela asked Luna with a playful smile. Luna nodded, a contented expression on her face.

"Good. But, young master, I want a kiss too. You've only kissed Luna and Jena," Rela pouted, her gaze fixed on Ayro.

"Alright, alright," Ayro chuckled as he playfully pushed her onto the sofa and climbed on top of her, showering her with kisses. Jena and Luna watched the affectionate display with amused smiles.