
After kissing Rela to her heart contain, Ayro get up from her and looked at Luna and Jena. They were gazing Instensly at their show of affection.

" What happened..? " Ayro asked as he looked at them, Luna replied saying she wants to continue where she left him. And Jena also wants to do it with them together.

" Luna we can continue where we left later but how about we first deal with this guy right there." Ayro asked calmly as he pointed at Wandy's unconscious body. Just as he said that they came to her senses as Jena said with a evil grin. Oh don't worry. Young master let me deal with it, I will get everything out of his mouth and use my powers as well.

" Hey, Jena you didn't need to use your powers when we can simply deal with it.. " Ayro said as he put his hand on her shoulder , Jena looked at him with confused expression as she was ask how so.

" And how we can simply deal with it.. Young master.? " Luna asked , Ayro immediately explain they just need to bring this guy to Sofia aka there master after all she is powerful and more knowledgeable than them . Just as he said it everyone nodded in understanding before taking Wandy with them in the mountains through the portal in the backyard made by Sofia herself.

In the cliff of the mountain the surrounding was covered in fog, Ayro called Sofia's name as they all waited for her arrival. Soon Sofia appeared before their eyes as she asked calmly, " why are you all shouting her name..? " Her purple hair ruffled in the cold wind as the coldness in her eyes can be seen directly. It was like she just came out of a sea of heartlessness. Well never mind, Ayro thought in his mind before asking her politely.

" Master Sofia, we came here to ask you about this gentlemen, do you know something about them..? " He asked politely as he bowed slightly, Sofia feel little surprised by Ayro calling her Master but her face remain as emotionless as ever, without any fluctuations she float above them.

" Oh.. I see.. So it's just as I have expected. You are not simple.. Silly me, how can the son of the greatest Heavenly Queen can be ordinary. " She thought to herself with a little chuckle escaped from her deep red lips , she looked incredibly beautiful when she smiled but Ayro didn't thought that, he was looking at her at surprise why did she suddenly laughed is something wrong. 'Did my Jean's chain is open . . 'He thought while slightly glaring down at his crotch.. But he finds out that his chain is not open neither his underwear is showing then why is she laughing..? So he decided to ask her directly.

" Can I ask master..? What's the reason of your sudden laugh..? " He asked as he looked at her waiting for her reply but his words seems to make her angry , she return to her cold self looking at Ayro like she is going to burn him with her icy hot gaze. Ayro felt he needs to clearify, if not she might get angry with him so he immediately said this in his defense.

" Ahh.. Master don't look at me like that it's little scary. You know I just ask you the reason of your laugh, I didn't mean anything else. You look incredibly beautiful when you smile so, you can laugh if you want I wouldn't ask again.. Hehe.. " Ayro defend himself with a bitter smile , she looked at his flustered face as she smiled in her mind before saying..

" I look beautiful.. Huh..? " She asked in indifferent tone as she descends herself from the air like a fairy as her bare feet lightly touched the mountain surface.

" Yeah, you really look beautiful when you smiled just now.. " Ayro said her once again while staring at her round and big breast , which swang up and down with each steps she takes to came close to Ayro. Jiang chu ( Sofia ) noticed this little devils gaze, she smiled a little in her heart but her face remain composed before standing right in front of Ayro. To Ayro's surprise she was few inches taller than Ayro , she was giving vibes of a lovely , caring and cold mommy. But Ayro brushes his thoughts before get in alert mode by her coming right in front of him.

" Ayro.. Why did you lie to, Madam Alicia that you have only one skill mind control..? " She asked in indifferent tone without any passion.

" Huh..! What do you mean.. Master..? " Ayro asked , showing a confused expression. Sofia thought 'He isn't going to say it directly as she thought something.'

" Stop fooling around, Ayro. Look behind you. " Her voice become more aggressive as Ayro surprisingly look behind him only to find that his three wives got freezed in their place, not only them but everything around them got freezed not a single leaf was moving.

" What.. What's the meaning of this.. Sofia..? " Ayro immediately looked again at Sofia with anger, this time he didn't call her master instead call her name with aggressive voice. But just as he turned to look at her , he realized that he isn't standing in the same place anymore. They both, Jiang chu and Ayro was standing in the mid air in the vast space with seems like real expansion of space . Many stars were shining in that small portion of space it was giving him real feel of space but he still can feel air around him.

Meanwhile, Jiang Chu observed the restless behaviour of Ayro. He was looking around like a madman wants to find the existence but to his disappointment there were nothing around him other than the endless expansion of space even if he travel around he can't seem to feel like gonna reach to an end. Looking at his, restless behaviour Jiang Chu decided to tell him about the situation.

" Listen to me, kid. This is a Dharma treasure Artifact of mine and we are inside that artifact which is directly connected to a scheduled place on the universe so, There is no point of wandering around in this vast expanse of space, you will not able to get out of here and as for your partners they will die if you can't get out of here and the only way to get out of this artifact is to defeat me otherwise your dao companions are going to die a brutal death. " She explained calmly, while thinking .. 'I didn't know that I am going to do this but I need to know exactly how powerful young master is. But I am quite surprised that he didn't even need my help to breathe in the space, I thought If he can't able to breathe I will help him but seems like I did need to help him. What can I expect from my queen's son. '

Just as she was thinking that with a small smile on her red lips, Ayro stopped searching around as he seems like losing his mind, something seems off. He wants to be calm in this situation and solve it but something inside him breaking his peaceful mind as he soon felt pain in his mind before he grabbed his forehead in pain and lowered his head.

" What happened..? " Jiang Chu asked in cold tone with straight face but a concern rise in her heart by his strange action. No matter what she needs to do to check his power , but she can't hurt him not matter what.. Because Alicia will going to be very angry if she find out. Just as she was thinking, Ayro immediately rise his face and started to laugh with a deep voice. It seems like he got possessed by someone else. Sofia look at his sudden action as she frowned her brows.

" AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Do you really think this is gonna stop me .. Hahahaha .. Insignificant. " Ayro suddenly replied to Sofia's previous question in a very deep voice which was carrying a heavy aura around his voice. Just as he said, Jiang Chu gets very surprised by the look of current Ayro.

His Drak Zetrus in his left purple eye, was shining brightly combined with the small portion of blue lightning coming out of it. While a sinister grin was on his face, looking at Sofia it was giving her a creep look but she was more concerned about Ayro.. Suddenly a horrifying sound came from her behind as she immediately come back to her senses because of the sense of alertness and turned her face to see that many big meteorite as wide as tens of kilometre were rushing towards her with incredible speed . She looked at this scene with wide eyes before waving her slender hand which was glowing in pink heaven and earth energy slightly in front of her as the meteorite which were several kilometres away from her suddenly get scattered in many small pieces within the blink of an eye, it was like an incredible terrifying and mysterious force came out of her body which repeal all the meteorite in the space and destroyed it in pieces. Just as she destroyed all the big stone in her way , she thought something as she smiles before saying .

" Interesting "

" Yeah it sure is.. " As she said that, she heard another voice from her side replying to her. She instantly realize the situation as she looked at her side only to realize that a fist which was burning in purple flames was few inches away from her face.