The End ( Volume -1 )

" Interesting "

" Yeah it sure is.. " As she said that, she heard another voice from her side replying to her. She instantly realize the situation as she looked at her side only to realize that a fist which was burning in purple flames was few inches away from her face.

But before Ayro's purple flaming punch can touch her face, she used her insane movement speed to dodge the punch as she immediately got disappeared from her place and appears several hundred meters away from Ayro.

" Sneak attack .. Huh..! " She said with bit anger because of the sneaky trick, she looks coldly at Ayro.

" Indeed " But before she could thought anymore or even stable herself another voice ringed behind her. As her expression turn pale before she realize.

'Not again.. ' She tried to use her speed to disappear from her place again but this time she feels a terrifying pressure descends on her threatening her to crush her knees by this much pressure ,this pressure was enough to flattened the entire planet in which Ayro was living to a football as her movements become slow and this led her to take the great impact of the solid collision of Ayro's fist to Jiang Chu's face as her whole body shoots at the planet beneath her, as her body collided with the planet which was 150 km away from their fighting place.

This was really w great impact for Sofia to control herself , so she let herself collide in the planet. Ayro look at the planet which break into pieces as her body collided forming a great shock waves in the space fabric, Ayro also felt the waves as he saw the drastic lava eruption from the broken planet. Soon Ayro also rushed foreword to see because he can't see because of dust. As he was moving closer at incredible speed. It was really unknown how he was flying it seems like some invisible force was pushing him forward.

Meanwhile Sofia , get a hold on herself as she touches her lips which was bleeding. She looks at the blood as she got angry.

" I didn't think, I need to hold back anymore.. He is fucking powerful. At least I know that he can use his powers so effectively. If any normal immortal or the kids in immortal world definitely gonna die at this powers. Young master I think I started to like you more.. Let's see what is your true powers. " She talked to herself as she take this time to heal her injury on lips before smiling. Meanwhile Ayro was only several meters away from her , as he was about to reach near her . He heard Sofia's voice

"...The Celestial Phenoix Flare .. " Just as Ayro heard, Sofia's voice he stopped at his place immediately because he saw a Crimson Lotus which was as big as Sun it self appear in the sky out of nowhere, Ayro felt the endless energy from that lotus flower from his above soon the lotus flower Unfold it's patel as it shine , A extremely profound Phenoix Like bird came out with it's core of the lotus , it's wings were Burining with firey hues. The bird roared in the sky , leaving a trail of light.

The Phenoix unleash a devastating brust of flame capable of vaporizing anything in its way in an instant. It's very high temperature can threat everything in it way either it's plantes , stars or galaxy itself.

Ayro looked at the come disastrous waves of flame as he thought something before saying.

" Magnificent.. It's a pure Art. " Ayro said as he got impressed by the magnificent view of the Phenoix roar. Meanwhile, Sofia look at Ayro waiting him to make his moves but she was sure that he can't able to take more than this power. She thought if needed she will stop her attack and bring Ayro back to the mountains if he got hitted by her attack. But to her surprise. Ayro closed her eyes before reopening it as he was about to attack, she heard his voice. As he position his hand in front of him making an arc. Just as he did it many stars around both Sofia and Ayro got disappeared as Sofia heard.

" The Cosmic Waves of Destruction... " Almost God like cosmic energy accumulated in Ayro ' s body , this energy was drawn from the Galaxy around him. This energy channelled though his body before amplified and purified before being explode in a Cataclysmic burst.

The arc came out of Ayro's hand immediately transformed in the Cataclysmic burst which shoots up directly at the Crimson Phenoix inferno. Just as it shoot out it's waves and radiation move all around. Jiang chu looked at this magnificent attack with nearly endless power and radiation. She said to herself before protecting herself from radiation.

' The Vibrant Life Lotus ' This time a green vibrant colors lotus appear over Jiang chu which shielded her from any potential injury. It consumes her life force to heal her injury. She wants to see the collision of these destructive attack as those take time to collide because they were several thousand millions of kilometres away from each other.

So before the collision can happen. Suddenly her attention draw towards Ayro than only she realize that , his condition is not good. He was falling down in the vast expanse at incredible speed . So she decided to end this before something happen.

" Tsk.. The fun had just started but seems like I have to stop.. " She said with a sigh, as both Ayro and Sofia came out of the treasure artifact.


In the mountain range, several hundred thousand km away from where, Luna, Rela and Jena were still frozen at a place.

Inside the cave, Sofia look at the kids body in front of her which was laying down on the stone bed motionlessly. Ayro's every single clothe has get vaporized and his whole right arm was burned badly and seriously injured. But his heart was still beating but his condition doesn't seem quite good.

Sofia looked at Ayro's completely naked body, her eyes was fixed in his fully burned Right arm. She thought to herself 'seems like went too far, just to know about his power. I think I shouldn't force him to use his full power for the first time in his life without conscious effort. Forgot about it, I should heal him quick other wise if madam Alicia know about this , that her precious son in this state she gonna get very angry. '

She came near, Ayro and place her hand on his chest lightly before saying once again.

" The vibrant life lotus.. " As she said the green vibrant life lotus appear over Jiang chu as it immediately started to transform her life force into Ayro's healing magic. Her life force started to drop at incredible rate.

After an hour later, after one hour of hard work. Ayro completely healed his body return to his normal state with all new baby skin. Ayro was once again looking as handsome as before. Sofia look at Ayro's cute and handsome face as her hand travel there touching him gently while her face was still as cold as ever as she thought.

' I have used up too much of my life force, I need to recover myself. 'She thought as she realize she needs to cultivate for tens of thousands of years to come once again to where she was few hours ago.

" Okay then I just need to let young master go back to his house. Regaining his power .. " She thought as she went on her knees , as her face and Ayro's face was just few inches away. She pointed her slender finger on his forehead as a light jumped between her finger to his forehead, she send him information about Wandy which he came to ask her.

" Okay, young master I am going to do my cultivation in seculation and I think I will not came back for at least some decades ,I hope you will live happily and without problem in those years without my help. " She said softly as her voice sounded so sweet , she move her face closer to Alas as both of there lips met but the view of Sofia kissing Ayro got covered by her purple hair. As her red juicy lips touches Ayro's lips, Jiang chu realize as her heart give a fluctuations in her normal breathing.

After kissing him for few seconds, she got up as she waves her hand and a modern clothes from Ayro's room directly appear in front of Sofia and just with the waves of her hand Ayro once again dressed in his clothes.


In the mountain where, Luna, Rela and Jena were frozen suddenly move once again as they saw their surrounding before asking in confusion.

" What happened..? " Luna asked as she looked around, but before anyone can answer. In front of everyone, suddenly Sofia appeared with Ayro in her hand. Everyone's attention dragged to them as they asked what happened. And started to worrying again but Sofia said calmly.

" Don't worry nothing happened to Ayro. I just take a test and he failed and loose his consciousness. Go take him back to home and let him rest he will be alright. " She explained calmly as they understand, Rela take Ayro from Sofia. As she then asked..

" We understand but what about this guy..? " Jena asked ponting at Wandy.

" I will take him with me.. " Sofia replied before disappearing from there with Wandy. Luna asked but we didn't know about that guy at all she just take him with her..? She asked as a replied can be heard.

" I have already explained, Ayro about that. " Sofia's last voice can be heard before completely disappear.

" Oh that's, good. Let's go back to home. " Jena said as all of them returned back to home..

.... THE END....VOLUME 1 ....

....VOLUME 2 ... START......

This volume was about Ayro's true powers.