Which One Are You?


"Ah Shen, listen I just want you to stay by my side" Zhan Shen heard Zhou Xin's voice inside of his room, complaining to stay by his side but Zhou Xin did not got a proper response instead he received a very insulting words.

"Bullsh*t! You... Can't you understand that I don't love you?!" a very aggressive voice answered Zhou Xin's question, Zhan Shen was really curious about what is going on when he suddenly realized that it was his appearance. Opps... No it was not his... It was the real 'Zhan Shen' arguing with Zhou Xin, this 'Zhan Shen' then added while pointing at Zhou Xin's head using his finger like he was mocking this timid young man, he said, "Is understanding that you are unloved by the world is so hard to understand?!" After hearing this Zhou Xin replaced his vision to 'Zhan Shen' eyes, "WHAT YOUR LOOKING AT?! IS YOUR UNDERSTANDING IS THAT LOW?! ...What the hell is wrong with your head?"

Zhan Shen realized how rude is the real owner of his body. Just his voice was already infuriating. Unlike how Zhan Shen talked to Zhou Xin it was really have a big gap between their attitude, that is why Zhou Xin seemed to be in dazed, keeps having a daydream in a broad of daylight, and even empty minded everytime he talk.

In the very first place the one who treated Zhou Xin in a very difficult way was 'Zhan Shen'. Zhan Shen can't help but to pity Zhou Xin who was like a slave being punished by verbal words by his master, he just keeps staring to 'Zhan Shen' just having an empty words and mind, he didn't dare to fought back because all he want is 'Zhan Shen' to stay by his side. Zhan Shen eyebrows are colliding together he can't help Zhou Xin who was verbally abused infront of him, he can't help it. He just closed his eyes, for him not to see it but when he opened his eyes again the scene was different now, the air of his room was dark, the things in his room was in mess, then the door opened.

Zhan Shen saw Zhou Xin holding 'Zhan Shen's' neck pressing him in the wall, Zhou Xin eyes doesn't have a color anymore, there's no light anymore, he have no hope left, he then spoke, "Ah Shen you gone too far" 'Zhan Shen' responded him in a prideful voice.

'Zhan Shen' said, "I only gone too far of cheating in you but what about you? You're gone crazy no..." *SLAP!* before 'Zhan Shen' could finished his words Zhou Xin didn't allow him to. 'Zhan Shen' was in shocked when Zhou Xin slapped him, 'he' just keep staring in the air where his face turned when 'he' got slapped.

'Zhan Shen' cut his staring in the empty air and he said in an indifferent way, "Good, good, you know how fight back now should I blamed myself?" he then turned his eyes to Zhou Xin eyes looking arrogant, he then splattered on Zhou Xin clothes, then he added, "Keep dreaming!!"

Zhan Shen keep watching them, his mouth twitched and after a while of watching, it murmured, "Just how bad is your relationship is?! Can't you just get along?!!!" when he shouted this, he realized that he was bedridden in the different room. Nope... He was not in Zhou Xin room anymore, Zhou Xin is not in his side either even when he caused a tantrum because of a strange dream.

He just can't help massaging his own head when it was still hurts. Zhan Shen wondered where Zhou Xin is, even when his head still hurts he endured it to stand up to find Zhou Xin. Many attempts was taken, he keeps falling to the floor, then he decided to used the wall to support himself to walk to the door. When he reached the door he tried to open it but it won't budge even a little movement. When he realized what is going on he can't help but to let his weak legs to fall in the floor.

Zhan Shen murmured, "Are you serious?" when he said this his mouth was curled up, he can't help but to let his hands messed his hair up.

He then talk to himself, "I just died commiting suicide, the hell I'm doing at someone else's body? Their lives are far messed up than my life. Aiya! If that 'Zhan Shen' exchanged body with me aren't he a lucky person? So?! What about me?! What do you expect me to do?! My lover died at the accident before I could propose to her. What a mess! I ended up at a same gender couple who is messier than those beggars life! I could even think beggar's life is better than this... Ohhh... Owwww... Ouch it hurts..." he cried when the door who is supporting his back opened suddenly, he even saw his 'lover' staring deeply in his eyes full of grudge.

"Aiyaa!! Er—Zhouo, can't you knocked?! My back hurts you know" Zhan Shen cannot think any consequences of his actions anymore, no more messier than Zhou Xin and the original owner of his body lifes.

Zhou Xin asked, "Who are you?" when Zhan Shen heard this question he then realized that he did have an his own name too. He rolled over letting his chest rest in the floor and he looked up to Zhou Xin's position.

When he realized what point that he missed, he let his left palm opened under and his right palm was in a fist above letting his two palms colliding to each other, he then replied, "That is right! I have my own name! Aiyaa! I didn't think I can use my name in this world" he then taken the initially to stand up facing to Zhou Xin face, then he reached his hand to Zhou Xin and said...

"I am Qin Shi Sui nice to meet you Er—Zhouo" when he said this a bright smile was released to his lips and eyes, even Zhou Xin was stunned by his bright appearance, Qin Sui then reached his hands to Zhou Xin cheeks letting their foreheads bumped to each other, then said his last words before collapsing...

"You don't have to worry anymore Er—Zhouo, I will stay by your side from now on, I will take care of you. You don't need to trust me, because I will let you trust me by your own will, so rest assured"