Dr. Mark

Reed and David came down from the front porch and went to the backyard with David leading the way and they arrived at a small space.

" Let's begin, shall we," David said.

"Yeah," Reed replied.

David threw a punch at Reed but Reed easily dodged it. Reed also aimed his punch at David's face but David also dodged and counterattacked using his legs in an attempt to hit Reed in the face. Reed easily dodged and used his elbow to hit David in the face, then he kicked David and David Landed in the neighbor's backyard destroying their wall.

David quickly got up at full speed trying to attack Reed when he started vomiting.

"You drank a lot didn't you," Reed said after David finished vomiting.

"Yeah, I did" David replied and started vomiting again.

" do you want to fight another round " Reed said mockingly with a smile on his face.

" I'm out, I won't fight anymore I'm too weak to but I saw you holding back, why were you holding back "

" You were drunk. Any fatal blow I am sure you will end up in a hospital"

" Whatever you say. But I know that's not true"

"So are you in or not"

" fine I'm in"

" Good cause I don't have all day "

" Where do we meet up"

" I'm taking you there. You'll probably become unconscious before you reach there " Reed said and David sighed.


" Good, I'm glad you're not giving me a hard time"

"Was I given you a hard time before?" David said drunk.

"And now he's back to being drunk," Reed said to himself and led them to the road and stopped a taxi, they entered the taxi and the taxi drove off.


A motorcycle moved swiftly on the highway among cars as rain fell heavily with the rumbling of thunder after countless lightning strikes in the sky.

Reed had just kept David at his house and he is now on his way to Dr Mark's location.

The weather was cold but Reed didn't care as he was blazing with anger as he remembered what Dr Mark had done to him seven years ago. Even though the motorcycle was at its limits it was still slow for him but soon he arrived at his destination.

It was a bungalow but Reed didn't care what was inside. The outside was filled with different types of flowers and it made the house look like a fairytale house but Reed could already see the blood of his enemies painting the flowers red.

He was so angry that the anger he had felt lying on a bed beside his best friend as Dr. Mark killed him was not even compared to now. Caleb's death was the beginning of his journey to the dark side.

The place suddenly went quiet for him as he felt that even the birds and crickets knew he was there. He stood behind a tree and waited, he waited for the first person that would take his bullet to the afterlife.

A guard suddenly came out of the house to light a cigarette and immediately he picked up his lighter he fell to the ground as a bullet from Reed's gun penetrated his skull to his brain.

Everyone in the building heard the sound of a gun and they all started rushing out to check what had happened but unknown to them this was all a part of Reed's plan. The guards all rushed out with heavily loaded guns.

" Come out now. We know someone is there " one of the guards shouted after they saw the dead body of one of them.

" Hahaha, I guess I can't hide anymore, you all know of my presence," he said coming out from behind a tree.

" We want to see your hands up or we are going to shoot"

" Bring it on ladies, I'm not afraid of bullets"

A shot was fired first and he dodged the bullet.

" what the hell, that's impossible. He must be one of the black hounds from the institute"

They whispered amongst each other and one of them tried to talk into his walkie-talkie. Reed immediately shot a bullet and the bullet hit the walkie-talkie removing two of the guard's fingers in the process.

" argh, what the fuck " he shouted and the place suddenly turned chaotic as bullets were shot sporadically at Reed but he dodged every one of them and also shot the guards until all fifteen men were down, and just like he thought blood has painted the flowers already.

He walked towards the men he killed and walked on them heading for the door. He looked at the door and smiled and then he opened it but the first thing that greeted him was a bullet which he dodged easily.

" Is that how you greet an old classmate guys"

" It's been a while subject X8 "

" Only my enemies call me by that name "

" then you're right, we are your enemies " they replied.

"So the three of you think you can stop me"

" Your power might be that of a Black Hound but that doesn't mean you cannot be killed," they said and the three of them shot all their bullets one after the other in a synchronological order but he dodged each one of them without breaking a sweat and not even losing his breath.

" Ever heard of the saying, only soldiers kill soldiers," he said as they were all reloading their guns.

" but the thing is that you are just mere security but I am an agent of destruction," he said and he shot the trio one after the other before any of them could reload their gun.

Reed started to look around the building for any survivors when a man probably in his fifties or mid-forties rushed towards him swinging a knife but he easily dodged and used his gun to smash the man's head and the man ran away from him heading for a door that would lead him outside with his head bleeding.

" Run for your life, Doctor Mark. I want to see you struggle for your life. Just like you made us do"

Blood trickled down from the forehead of Dr Mark, the blood covering his whole face as he walked away holding the wall for support as he panted heavily and Reed just walked behind him majestically.

" Please don't, please "

" Beg more for my mercy," Reed said in anger and his voice sounded deep and dangerous, he looked terrifying, his eyes looking scarcely human as his eyes turned dark. One could see his bloodlust as if written on his face. Reed had completely changed as if an entirely different person.

" Please have mercy"

" Let me ask you one question Doctor. How did you feel injecting, terrorizing, torturing, killing, cutting, stabbing, dissecting, experimenting on little kids "

" bad Sir, very bad Sir. Please do not kill me" he begged and Reed carried the doctor with one hand by choking him and he hit him hard on the wall.

" Tell me the truth or you die"

" Fine, fine I'll tell you"

" Say it"

" I felt pleasure, happiness, a great joy I have never felt before, it was just like a once-in-a-lifetime experience," he said grinning from ear to ear.

" Good, very good. I guess I got the right person" Reed said smiling whilst staring daggers at the Doctor.

" I wanted to kill you from the start you know. I wanted to kill you so bad that I just wanted to see your dead body but now after hearing your words..." Reed said and kept quiet.

" It is marvelous, right? You know the feeling"

" Yes, maybe, maybe not, but soon though, after I torture, stab, dissect, and murder you"

" what the hell do you mean? No, no I thought you liked what I said "

" Yes Doctor, I did. It made me want to watch you suffer more "

" What, no!..." he was saying when Reed punched him in the head and he fainted.

Reed dragged Dr. Mark to his bike, not because he couldn't carry the doctor but because of how much he hated the man. He climbed the bike putting a helmet on the man and tied the man's hand to his waist, then he drove the bike back to his house.

He arrived at his apartment and parked the bike close to his car and he unlocked the car placing the doctor in the car's trunk. He then entered the apartment and brought David out. He made David enter the backseat and he planned on heading to Charlotte's place for phase two of his plans. He would go to Charlotte's place where he would drop the both of them. The only thing running through his head right now was the plans he had for Dr. Mark. He wants Dr. Mark to regret living in this world and regret ever being alive, ever being born but he just hopes he doesn't lose himself to the darkness or hell and end up just like Dr. Mark. A psychotic maniac.