
A black Mercedes Benz parked at the entrance of Charlotte's apartment.

Reed came out from the car holding a man in his arms as if he were a baby and knocked at the door. It was opened immediately, and then he entered.

" What the fuck Reed, I told you not to bring even his head here but you brought the Doctor's whole goddamned dead body"

" He's not dead Charlotte, just beaten up and unconscious"

" the smell of blood is all over the both of you"

" Yeah it was a blood bath"

" So what are you going to do with him"

" I will make it be like a suspected murder of a Doctor by a fellow doctor in his house so that I can lure the institute out but I'll have to make sure he's perfectly healthy before I kill him and I'll make sure I have a huge evidence against the other Doctor, saying that he killed him. I'll also be leaving him here under your care and for you to tend to his wounds so that he'll be healthy before I kill him "

" I'll be very careful not to be on your bad side"

" you need to"

" in your dreams darling"

" haha funny"

" drop him on the couch I'll take care of him"

" and also I've already changed his clothes so there is no tracker on him"

"How are you so sure, have you checked the inside of his body "

" I did a thorough body search including all his organs and even his eyeballs so I'm pretty sure"


" So..." Reed said dropping him on the couch, " See you guys in a week. By the way, where is Lisa, I haven't seen her yet," he said.

"she has gone out"

"Alright then. Let me bring David in" he said to her.

"you brought David"

"yeah, he agreed to join us but he was so drunk that he is now unconscious"

"you're giving me a headache Reed"

" I know and I'm sorry. I just wish everything would just end, I would like to see the Institute burning to the ground"

"me too," Charlotte said and sighed.

Reed then went back to his car and brought David out and once he entered the house he laid David on the couch.

"and that's all for now," Reed said after he had dropped David on the couch and just then Lisa entered the house.

" Hey, I was just talking about you," Reed said to Lisa.

"what do you want"

"Okay, fine I'm going to apologise one more time Lisa. I am sorry for not coming to your birthday last week I was asleep"

" you were asleep. You missed my birthday because you were sleeping, are you serious right now"

" Okay fine, how do I make it up to you"

" I will think about it"

" Great. See you girls tomorrow" Reed said and left the house, he then entered his car and zoomed off.

"what the fuck are they doing here," Lisa said as she saw two grown-up men on the couch.

" Especially him," she said pointing at Dr. Mark.

" Reed says he needs the man alive for the next phase of his plan. Tie him up in the basement then get supplies "

" Fuck you, Reed," Lisa said out loud.

" fine but if I do this you owe me one"

"Okay," Charlotte replied and sighed.

" what of David "

" He needs his beauty rest, he is halfway drunk "

" Sure. Have you watched the news yet"

" No, did anything happen"

" Reed's brother Stephen killed two men and three policemen"

"what the hell is the Institute up to now"

" I don't know but I do know it must be a part of their plot to capture us"

"those bastards never stop do they"

" they don't" Lisa replied and sighed.


It was morning yet again and the endless tweeting of birds was heard everywhere.

A bus came to a stop and a young lady of twenty or older dropped down from the bus, she had blonde hair and deep green eyes, and she was 5 foot 11 with a model-like body. She had a headset stuck to her ears and her eyes glued to her phone but she then suddenly stumbled upon someone and fell. She raised her head and saw a girl scoffing at her with her phone in her hands too.

" Watch where you're going bitch" the girl said but she just smiled and stood up cleaning herself.

" Yeah, I'm sorry. It's my fault " she said when people started looking at them.

" good," the lady said and passed.

"Some fuckers never make mistakes I see," She said to herself and then she sighed before she picked up her phone from the ground and found out it was broken.

" Oh, fuck me," she said out loud and everyone close by looked at her.

" Sorry," she said and continued walking. She then walked through an alley which was a shortcut to her house and then suddenly her nose was covered with a handkerchief and soon she was unconscious.

She opened her eyes slowly trying to adjust to the darkness all around her, then she tried to stand up and found out that her hands were tied to the back of a chair. She collapsed back on the chair.

" Oh you're awake Miss Chloe" She heard a voice from the darkness and something was lifted off from her face. She blinked several times trying to adjust to the light.

" Where am I and who the hell are you"

" My name is Reed and I'm your new employer"

" Is this a kidnap or what, how much do you need, I'll pay"

" This is not a kidnap because you're not a kid and neither a robbery, I just needed your help and I got myself an audience with you, " Reed said and removed the mask covering his face and she suddenly looked surprised.

" Is there something on my face?" he said and touched his face wondering what could be wrong.

"Your sense of humor is fascinating but why would someone so handsome need my help," she said biting her lips and looking at him in a sexy way.

" Sorry, but you're not my type and seducing doesn't look good on you. I only need your help okay"

" you only need my help and you cover my nose with a handkerchief having some sort of sleeping substance on it and then you brought me to another place, blindfolded me, tied my hands behind my back and you tell me you need my help and you expect me to just help you "

" firstly we are actually in your house if you don't know, your basement"

" the fuck" she said out loud and added.

" you brought me to my fucking parents' place"

" yes, a little reunion won't be that bad and secondly you have a black belt in karate so I should make sure I'm safe from you first"

" so you read my file"

" which dumbass would kidnap, Oh sorry try to have an audience with you without reading your file and knowing all about you"

" So you call this ' trying to have an audience with me ', I wonder what you would do if it was a kidnap. It would be worse then"

"Yeah exactly, I wouldn't argue with that"

" You're psychotic"

" You haven't even heard my offer yet, I need that big brain of yours to find some of my friends, and for each one you find I'll pay you five hundred dollars"

" How do you expect an architect to locate people "

" not your formal skills, no, never. I need your informal skills"

" what do you mean"

"you seriously want me to say this outrightly, don't you? Fine. I need you to hack into an institute's security, enter into their database, and then trace these people to wherever they are now"

" you seem smart for you to know who I am but why didn't you do it yourself"

" I tried to replicate your virus and it didn't quite work out"

" you tried to, that's impossible. For someone so smart you're pretty dumb"

"It is actually possible you know I was so close to creating the virus, but then I made a miscalculation and now I don't have the energy to do it all over again"

"When did this happen"

" last week "

"And since when did you start making it "

" last month "

" Last month! Something I spent my whole life into and you almost replicated it last week. No, I don't believe you "

" If you need proof I'll show you. Come to this address " he said putting a card on her lap.

" Are you going to untie me or what "

" I wanted to leave you here to untie yourself but I don't think you actually can"

"Who the hell can untie himself when he's this way "

" you wouldn't understand even if I tried to explain but anyway your phone is in your room, I repaired it for you," he said and when he cut her loose the lights went off and then on again and he was gone. Then she looked at the card and whispered.

" Jerk".