Locating the Institute

" Where are you coming from " Charlotte asked Lisa, as she had just come back from wherever she went to this morning.

" from the bus station," Lisa said and collapsed on the couch.

" you don't look too happy"

" Because I'm not happy"

"what happened?

" I just discovered that my lack of training has made my reflexes dull, a girl stumbled on me at the bus station and I couldn't even avoid it"

" that is what is making you unhappy"

" yeah, obviously"

" you should probably start training then, we don't want someone that is a liability in our fight against the Institute"

"Okay then,"

" So what were you doing at the bus station anyway"

" I went in search of another Doctor from the Institute"


"Weren't you the one that said Reed plans to kill Dr. Mark at another Doctor's house"

"yeah, but you know that he could just do it by himself right"

"I just thought it would make it faster to bring the Institute down and besides we get to get rid of Dr. Mark soon "

"So did you find the Doctor"

" Yes, but I'm still searching for his building. If I find it today, I'll probably check it out tonight but I'll need your bike "

"Sure, I'll give it to you but just don't spoil it or your boyfriend is going to pay "


" Reed, of course"

" you're crazy"

" I know you like him a lot even though you hide it all the time. Why did you seem angry when he didn't come to your birthday party or why are you trying to be on his good side"

" Fine, alright. Yes, I might have a little crush on him but It doesn't matter, he's always stuck with the institute stuff anyway, he doesn't even have time for anything else. Besides, we fight all the time"

" you are the one who likes to argue with him"

" Whatever," Lisa said in a dismissal way, " I'll just have brunch and go to class I'm already late as it is" She added.

" Sure, but don't say a word to Jasper if you see him, we have already broken up"

" you guys just started dating last week "

"He was just too boring to date saying stuff like, I want us to know more about each other and we might even get married. He just thinks I'm just going to settle down with him"

" How many guys are you going to break their hearts "

" I'm not just made for relationships"

"Then don't date "

"Nah, dating is a lot of fun"

" you're not okay "

"Thanks, sweetie" Charlotte replied.


A cab came to a stop in front of Reed's hotel and a lady came out of it wearing a red gown with heels and she had a little makeup on her face.

She entered the building and headed straight for the elevator. When she entered, she dialed the number three and it took her to the third floor. She went straight for the door which had fourteen B inscribed at the top and then she opened the door and entered before closing the door behind her.

"So you came " She heard a voice and she froze.

" You scared me,"

" you know I didn't say this was a date right, 'cause you seem all dressed up to me, " Reed said as he came out from the bathroom.

" what the hell will I use to escape this if shit goes sideways and the government busts this place. The only thing I could think of is you invited me here for a date and I know nothing about this, simple and short"

" I have a chip in my head that interferes with the camera making me practically invincible and the government won't even believe a word you say. So if the government were to come here I would just try to escape through the underground escape tunnel I created and they wouldn't see me and then you'd be caught " he said and she just turned around and opened the door trying to go out.

"Hey, I was just joking. The whole camera around here is under my control so I made you invincible and some years back Interpol used this building for an operation so they own the place but to make it look like a normal apartment they allowed normal citizens inside"

" Are you sure you even count as a normal citizen? You seem to be a criminal of some sort " she said but she still left the door open.

" Yeah, so are you. You're an invisible hacker, you've been wanted by the FBI a lot of times and you always managed to escape without your identity being revealed,"

" No, I don't think you count as a normal person, at least I don't hide all the time, my alter ego is at least revealed to the world,"

"You searched up on me,"

" Why not? At least I should get to know who I'm working with. Who the hell are you?

" I'm a normal person like you, well except for my superpowers, super intelligence, and the rest, Yeah I'm normal"

" Superpowers," Chloe said laughing.

" I was right about you being dumb earlier today but you're not just dumb you're childish. I know that you're one of those guys who watch a lot of movies right" she said and within some seconds he was right beside her and he had already closed the door silently.

" What did you just do..." She said scared and stepped back from him.

" You're scared," he said stepping slowly close to her and she hit her back on the wall and that's when she realized she had already walked back to the wall.

" Are you scared that I'll do something to you or you're scared I might be a demon of some sort "

" I'm...I'm not scared," she said regaining her composure and raising her head high.

" Okay fine, let's get to work shall we," he said casually.

" You're not going to say anything"

" what do you want me to say, Miss Chloe "

" Tell me why you're that fast"

" It's because I watch too many movies"

" Stop being sarcastic"

" Fine, if we are going to do this let's do it with trust. Shall we,"

"Fine, what do you want me to do to earn your trust,"

" I just want you to promise not to tell this to anyone no matter what. It's safer for both of us,"

"Fine, I promise"

" Okay then. I was among some lab rats of an institute that was invested in exploring the full human potential and now I want to get back at them"

" Then what do you want with those files "

" I just need your help getting those files you don't have to know everything, it is dangerous for you"

" I want to know everything. What do you want with those files or I'm not helping you"

" Fine. The files are the files of the lab rats they used. I will use their former information to know where they are likely to be now "

"And then you attack the institute"

" No, then we bring the institute down"

" what do you mean"

" If we attack the institute the Institute can get back up but if we bring it down it will never rise"

" So you want my help to destroy an institute that takes grown-ups and experiments on them"

" No, little kids"

"how long have you been in the Institute"

" Since I was five years old, I just managed to escape five years ago,"

"What the hell. Something like this exists,"

"Yep and a lot more. It has been in existence for years "

" I'm in. I'll help you, I don't need your money anymore,"


"Yeah, I'm serious"

" thank you, I'll appreciate that"

" So where do we start"

"We start by locating where in the world the institute is presently,"

" Yeah. Okay, let's start but first you'll have to show me the proof that you replicated my virus,"

" I was just trying to get your attention. I didn't, I couldn't"

" I knew it, you were lying"

" Yeah but I did get your attention didn't I"

" Yeah, maybe," she said and he smiled leading her to his computer and they worked all night trying to find the Institute.


It was morning and Charlotte walked into her house with a bottle of whiskey in her hands, she walked to the sitting room but she didn't find anyone in the sitting room.

Charlotte opened the door to Lisa's room and found Lisa training.

" So you have started training already "

" Yeah. I see, someone had fun last night " Lisa said as she saw Charlotte with a bottle of whiskey that was almost finished.

" Yeah, I was at a club in Las Vegas"

" were you looking for information on the Institute or just having fun"

" having fun obviously, I met a guy too yesterday"

"Whatever, you are just going to break his heart anyway," Lisa said and sighed.

" So did you go to the doctor's house" Charlotte asked.

" Yeah I went there but his house was empty and when I got some information, I realized that he was at his penthouse most times, so I got access to his penthouse. It is a perfect place for a murder to be pinned on him because he has a basement that hasn't been used for ages, we just have to make sure the place is clean for a while and Doctor Mark could be killed right when he's in the house"

"Who is this doctor anyway"

" His name is Dr. Ryan"

" He has grey hair and he is a little robust, right"

" Yeah, how did you know?

" The fucking Doctor tried killing me once, I barely went unscathed. But it's good you found him, I'd like to see him humiliated. Have you told Reed about him yet"

" yes, this morning and he said he'll look into it," Lisa said and scoffed. "He still seems intent on doing everything all by himself" She added.

"That's who he is. Anyway, we have a much bigger thing to worry about"

" what is it?

" After the stunt, Reed pulled in catching the doctor, the institute seems to be onto us"

" You should have said this the moment you got here. How did you even know that they were unto us"

" Someone was watching me all day, all night, everywhere I went yesterday that's why I didn't come here and the only reason someone would be watching me that way is if the person is associated with the institute and so I acted drunk and slipped off right under the person's nose"

" So that's why you came here with a bottle of whiskey"

"Yeah, that and I also wanted to just forget about my problems for a while," Charlotte said and gulped in all the contents of the bottle and dropped the bottle on the center table.

" So what do we do now" Lisa asked.

" we move to another secure location before they sniff us out" Charlotte replied and Lisa sighed.

" What about David, is he awake," Charlotte asked.

" He's awake but he has a searing headache, it seems like he drank more than a few bottles last night"

" where is he, I want to go and talk to him"

" he's with the doctor talking to him in the basement "

"Are you crazy, he's going to kill the doctor" Charlotte shouted and ran to the basement to where the doctor was kept.