Psychotic Couple

Charlotte, Lisa, and David went back to the safe house together. He couldn't go with his sister but he made plans with her to meet up soon.

"Fuck" David cursed and sighed as he sat down on the couch.

"Why didn't you guys fucking tell me, if Reed didn't"

"It's a part of his plan David and he'll do whatever it takes to achieve that, you know that's exactly what he does. You should know that more than anyone, since you've gone on countless missions with him" Charlotte replied and he sighed.

This is all too much at once. He had gone through a lot over the years and almost gave up on living because he thought the one person he had loved more than himself was dead.

He had thought his sister had died when they escaped from the Institute, saw the escaping from the Institute as useless, and almost wanted to go back but he knew she wouldn't have wanted him to and soon depression took him over, and later on he ended up being a drunkard.

He looked at the TV but he was thinking about how his life would've been different if his sister had been with him all these years.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and he stood up to go and open the door.

He opened the door and the people he saw surprised him. It was the psychotic couple.



David sat with his cousin Raymond at the dining hall and they ate the food they were given.

They were having breakfast and when they were finally finished, an announcement was made from the speakers.

"Today, you will be visited by your superiors, two amongst the Black Hounds and they will teach you one or two things about becoming stronger. Behave yourselves or you will be killed by them. Good luck" A voice said from the speakers.

Everyone in the hall was silent, mainly because they knew that the blackhounds were dangerous and not to be joked with. This wasn't the first time the Black Hounds had visited and the last time they did, they left a pile of bodies behind.

Everyone walked in a single file as they headed for the training room.

They didn't need anyone to tell them to go there, everyone was scared, including most of the strongest there, Stephen, Olivia, and Jeremy. But only one of them didn't care as he sat down and finished his food before he stood up, Reed.

He was amongst the strongest, although he wasn't the strongest but he seemed to fear no one, not even Dr. Stone but he had to go with them after he had finished. Some things are still above his power.

We arrived at the training room and we saw two people standing in front of us. A boy and a girl as they held each other's hands. Were they a couple, everyone thought, I know they did, who wouldn't when everyone was warned specifically not to date and no one did since the punishment was death.

"Finally, I've been waiting. What delayed you guys" The boy asked but no one answered as everyone was afraid to, except Reed of course, he seemed to care less about what was going on.

"Answer me" he shouted and the whole place echoed with his shout.

"Just get on with the training and stop bullying them," Reed said casually and everyone looked at him.

" What the hell did you say," the boy said looking at Reed.

" I said just get on with it and stop bullying them. Also, I'm bored" Reed said and in our eyes, we saw the guy disappear and the next minute he was in front of Reed with Reed holding the guy's fist in his hand.

Reed had just caught the hand of a Black Hound. That's impossible, their speed is top-notch, one would say their speed is up to the speed of sound.

"You're just wasting our time douchebag," Reed said to the boy with a smile on his face.

"No, subject X8," he said reading the tag on Reed's shirt which had his name in the Institute, Subject X8.

"Training had just begun" the boy added and a smile appeared on his face.

Reed's smile suddenly disappeared as he was suddenly punched and the force threw him into the air but he still managed to land on his feet and saw his hand broken.

"You see, my punch isn't just a simple punch, it has effects and you should know you'll never win against me, I have no weakness"

Reed suddenly started laughing as he rearranged his broken hand.

"I doubt that. You're the one who would lose against me" he said and with amazing speed, he rushed towards the boy and was about to punch him but at the last second, he instead kicked the boy in the groin and the boy fell on the ground holding it.

"Nah. I think everyone has a weakness" Reed said laughing and the girl suddenly shouted.

" Enough! We are here for training not for your stupid boys' fight, let's begin" she said with an aura of superiority, and everyone could feel it including both Reed and the boy as they suddenly stopped fighting and Reed stood back at the line while the guy went back beside the girl.



" Hello Subject, it's been a long time"

" You. What the hell" David said and wanted to close the door but the guy put his foot at the doorway.

David knew that the only reason these two psychopaths, the man and the woman would be here was if they came here to kill them.

"So now you're chasing me from your humble abode," the man said coming into the house and looking around.

"How rude" he added and picked out a gun from his pocket and with a swift move he shot David in the head but David was quick to dodge as he knew all too well that this would happen, they were that dangerous.

"Charlotte! Lisa! run away now. It's an SOS" he shouted in hopes that Charlotte and Lisa would hear him and run away to get Reed for help. They knew he was the only person that could challenge the psychotic duo and win.

Charlotte and Lisa heard this from the kitchen and Lisa took a peak inside the sitting room and was about to leave when the woman caught sight of her.

"One is a celebration and two is a party but my favorite is the party," she said with an evil smile on her face and rushed towards Lisa but Lisa was fast as she quickly closed the door and locked it.

" Run!! It's the psychotic couple" she yelled to Charlotte and ran.

" No way" Charlotte replied and they started running through the back door and were about to leave the kitchen when they heard someone hitting hard on the door but they were fast as they entered a car and zoomed off.


David looked at the psychotic duo and saw as the woman went straight for one of them in the kitchen, he knew any move he made he would be in his grave, so he couldn't afford to be careless, they had to fend for their selves.

He sighed in relief when the woman came back with an angry face. He knew Charlotte and Lisa had managed to escape.

"They escaped," she said to the man when she came back.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll make sure they suffer before they die for making you so disappointed"

"That's so sweet my love"

"Now, what do you want me to do with him," the man said pointing at David.

"Let's just play with him a little"

"Anything you wish, darling" he replied and David stood on guard.


Reed had gone to his safe house straight after the meeting and went to where he had kept Dr. Mark.

He drugged the doctor, taking him to his car, then he made the doctor sit in the passenger seat behind and he drove off to Dr. Ryan's house.

It was going down today, his plan.

Reed parked his car at a distance from where the Doctor, Dr. Ryan's house was and then he covered the doctor they captured, Dr Mark's mouth with tape, and bound his hands with a rope.

Reed put on a hand glove so that his fingerprints wouldn't appear on anything.

They walked over to the penthouse and Reed hacked into the gates using his phone and then he made sure that they were silent enough so that he wouldn't tip off the guards of their presence.

He followed through the backyard after they had successfully gone into the house and jumped through the dining room's window dragging the doctor in with him.

He then made his way to the basement and tied Doctor Mark to a chair he found in the basement. After he had closed the basement door with a key so that there wouldn't be any mistakes, that was when Dr Mark woke up.

" So doctor, this will eventually be your last day on Earth," he said and the doctor just glared at Reed since his mouth was tight shut.

" Why are you giving me that death glare doctor, it won't help you to get out of this situation. I'm also guessing you never expected your death to be in the hands of someone from the Institute," he added and the doctor just began to shake on the chair continuously, looking for a way to escape or make noise for someone to come and save him.

" I've already planned this perfectly. You will never be saved, and I have brought down the cameras in this building since morning.

Also, Doctor Ryan is going to be here today any moment from now. So he'll be the one and only suspect for your murder" Reed said.

The doctor tried to scream for help or something but his voice was not coming out, his mouth was shut tight.