Inevitable Death

David stood as the psychotic duo looked at him.

He had no chance against one of them in the first place even after he had become a blackhound but now he was going to fight the two of them. It was a death sentence.

"Well, subject. I'm just imagining your death, it is so painful I could feel myself shivering in joy and excitement but I want to make a deal with you,"

"Fuck you! I'm not making a deal with you. Never!"

"You haven't heard my offer yet"

"I don't need to hear the offer of a maniac because I sure as hell know what you're offering is not something good"

" Oh no, it's something good. I just want you to tell me how you're feeling every step of the way when I'm killing you," the man said.

David didn't know when the woman threw a knife that pierced into his chest and he coughed out blood.

" You can't kill me that easily" he managed to say.

" We weren't planning on killing you that easily dear," the woman replied. "I want your death to be lovely, like your blood painting this house red. Wouldn't it be beautiful my love" she said to the man.

" It would be splendid cutie pie"


Reed waited for Doctor Ryan to come into the penthouse and after waiting for about two hours, the doctor finally came in. The doctor chased all the guards inside the house, outside and he went straight to his bedroom to take a bath.

" Finally your time is up Mark. What is your last wish" Reed said when he knew Dr. Ryan had arrived and he removed the tape from Doctor Mark's mouth.

" I thought you said you'd make me suffer by watching people I love tortured and killed right in front of me"

" I'm not that heartless. I realized that innocent souls don't have to die, only the guilty ones do.

So I decided to kill you alone in your co-worker's house when he is around so that I will pin your murder on him and bring him down and also bring the institute out from the shadows in the process.

Everyone has a way he should be punished. I sentenced you to death, personally and I'm sentencing him to life imprisonment," Reed said covering Dr. Mark's mouth.

Reed then gently sliced up Doctor Mark's neck with precision making sure there was not even a small chance to save him.

He then left the room with some of Doctor Mark's blood in a small rubber and the knife he used.

He gently sneaked into the room Doctor Ryan was bathing in presently and poured some of Doctor Mark's blood on the clothes Doctor Ryan just removed, then cleaned the blood on the knife with Dr. Ryan's handkerchief and threw the handkerchief in Doctor Ryan's dustbin.

He then dropped the knife on his dressing mirror, then left the room, and closed the door.

Reed quickly went into another room and dialed 911 using one of the phones he stole from one of the guards in the morning.

"911. What's your emergency"

" I am one of the guards at Doctor Ryan Williams's house and I think that he might have killed a man in his basement just now," Reed said in a whisper as if afraid.

" Tell me the address please"

" Okay Sir" Reed answered and told the man, the address.

" Don't go anywhere, stay hidden, stay calm, the police will be there very soon"

" Yes Sir" he replied in a whisper and the police cut the call.

Reed then threw the phone on the bed of the room he was in now. He quietly sneaked to the dining and went out through the window and left the building. He then went straight to where his car was.

Once he was by his car, he looked at Doctor Ryan's house and saw a police vehicle heading there and Reed just smiled. His mission was completed successfully.

He entered his car and removed the hand gloves. He ignited the car and drove off heading for the hospital.

Reed soon arrived at the hospital after he had left Dr. Ryan's house.

Immediately he entered the hospital he went to where Chloe was, heading straight for her room and when he reached her room he found out that she was awake already.

"You're awake," he said the moment he came in.

" About an hour ago. Yeah," she stifled saying because of how her mouth was soar and still hurts.

" You shouldn't talk. You are in no shape to"

" What about the man" she stifled to say again.

" Don't worry about him, I've handled him"


David dodged different knives as they aimed at him, the couple were playing with him.

They aimed knives at him and anyone that made the knife hit him would pay the other a hundred dollars and anyone that got a knife at David's heart would be paid a hundred grand, that is, a thousand dollars by the other person.

How could they play games with a person's life, these two are inhuman.

David managed to dodge most of the knives but some were starting to hit him.

He couldn't run anywhere, everywhere was locked, they made sure of it, and he had nowhere to escape but he hoped that Reed would get here in time.

A knife suddenly hit his leg, one of his arteries, he could feel himself becoming slower and the knives thrown at him becoming faster, he was starting to lose his breath and his sight was becoming blurry, he was losing lots of blood.

Suddenly another knife hit his other leg and his speed started to reduce gradually as he couldn't dodge as fast as he did, he knew the best option now was to run and try to escape in any way he could.

He was about to leave the sitting room when a knife was thrown at him pinning his hand on the wall and he groaned in pain trying to remove the knife. But instead of him removing it, another knife was thrown at him and it went straight for his eyes which killed him instantly as his body became pale and he fell to the ground.

"Oh my God" the woman screamed in excitement.

"It was a jackpot. I win, pay up"

" Fine" the man replied and rolled his eyes as he removed some notes from his pocket and gave them to her.

"Let's go to the next Subject and play another game shall we"

"Of course milady" he replied with a smile.


David's sister Diana, who was also Jeremy's wife, was cooking dinner while also waiting for her husband to come back from work when she heard a knock at their door and she went to check it out. She opened the door and saw a man and a woman holding each other's hands and she thought, they were probably a couple.

" Excuse me please, is this Mr Jeremy Clark's house"

" Yes, it is. Is there a problem"

" Oh! No problem at all, please pardon our intrusion but can we come in"

" Yes, sure. Come in, please" she said, and once she had shot the door closed, a gun was shot behind her head by the woman, and then she was dead.

"She didn't even recognize us,"

"No, she did. She just didn't have any option but to allow us in and play ignorant till her husband came back or she would send him a message. She is among the smart people of the institute,"

"Why do we even have to waste time before we kill them? It's always better when they leave the earth faster. You know, like she just did," the woman asked and the man replied.

" Oh, sweetheart, playing with them is always so fun. And at least let us be able to remember their final words. Next time, let the person say something,"

"Fine" she replied and they both got out of the house and entered a van then drove off.


Jeremy was done with work at the daily newspaper and he parked his things and left the office, then drove home.

Once he arrived, he carried his office bag from the passenger seat beside him and came down from the car, then entered the house, and the first thing he saw shocked him to the bone. His wife was lying down in her pool of blood with a hole behind her head and immediately tears rolled down his eyes.

He immediately called an ambulance and soon they came and picked her body up. Some FBI agents then came to investigate the murder.


Doctor Ryan came out of his bathroom, removed a new pair of clothes from his wardrobe and went to the dressing mirror to check himself out since he was going to the club now.

He then saw a weird object on his dressing mirror, a knife and he wondered what a knife was doing on his dressing mirror, then he carried it examining it, and just then a police officer barged into his room.

" Freeze and drop the weapon in your hands slowly on the ground and raise your hands where I can see them," the police officer said step by step, and Dr Ryan followed them all. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law" the police officer added.

He handcuffed Doctor Ryan and more police officers came into the room. One of the police officers with hand gloves, carried the knife that was on the ground and put it in a polythene bag.


Charlotte and Lisa dropped down from the cab that brought them and paid the driver. They were now in front of Reed's apartment and Charlotte led them inside. Once they reached his door, Charlotte just sat in front of his door without saying a word and Lisa joined her.