Keyblade I Learn

[Xiao Xing]



[Chapter 7.]

[Jin's Room]

Jin wakes up to the sound of a messenger knocking on her door.

She groggily gets up and opens it to find a royal messenger holding a beautifully adorned letter.

Messenger: "Good morning, Miss Jin Maki. I bring you an invitation from the prestigious Elven Academy."

Jin takes the letter and opens it with curiosity.


"Dear Miss Jin Maki,

We are delighted to extend an invitation to you to join the esteemed Elven Academy, renowned for nurturing the finest talents in magic, diplomacy, and leadership. Your recent heroic deeds and exceptional abilities have caught the attention of our esteemed faculty.

We eagerly await your presence at our academy, where you will have the opportunity to hone your skills and expand your knowledge in the company of fellow gifted individuals.


Headmistress Elysia Evergreen"

[Back in Jin's Room]

Jin reads the letter with mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension.

Jin: "Wow, an invitation to the Elven Academy... That's unexpected."

The messenger bows respectfully.

Messenger: "The academy eagerly awaits your arrival. Please consider this opportunity carefully, Miss Jin."

Jin nods, thanking the messenger as they leave.

She ponders over the invitation, knowing that attending such a prestigious institution could greatly enhance her abilities and knowledge. However, she also feels uneasy about being an outsider among the elves.

[Jin's Thoughts]

Jin: "I wonder why they chose me... I'm not even from this world. Will I fit in? What about my friends here?"

Despite her doubts, Jin decides to accept the invitation, seeing it as a chance to learn more about the elves and their culture.

She prepares herself mentally for the challenges ahead, knowing that acceptance at the academy might not come easily.

[Jin's First Day at Avaloria Academy]

The following morning, Jin navigated the bustling corridors of Avaloria Academy, her footsteps echoing against the polished marble floors.

The grandeur of the academy's architecture loomed overhead, reminding her of the weight of expectation that now rested on her shoulders.

She found herself in a large lecture hall, its vaulted ceilings adorned with intricate magical glyphs that shimmered softly in the daylight filtering through stained glass windows.

Students in pristine uniforms filled the room, their murmurs falling silent as Jin entered.

Professor Alderon, a stern-looking man with a mane of silver hair and piercing eyes, stood at the lectern.

He gestured for Jin to take a seat at the back of the hall, where a vacant desk awaited her.

Professor Alderon: "Welcome, Miss Maki, to Magical History and Lore. I trust you will find our curriculum both enlightening and rigorous."

Jin nodded, settling into her seat as the professor launched into a lecture about the ancient civilizations and their contributions to magical theory.

Despite her initial nerves, Jin found herself captivated by the depth of knowledge presented, each word resonating with centuries of arcane wisdom.

As the lecture progressed, Jin scribbled notes furiously, determined to absorb every detail.

However, she couldn't shake the feeling of eyes upon her—students casting curious glances in her direction, sizing up the newcomer from Elfaria.

The lecture concluded with Professor Alderon assigning a reading assignment on magical artifacts of the First Era.

Jin gathered her belongings and made her way out of the lecture hall, the weight of unfamiliarity pressing down upon her.

Outside in the courtyard, she paused to take in the sprawling gardens and towering spires that surrounded Avaloria Academy.

Students hurried past her, their conversations hushed but animated. Jin felt a pang of isolation amidst the bustling activity.

A voice interrupted her thoughts—a fellow student approached, his expression guarded yet curious.

Student: "You're Jin Maki, right? The hero from Elfaria?"

Jin nodded cautiously, unsure of the student's intentions.

Student: "I'm Alexei. Welcome to Avaloria. Just so you know, not everyone here is thrilled about an outsider like you getting special treatment."

Jin frowned, understanding the sentiment behind Alexei's words. She had expected skepticism, perhaps even hostility, but it still stung to hear it so plainly.

Jin: "I'm here to learn and prove myself, just like everyone else."

Alexei studied her for a moment before nodding, his demeanor softening slightly.

Alexei: "Fair enough. Just watch your back. The Academy can be... competitive."

With that, Alexei walked away, leaving Jin to ponder his words.

She knew that earning respect at Avaloria Academy would require more than just proving her magical prowess—it would demand navigating the intricate politics and rivalries that simmered beneath the surface.

Determined, Jin straightened her shoulders and headed towards the library, intent on delving into the assignment Professor Alderon had given her.

As she immersed herself in the ancient texts and magical histories, she resolved to carve out her place in this new world of academia, one spell at a time.


Jin immersed herself in the library's vast collection of arcane tomes, each page whispering secrets of ancient spells and enchanted artifacts.

As she flipped through the pages, her mind raced with the possibilities of mastering new magics and proving her worth in this prestigious institution.

Hours passed in a blur as Jin lost herself in her studies, the library growing quieter with each passing moment.

She was so engrossed that she didn't notice the approach of someone until they cleared their throat politely.

Librarian: "Excuse me, Miss Maki. The library will be closing soon."

Jin looked up, startled out of her reverie.

She blinked, realizing how much time had slipped away.

Jin: "Oh, I'm sorry. I lost track of time."

Librarian: "It happens to the best of us. Remember, the library is always here if you need it. Have a good evening."

Jin nodded gratefully and gathered her notes, tucking them into her bag.

As she left the library, the corridors of Avaloria Academy were quieter now, bathed in the soft glow of lanterns lining the walls.

She walked back to her dormitory, the weight of the day settling on her shoulders.

Despite the challenges ahead, Jin felt a flicker of determination burning within her.

She had come to Avaloria not just to learn, but to prove herself capable of greatness.

Entering her room, Jin collapsed onto her bed, her thoughts swirling with everything she had encountered on her first day.

From the majestic lecture hall to the cautious glances of her peers, she knew that her journey at Avaloria Academy was just beginning.

Closing her eyes, Jin breathed deeply, steeling herself for the trials and triumphs that awaited.

Tomorrow would bring new lessons, new challenges, and perhaps, new allies among those who saw beyond her origins and recognized the potential within.

With that thought, Jin drifted into a restless sleep, her dreams filled with visions of spells yet to be mastered and mysteries waiting to be unraveled

[End of Chapter 7]
