Keyblade I Beast

[Xiao Xing]


[Morning in the Forest]

As dawn broke over the Whispering Forest, the adventurer party stirred from their makeshift camp.

The air was crisp, and the light filtering through the trees cast an ethereal glow over their surroundings.

Jin carefully checked on the tiny UBL in her pocket.

It chirped softly, seemingly content.

She smiled and whispered,

"Stay hidden, okay?"

Thrain gathered the group.

He then says

"We need to move quickly."

"The heart of this corruption is close."

"Stay alert and be ready for anything."

[Deeper Into the Forest]

The group moved cautiously through the dense forest, the tension palpable.

Jin kept her senses sharp, every rustle and shadow putting her on edge.

Elara turned to Jin and said,

"I can feel the magic growing stronger."

"We must be getting close."

Jin nodded.

She then says

"Let's be careful."

[The Source]

After hours of trekking, they finally arrived at a clearing.

In the center stood an ancient stone altar, pulsating with dark energy.

Surrounding it were more corrupted beasts, their eyes glowing menacingly.

Thrain unsheathed his sword.

He then says

"This must be the source."

"We need to destroy that altar."

[Jin's Plan]

Jin felt the UBL stir again, as if sensing the danger.

She knew she had to act quickly.

She then says

"I'll create a diversion."

"You three focus on the altar."

Thrain nodded.

He then says

"Be careful, Jin."

[The Battle]

Jin stepped forward, summoning a firestorm that engulfed the corrupted beasts.

The creatures roared in fury, turning their attention to her.

Elara, Thrain, and Seraphina used the distraction to move towards the altar.

Seraphina began chanting, her staff glowing with a purifying light.

Jin dodged the beasts' attacks, using her teleportation ability to stay one step ahead.

She unleashed a torrent of water, dousing the flames and confusing the beasts further.

[The Altar]

Elara reached the altar first, her hands glowing with magic.

She then says

"We need to combine our powers to destroy it!"

Thrain and Seraphina joined her, channeling their energy into the altar.

The dark energy began to waver, cracks forming along its surface.

[Jin's Struggle]

One of the beasts lunged at Jin, catching her off guard. She fell to the ground, the wind knocked out of her.

The tiny UBL slipped from her pocket, landing on the ground beside her.

The beast snarled, eyes fixed on the UBL. Jin's heart raced.

She then says

"No! Stay away from it!"

She summoned her remaining strength and unleashed an ice storm, freezing the beast in its tracks.

The UBL chirped, fluttering back to her.

[The Climax]

The combined powers of Elara, Thrain, and Seraphina reached a crescendo.

With a final burst of energy, the altar shattered, the dark energy dissipating into the air.

The corrupted beasts let out pained howls before dissolving into mist.

The forest grew quiet, the oppressive atmosphere lifting.


The group regrouped, breathing heavily but victorious.

Thrain sheathed his sword, looking at the remains of the altar.

He then Says

"We did it. The corruption is gone."

Jin cradled the tiny UBL, relieved that it was safe.

Elara noticed and asked,

"What is that, Jin?"

Jin hesitated before answering, "It's... a tiny UBL."

" I found it in the forest."

"I think it needs our help."

Seraphina's eyes widened.

"A UBL? That's incredible! They're said to be incredibly rare and powerful."

[Jin's Resolve]

Jin nodded, determination in her eyes.

"I need to protect it and find out why it's here."

"It might be connected to the larger mystery."

Thrain placed a hand on her shoulder.

He then says

"We'll help you, Jin. We're in this together."

With the forest cleansed and new purpose guiding them, the group prepared to leave the Whispering Forest.

Their journey was far from over, but with new allies and a tiny, mysterious companion, Jin felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

[Elfarian Kingdom, The Royal Palace]

Queen Tsarra Miatumal sat in her opulent chamber, gazing out the window at the vast, shimmering forests that stretched to the horizon.

The recent disturbances in the Whispering Forest had her deeply concerned. Reports of corrupted beasts and dark energy had reached her ears, and she knew something had to be done.

Her most trusted advisor, Elenion, entered the room and bowed.

He then says

"Your Majesty, we have received news from the adventurers we sent to investigate the corruption."

Queen Tsarra turned to face him, her expression stern but hopeful.

She then says

"What have they found?"

Elenion stepped forward, holding a scroll.

He then says

"The adventurers have successfully destroyed the source of the corruption."

"They reported encountering corrupted beasts and a dark altar in the forest."

"The altar has been shattered, and the forest is returning to its natural state."

Tsarra's eyes softened with relief.

She then says

"That is good news indeed. What of the adventurers? Are they safe?"

Elenion nodded.

He then says

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"They have returned safely and brought back intriguing news."

"One of them, Jin Maki, discovered a tiny UBL within the forest."

Queen Tsarra's eyebrows raised in surprise.

She then says

"A UBL? Here in our realm?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Elenion confirmed. "It seems the creature may be linked to corruption somehow.

Jin Maki has taken it upon herself to protect the UBL and uncover its mysteries."

The queen pondered for a moment, her mind racing with possibilities.

She then says

"This Jin Maki... She shows great promise and courage. I want to meet her. Arrange for her and her companions to come to the palace."

Elenion bowed again.

He then says

"As you wish, Your Majesty. I will make the arrangements immediately."

[Later, in the Royal Throne Room]

Jin Maki, Thrain, Elara, and Seraphina stood before the grand throne of Queen Tsarra Miatumal.

The throne room was a marvel of elven craftsmanship, with intricate carvings, delicate filigree, and ethereal motifs adorning every surface.

Queen Tsarra rose from her throne, her regal presence commanding respect.

She then says

"Welcome, brave adventurers."

"I have heard of your deeds in the Whispering Forest, and I commend you for your bravery and skill."

Jin stepped forward and bowed.

She then says

"Thank you, Your Majesty. It was an honor to serve and protect your kingdom."

Tsarra's gaze fell upon the tiny UBL nestled in Jin's arms.

She then says

"And this is the creature you found?"

Jin nodded.

She then says

"Yes, Your Majesty."

I've been keeping it hidden, unsure of how others might react."

"But I believe it's important."

The queen approached, her eyes filled with curiosity and wonder.

She then says

"A UBL is a rare and powerful being. It is said they only appear when great changes are afoot. You were wise to protect it."

Elara spoke up.

She then says

"We believe the UBL may hold the key to understanding the corruption we faced. Its presence might be more than mere coincidence."

Queen Tsarra nodded thoughtfully.

She then says

"Indeed. This matter requires careful consideration. You have done well to bring it to my attention. For now, continue to care for the UBL and remain vigilant.

I will consult with my advisors and the ancient texts to learn more about this creature and its significance."

Thrain bowed.

He then says

"We will do as you command, Your Majesty."

Tsarra smiled warmly.

She then saus

"You have my gratitude and the gratitude of all Elfarian. Rest and recover from your journey.

You will be well taken care of here in the palace."

As the adventurers left the throne room, Jin felt a renewed sense of purpose.

With the queen's support and the mysterious UBL by her side, she knew their journey was far from over.

The answers they sought were within reach, and together, they would uncover the truth behind the corruption and the UBL's appearance.

[End of Chapter 6]

