Keyblade I smite


[Xiao Xing]

[Jin's Room]

Jin woke up to the gentle light of dawn filtering through her window.

She stretched and got ready, excitement bubbling inside her.

Today, she was determined to take on a higher-level quest and prove herself.

[Quest Hall]

Arriving at the quest hall, Jin greeted the guild clerk with a smile,

"Morning! What do you have for me today?"

The guild clerk smiles back, recognizing her enthusiasm,

"Good morning, Jin. We have a special quest today."

"A team of adventurers is heading to the Whispering Forest to investigate some strange occurrences."

"Would you like to join them?"

Jin's eyes lit up and she then says


[Outside the Quest Hall]

Jin met her new companions outside the hall. They were a diverse group: a burly warrior named Thrain, a nimble rogue named Elara, and a wise mage named Seraphina.

Thrain extended a hand.

He then says

"Welcome aboard, Jin. Ready for an adventure?"

Jin shook his hand firmly.

She then says

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

[Whispering Forest]

The group set off toward the Whispering Forest.

As they entered the dense woods, the atmosphere grew thick with magic and mystery.

The forest was alive with sounds and subtle movements.

[Jin's POV]

As they ventured deeper, Jin noticed a small, glowing creature flitting between the trees.

It looked like a tiny, winged animal with iridescent fur.

Jin's heart skipped a beat. It was a UBL – an Ultimate Legendary Beast.

She knew they were incredibly rare and valuable.

Carefully, Jin moved away from the group and reached out her hand.

The tiny UBL fluttered over and landed on her palm, nuzzling her fingers.

She smiled, feeling an instant connection with the adorable creature.

"Stay quiet," she whispered to the UBL, gently tucking it into her cloak pocket.

[Jin's New Companions]

Returning to the group, Jin acted nonchalant, trying not to draw attention to the hidden UBL.

Seraphina glanced at her.

She then says

"Everything alright, Jin?"

Jin nodded quickly.

She then says

"Yeah, just checking something."

[Adventure Continues]

With the tiny UBL hidden, the group pressed on.

They encountered various challenges in the forest, from enchanted traps to aggressive beasts.

Jin used her newfound abilities to help her teammates, earning their respect and admiration.

[Jin's Secret]

As they navigated the forest, Jin could feel the UBL shifting occasionally in her pocket.

She hoped it wouldn't make any noise and give away its presence.

The group didn't seem to notice anything amiss, focused on the task at hand.

[Evening Camp]

As night fell, the group set up camp.

They shared stories and laughter around the fire, bonding over their shared experiences.

Jin looked at her new friends, feeling a sense of belonging.

She knew she was on the right path but was also wary of revealing her secret companion too soon.

Thrain raised his mug.

He then shouts

"To new friends and successful quests!"

Everyone joined in the toast.

Jin discreetly fed the UBL a small piece of fruit under her cloak, feeling its soft purrs of contentment.


[Evening Camp]

As the fire crackled and the stars twinkled overhead, Jin felt a sense of peace wash over her. Her new companions were friendly and capable, and the tiny UBL nestled in her cloak added a touch of magic to the night.

[Jin's POV]

Jin glanced around to make sure no one was watching before gently lifting the tiny UBL out of her pocket.

The creature fluttered its wings and looked up at her with wide, curious eyes.

Jin smiled and whispered, "I'll keep you safe, little one."

Thrain noticed Jin's distracted expression and walked over, sitting beside her.

He then says

"Something on your mind, Jin?"

Jin quickly slipped the UBL back into her pocket.

She then says

"Just thinking about the quest tomorrow."

"Do you think we'll find out what's causing the disturbances in the forest?"

Thrain nodded.

He then says

"I have a good feeling about it."

"We've got a strong team, and with your skills, we're bound to succeed."

[Jin's New Companions]

Elara and Seraphina joined them by the fire. Elara stretched out, looking relaxed.

She then says

"I'm ready for anything."

"Whispering Forest has always had a reputation for strange occurrences, but nothing we can't handle."

Seraphina added,

"The forest's magic is ancient."

"It's possible we'll encounter things even I haven't seen before."

"But I trust in our abilities."

Jin felt a surge of confidence from their words.

She then says

"I'm glad to be part of this team."

[Midnight Vigil]

Later that night, Jin took the first watch while her companions slept.

The forest was eerily quiet, the shadows dancing in the firelight.

She carefully took the UBL out again, letting it stretch its wings.

"Why are you here?" Jin wondered aloud. "What brought you to this forest?"

The UBL chirped softly, its tiny eyes reflecting the firelight.

Jin knew she had to keep its presence a secret until she could understand its significance.

[Morning Departure]

As dawn broke, the group packed up their camp and prepared to continue their quest. Jin kept the UBL securely hidden, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

[Jin's Determination]

With her new friends by her side and the mysterious UBL as her secret companion, Jin felt more determined than ever.

She knew that this adventure was just the beginning of something much larger, and she was ready to embrace whatever came her way.

Jin says, her voice filled with resolve

"Let's do this,"

Thrain clapped her on the back.

He then says

"That's the spirit!"

"Onward, to the heart of the forest!"

The group set off, their spirits high and their hearts united.

Jin felt a sense of purpose, knowing that she was part of something greater.

With the tiny UBL as her hidden ally, she was prepared for whatever awaited them in the depths of the Whispering Forest.

[End of Chapter 5]

[Deeper into the Forest]

As they ventured further into the Whispering Forest, the trees grew denser, and the air thickened with a palpable sense of magic.

Jin kept a watchful eye on her surroundings, her senses heightened.

Every rustle of leaves and distant animal call set her on edge.

Thrain led the group, his keen eyes scanning the path ahead.

He then says

"We should be nearing the source of the disturbances."

"Stay alert."

[Jin's Secret]

Jin's heart raced as she felt the tiny UBL stir in her pocket.

She discreetly patted the pocket, reassuring the creature.

She couldn't let her new companions discover the UBL yet—she needed to understand its significance first.


Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees.

The group halted, weapons drawn, as a massive beast emerged from the shadows.

Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and its fur bristled with dark energy.

Seraphina whispers, her grip tightening on her staff.

"It's one of the corrupted beasts."

Jin's mind raced.

They had to defeat this creature, but she also had to protect the UBL.

She readied herself for battle, her powers tingling at her fingertips.

[The Battle]

The beast lunged at them with a deafening roar.

Thrain and Elara moved swiftly, engaging it with a flurry of strikes and spells. Jin hung back, casting supportive spells and watching for an opportunity.

The corrupted beast was relentless, but the group fought with unwavering determination. Jin saw her chance and unleashed a powerful ice storm, freezing the beast's movements.

Jin shouts,

"Now, everyone!"

Thrain and Elara delivered the final blows, and the beast collapsed with a pained howl, dissolving into dark mist.

The forest grew quiet once more, the oppressive energy lifting.


As the group caught their breath, Seraphina examined the ground where the beast had fallen.

She then says

"The corruption here is strong."

"We need to find the source and cleanse it."

Thrain nodded.

He then says

"Agreed. But first, we should rest and regroup."

[Jin's Concern]

Jin felt the UBL shift in her pocket again.

She glanced around, making sure no one was watching, and whispers,

"Hang in there, little one. We'll figure this out."

[Rest and Recovery]

They set up a temporary camp, tending to their wounds and gathering their strength.

Jin took a moment to check on the UBL, who chirped softly, seemingly sensing the danger had passed.

Elara sat beside her, curiosity in her eyes.

She then says

"You handled yourself well back there, Jin."

"You've got some impressive abilities."

Jin smiled, grateful for the compliment.

She then says

"Thanks. I'm just glad we all made it through."

[Determined to Continue]

As night fell, the group gathered around the fire, discussing their next steps.

The corrupted beast was just a hint of the greater danger lurking in the forest, and they needed to stay vigilant.

Thrain says

"We'll rest tonight and continue at first light." "We're getting closer to the heart of this mystery."

Jin nodded, determination burning in her chest.

She had to protect her companions, uncover the truth behind the UBL, and cleanse the forest of its corruption.

With the tiny UBL safely hidden and her new friends by her side, Jin knew she was ready for whatever lay ahead.

This quest was far from over, and she was prepared to see it through to the end.

[End of Chapter 5]