Keyblade I fight

[Xiao Xing]



Jin narrows her eyes, assessing the bandits. The leader, with his scarred face and confident sneer, appears to be the most experienced.

The other bandits, though rough-looking, seem less seasoned.

Jin decides to start by intimidating them.

Jin says in a firm voice,

"We don't want any trouble. Let us pass, and no one needs to get hurt."

The leader laughs,

"Brave words, girl. But you're outnumbered."

Jin smirks and, without warning, uses her ability, disappearing and reappearing behind one of the bandits.

She quickly incapacitates him with a precise strike.

The other bandits hesitate, surprised by her sudden movement.

Jin uses this moment to unleash her ability, creating a ring of fire around herself and Mr. Elson, protecting them from the attackers.


The leader growls,

"Get her! Don't let her scare you!"

The remaining bandits charge at Jin, but she is ready.

She conjures a spell, dousing the flames around her and turning the ground beneath the bandits' feet to slippery mud.

They lose their footing, struggling to stay upright.

Jin takes advantage of their disarray and uses , freezing the mud and trapping the bandits' feet.

The leader, now visibly furious, manages to break free and lunges at Jin.

With a swift motion, Jin teleports again, this time reappearing behind the leader.

She grabs his arm and twists it behind his back, forcing him to the ground. The leader howls in pain and drops his weapon.

Jin speaks calmly,

"Yield and I won't have to hurt you anymore."

The leader grits his teeth but eventually nods,

"Fine, we yield."


Jin releases the leader and steps back.

The other bandits, seeing their leader defeated, quickly surrender as well.

Jin ties them up with some rope Mr. Elson provides.

Mr. Elson, who had been watching in awe, approaches Jin and says,

"That was incredible! I've never seen anything like it."

Jin smiles modestly,

"Just doing my job. Let's get going before they decide to change their minds."

They leave the bandits tied up and continue their journey.

The rest of the trip is uneventful, and they reach the next town by dusk.

[Next Town]

The town is smaller than the city Jin came from, but it has a cozy, welcoming atmosphere.

Mr. Elson thanks Jin profusely and hands her the reward of 30 gold coins.

Mr. Elson says,

"You saved my life and my goods. I can't thank you enough."

Jin responds,

"I'm glad I could help. Safe travels, Mr. Elson."

She watches as he heads off to conduct his business, feeling a sense of accomplishment. With the reward in her pocket, Jin decides to explore the town and maybe find a place to rest for the night.


Jin finds a quaint inn near the town square. She walks in and is greeted by the innkeeper, a jovial man with a thick beard.

The innkeeper says,

"Welcome! Looking for a room?"

Jin nods,

"Yes, please. Just for one night."

She pays for the room and heads upstairs. The room is simple but comfortable, with a soft bed and a window overlooking the town square.

Jin sits on the bed, reflecting on the day's events.


Jin thinks to herself,

"This world is more dangerous than I thought. But I can handle it.

"I just need to stay alert and keep improving my skills."

She lies down, letting the events of the day play over in her mind.

Exhausted, she soon drifts off to sleep, ready for whatever challenges the next day might bring.

[The next day…]

[Jin's Room]

Jin wakes up the next morning feeling well-rested and ready for her next adventure. After a quick breakfast, she heads out into the bustling streets of Purplua.

Determined to make a name for herself, she decides to take on a more challenging quest today.

[Quest Hall]

The Quest Hall is already bustling with activity when Jin arrives.

Adventurers of all kinds are gathered, discussing their recent exploits and planning their next missions.

Jin makes her way to the counter where the guild clerk is busy sorting through stacks of paperwork.

The guild clerk looks up and smiles when she sees Jin.

She then says

"Good morning! Ready for another quest?"

Jin nods eagerly.

She then says

"Yes, but this time I want something more challenging. I'm ready to prove myself."

The clerk's eyes twinkle with interest.

She then says

"Feeling confident, are we?"

"Let's see… Ah, here's one that might be just right for you."

She hands Jin a parchment with the details of the quest.

It's a higher-level mission, involving a rumored sighting of a dangerous beast in the nearby forest.

"Many adventurers have reported seeing strange creatures near the Darkwood Forest. We need someone brave to investigate and, if necessary, deal with the threat."

Jin takes the parchment and reads through the details.

It's a dangerous mission, but it's exactly the

kind of challenge she's been looking for.

Jin says with determination,

"I'll take it"

[Darkwood Forest]

Armed with her new abilities and her Keyblade, Jin sets out for Darkwood Forest.

The forest is dense and foreboding, with towering trees that block out much of the sunlight.

As she ventures deeper, the air grows colder and the sounds of wildlife become scarcer.

Jin remains vigilant, her senses on high alert. She's been walking for hours when she finally hears it: a low growl, echoing through the trees.

She grips her Keyblade tighter and cautiously moves towards the source of the sound.

[The Beast]

In a clearing ahead, Jin spots the beast. It's a massive creature, covered in dark fur with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws.

It's currently prowling around, seemingly unaware of her presence.

Jin takes a deep breath, focusing her mind. She decides to use her ability to get the drop on the beast.

In a flash, she teleports behind it and launches a attack, engulfing the beast in flames.

The beast roars in pain and fury, turning to face Jin with a menacing snarl.

It charges at her, but Jin is ready.

She teleports again, this time appearing above the creature and unleashing an , freezing the ground around it and slowing its movements.

The battle is intense, with the beast lashing out with its claws and Jin dodging and counterattacking with her abilities.

She uses her ability to summon a torrent of water, knocking the beast off its feet and giving her a moment to strike with her Keyblade.

With a final, powerful swing, Jin lands a decisive blow, and the beast collapses to the ground, defeated.

She stands over it, catching her breath and feeling a surge of triumph.

[After the Battle]

Jin makes her way back to the Quest Hall, tired but victorious. The clerk and other adventurers are impressed when she reports her success.

"Well done, Jin," the clerk says, smiling proudly. "You're proving to be quite the adventurer."

Jin beams with pride, feeling more confident than ever. She knows that this is just the beginning of her journey, and she's ready for whatever challenges come next.

[Earth – Government Building]

Back on Earth, in the grand halls of the government building in Bratislava, King Multiverse sits at a large conference table with several high-ranking officials.

The room is abuzz with discussion as they review reports and strategize about the new galaxy Jin has been sent to explore.

King Multiverse, with his calm and commanding presence, listens intently as one of the officials briefs the group on recent developments.

The official says

"Your Majesty."

"we've received preliminary data from the probes we sent through the portal."

The readings suggest a rich and diverse ecosystem, with several advanced civilizations similar to those in our galaxy."

King Multiverse nods thoughtfully.

He then says

"Excellent. Our primary objective is to establish peaceful relations and gather intelligence. Jin's mission is crucial for this."

Another official chimes in,

"What about the military presence, Your Majesty?"

"Should we consider sending reinforcements in case of hostility?"

King Multiverse raises a hand to calm the room.

"We must tread carefully. Our goal is not to provoke but to learn and build alliances."

"Jin has been equipped with abilities that will aid her in various situations."

"We trust her to handle initial encounters." "Any military action will be a last resort."

The officials nod in agreement, though a few still exchange concerned glances.

King Multiverse continues,

"Ensure that the checkpoint near the portal is fully operational."

"We need a reliable way for Jin to return if necessary and to send supplies if needed."

As the meeting progresses, a holographic map of Galaxy 2 is projected in the center of the table.

The officials discuss potential points of interest and areas of concern, while King Multiverse occasionally interjects with strategic insights and directives.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, King Multiverse remains confident in its mission and Jin's abilities.

His mind briefly drifts to her, wondering how she is faring in this new and unknown world.

He knows that her success will not only secure their presence in Galaxy 2 but also pave the way for greater understanding and cooperation between worlds.

