CHAPTER 8: Teachers rank

CHAPTER 8: Teachers rank

Then another curse user (male) stood up,

"Sir whats your rank" he asked making the entire class to turn and look at him and then back thier teacher. Ryu turned to the boy and was surprised,

"What's wrong with that one asking his rank" Ryu said inwardly with an irritated tone but not letting it show on his face.

Mr Rudeous just smiled as he stared at his students, who had a curious look on thier faces as they stared at him. Immediately the side of his lips curved into a devilish grin.

"Oh no that cant be good" Ryu said immediately noticing the changed expression on thier teachers face,

"Lets play a game" Mr Rudeous said which shocked the whole class and murmurs began to pop up as they began to discuss with one another what game he was talking about.


Murmuring was heard as the class discussed with another on the game thier teacher might be talking about.

"This game is for curse users only" Mr Rudeous said and the entire class turned thier head to look at one another.


All the non curse users in the class said in unison as they were sad as they werent involved in the game, Ryu on the other hand stared at Mr Rudeous with a dull expression on his face.

"Currently speaking Ryu is above the whole class with exactly (he paused then turned and carried a long score sheet and began to read through it) 27 point" Mr Rudeous said and all eyes went on Ryu's on hearing what thier teacher said.

"But this question causes 40 point"


the whole class gasped at hearing the amount of point a single question cost. The points are like marks which is used in thier exam to add to their total end of the section score.

A non curse user stood up,

"Sir the mark is just a little bit too high for a single question" The non curse user said with anger clearly showing on her face. Mr Rudeous understanding her frustration,

"Don't worry today is also yours " He said.

"Who ever gets the question right from either of the curse users is excused from the Oral quiz" Mr Rudeous said and the girl sat down satisfied with what he told her.

"What the fuck"

"It'd true the mark is just too high for a question then maybe it will be something hard or something that us not in our note or textbook" Ryu's said inwardly as he began to think,

"Are you all ready" Ryu's heard Me Rudeous voice and snapped out of his thoughts to focus,


"Bring it on"

"We are ready"

3 curse user said out

"Idiots" Ryu said inwardly, starring at them.

"Now my question (he paused as he stared at all of them)

"What is my rank" He said.

The sudden question caught them off guard, and then. The curse energy he was normally emmiting from his body changed completely. Tripling by ×3 and his power level shot up instantly like a rocket and the curse energy circling him was unbelievable.

"What the fuck" Ryu exclaimed

Ryu eyes widened in shock seeing the massive gap between his curse level and his teachers, all the curse user also had the same shocked, perplexed look on their faces while the none curse user just stared at them not understanding what is going on at the moment.

"Sir" A curse user raised her hand and said,

"D rank" She said , Mr Rudeous eyes opened for a split second like he was shocked by her answer, but adjusted back to his former expression.

"Thats your answer?" Mr Rudeous asked to her,

"Too bad that's all the chance you get" He said,

"You didn't tell us we had only one chance" She complained with a frown on her face.

"True my bad" He said,

"You may have your sit" He said to her.


Ryu's on the other hand was constantly thinking deep into it, analyzing Mr Rudeous by the intense curse energy he was currently releasing but it proved rather difficult than he thought.

"What if he was S rank" Ryu asked himself as he was in thought, he disposed the idea immediately from his mind.

"No terrible intuition at least if he was S rank, he wouldn't be here teaching students" Ryu said to himself as he was still thinking.

Then the curse user sitting beside him, raised his hand up

"Semi C rank"

Mr Rudeous heard this and his facial expression twitched for a second assive he was shocked but quickly adjusted back to normal. Ryu's noticed it as well as some of the class,

"His rank can't be on C rank and cant even be on A rank cause it will attract the eyes of curse hunting organizations" Ryu said inwardly,

"I'm waiting " Mr Rudeous said as he stared at his students who were cracking thier brains trying to figure it out, he found it quite amusing and he smiled. Then was surprised as Ryu immediately raised his hand once again getting the entire class attention once again. It was like anything he does drags attention from all angle but Ryu himself didn't care. His charisma, the expression he carries draws others attention to him, which he often didn't like.

"Sir im not sure" Ryu said,

"Yes continue" Their teacher replied.

"But you should be between semi B rank to B rank"Ryu said.

The entire class looked at him, some of them with disbelief of thier eyes and the curse user behind him burst into laughter as he heard Ryus answer.

Ryu kept a straight face hearing the laughter, his face was dull and as it died down he heard from behind him.

"There's no way he could actually be on the 3rd rank and still be a teacher" the boy said and laughing once again.

"Actually his correct" Mr Rudeous said as he stared at them. Their eyes were wide in shock at what they just heard.

"I'm B rank curse user" He said and the curse energy he was emmiting from his body slowly died down completely and became normal.


There was a loud gasp once again in the class as everyone turned to look at Ryu, who had a dull expression on his face looking directly at Mr Rudeous. Some think he just knows everything, but to him it was a lucky guess.

"How ?" The boy behind Ryu asked,

"Hmm, before I became a teacher or before i retired to being your teacher I used to work at a curse hunting organization" He explained and his students eyes were widened as they were surprised.

Ryu's eyes were opened wide in shock and the rest of the class were as surprised as he was. But something was still confusing to them,

"But sir what do you mean by retired?" A non curse user asked this question, because thier teacher is still very young.

"Just kinda decided to settle down and leave the curse hunting days behind me" He said then picked up the book and began to read through it once again.

"Since Ryu was the only one to get it right to some extent he gets 40 points so he has no need to participate in the question and answer which we are about to do" Mr Rudeous said,

And Ryu smiled and rested his head on his table and soon fell asleep the entire class eyes on him.