CHAPTER 12: The Clash

"Do you think his the one" The lady asked the man,.

"We cant tell just yet" The man responded.

"Are you sure your spy is correct" The lady asked,

"He never fails" The man responded with confidence

"Ready"(Mr Rudeous yelled but at the point Ryu was still in thought.

"Fight" Mr Rudeous yelled.

Raiden did not waste time, he put his 2 hands together and ice cane out of it immediately forming a spear completely made of ice, he took a step forward and with his strength threw the spear forward towards Ryu. The spear was so fast it got to Ryu in less than seconds, as it got to Ryu it shattered like glass into pieces and fell to the ground.

The sound echoed through the school getting the attention of those who weren't Interested, while those who were watching were shocked by the sudden attack. Raiden was so fast, even blinking could cause one to loose the moment of that epic throw.

Ryu's eyes were widened at what he witnessed, the moment he snapped out of his thoughts was when the spare was directly infront of his face. He turned his head to the ground seeing the shattered ice spare parts all over the place.

"He cant really be serious" He said inwardly and turned his head forward to look at Raiden, who had a dead serious look on his face.

Then Ryu heard.

"I don't expect you to hold back" Raiden said with a dead serious tone in his voice and Ryu eyes widened in shock.

Then Raiden eyes gave off a light intimidating glow and he raised his both hands into the air slowly assive lifting something heavy.

Then Ryu felt the ground around him begin to slowly shake, and then it began to rumble like it was an earthquake. Ryu turned his head to the left, and then to the right as he looked around him, feeling the sudden shake in the area around him. Caused by Raiden.

Suddenly a pillar of ice erected out of the ground right beside Ryu's, it raised out of the ground with force and the tip of the ice pillar bent downward to the side and the sharp edge stopped directly above him. Ryu stared at the ice pillar with shock showing completely on his face, seems like Raiden just of surprises.

"His trying to find a spot in my infinity barrier" Ryu said inwardly.

He exhaled deeply as he stared directly at Raiden.

"So that was the reason for the surprise attack with the ice spare" Ryu said to himself,

"His trying to get me off guard" Ryu said,

Then Raiden suddenly took a step forward and Ryu's eyes widened with the sudden movement, then Raiden raised his hand high into the air really fast.

Raising another ice pillar from Ryu's left curving downward on him the same way as the first, Raiden raised his second hand up, and 2 more immediately erected put of the ground one at the front and another at the back.

Nothing made sense to Ryu as he tried to figure out what was going on, his heart beat was racing faster than before as he tried to keep his cool.

"What is going on?"

"Is this shock or fear" Ryu asked himself, he then closed his eyes and thoughts began to run through his head as he stood in place.

"I haven't felt like this in a long time" He said inwardly,

"At least let me enjoy it while u still can (he paused) for once I would enjoy my fight and not hold back" Ryu said and opened his eyes, he then stretched his hand forward towards the ice pillar before him.

It slowly began to vibrate and cracks began to go through it.

Raiden felt it and smiled,

"You took too long" He said and stretched his both hand forward which were glowing light blue in colour and put them together, making his fingers lock onto one another.

"Ominous reduction" Raiden said,

The pillars gave off a light blue glow and instantly releasing a blue wave like an expanding semi circle made completely of blue light.

"Instant reduction"

Raiden said and immediately snapped his finger. The semi circular shield reduced instantly to become smaller and smaller. Until,


The explosion causing a massive shock wave affecting the surrounding area and also the crowd of students watching. Eyes were on the specifically at Ryu's side to see the outcome of that attack. As the blueish white fog faded, it was a shock to the crowd but not to Raiden. As Ryu was seen standing there unmoved and unaffected by the blast as he had a dull look on his face.

The temperature in the surrounding area was dropping drastically becoming colder and colder by the passing minute. A Lil bit to cool for a sunny afternoon.

"Hmm no effect" Raiden said to himself.

"Maybe i have to up the power" He yelled out loud for Ryu to hear, and raised his hand up into the air and immediately an ice pillar suddenly elevated out of the ground infront of Ryu, not curving but was straight facing up.

Ryu didn't give it a chance and began to walk forward, step by step towards the ice pillar, and as he got closer and closer to it. It shattered on getting in contact with his infinity barrier, Raiden saw this and smiled as Ryu was a few distance away from him, seeing the dull expression on Ryu's face causes him to change as well.

The crowd of students and also some teachers watched the fight with thier full attention. Not wanting to miss any detail of the fight, any sudden or unexpected thing that happens in the fight it raises murmurs among them.

Raiden stared at Ryu's as he slowly walked forward towards him ,

"His coming my way" Raiden said in his mind,

"I have to strike now" He said inwardly as he raises his right hand forward and widened his palm, as he aimed directly at Ryu.


In the blink of an eye, his words were caught shot as he blinked his eyes Ryu suddenly appeared before him, such speed cannot be countered. Raiden eyes widened in shock as he was caught off guard, there's not enough time to move backwards or retreat from Ryu's. And he collected a punch from Ryu's straight to his gut, his eyes widened instantly at the unexpected painful offence from Ryu. At that moment, he launched his fist towards Ryu's face and his fist struck the front of Ryu's like someone hitting hard glass but the glass did not break.

Raiden slowly began to move backwards, with a pain filled expression on his face as he slowly backed away from Ryu. Then suddenly, an uppercut from Ryu to Raiden, instantly knocking out Raiden's sense of thought and his eyes blank like his blue pupils faded completely.