CHAPTER 13: The Clash

"No I can still do it"

Raiden said inwardly as his eyes were white from that uppercut, he brought his head down to face the ground and curse energy radiated from him doubled.

Ryu noticed it and paused and saw his pose which looked strange, his hands down not trying to block or guide, with his head bent to face the ground.

Ryu launched his fist towards Ryu's face,

"Kronos elevation"

Ryu suddenly heard Raidens voice and his fist stopped in front of Raidens face as he turned his head to his left, then to his right looking out for something, or anything that my come his unexpectedly. He looked around noticing no change in the surrounding area, though the atmosphere in the ring was cold. Ryu turned his head back to face Raiden who has not flinched or moved.

"This is strange" Ryu said inwardly as he looked down at Raiden, as silence rained for a few moments before.


Ryu heard, his eyes widened as some kind of intense lighting charge was released from Raidens foot going through to ground. Ryu acted on reflex and immediately jumps backward away from it but as he landed , it got to him.

"Kronos burst" Raiden yelled

And then ice elevated out of the ground as the lighting charge slowly faded. It was a burst that caused white bluish lighting fog to elevate as well.


Then shattering sounds of what seemed like glass was heard from the fog, and as the fog faded slowly faded Ryu was seen unharmed and in the centre of big elevated chunks of ice.


Gasp and murmurs from the crowd as they watched, Ryu then turned his head to face Raiden. But to his deepest surprise Ryu's eyes shot wide as Raiden was seem with an incredible light blue energy ball in his hand. Raidens face was dull without emotion, with his eyes giving off a light blue glow.

"Frost blast"

The beam shot out of his hand with force and pressure, travelling at the speed similar to that of a bullet, as it passed the ice spikes. Dispersing it completely as it passed heading straight for Ryu.

Ryu's eyes wide as he raised his 2 hands in front of him to redirect the blast. The blue blast struck him with force pushing him backwards and slowly pulling him in its brightness. Ryu held his ground but could not hold no longer as it applied pressure on him and slowly drives him out of the ring.

*MURMURS* from the crowd as they watched, with thier eyes looking intently at the fighters wanting for more.

"Its about to drive me out" Ryu said struggling to hold his ground.

"I won't be out done by anyone" Ryu yelled with frustration showing on his face.

"DOMAIN EXPANSION!!!" He yelled,


Like a small blue explosion around the side of the ring where Ryu was. The unknown strangers began to talk to one another .

"His the one" The lady asked the man.

"I'm not sure" The man said.

"Only time would tell" He continued as he focused on the fight.

"Enough if your parables" The lady yelled at him as both if them stared at the ring.


Ryu suddenly opened his eyes and looked around him. To his deepest surprise he was not in the ring or the school he didn't even think he was anywhere in Washington. He turned his head looking both left and right trying to figure out where he is. As he floated in complete darkness, both left, right, upward and downward.

"Where am I " Ryu's asked himself as he looked around like he was floating in some kind of abyss.

"This cant be Raidens domain either its not cold related" Ryu said.

"And this battle as just getting interesting" Ryu's said with a disappointed look on his face. Just then a light shined from above him, and as he raised his head up.


He exclaimed seeing the breath taking sight he himself could not explain, they were big circular coloured orbs. One in the left was red and seem unstable and giving off a dangerous glow. And from what Ryu had know before, its the fact that anything red is bound to be dangerous.

Ryu turned his head to the right, seeing another spherical shaped orb, which was light blue in colour, calm and stable assive it has no stress or weakness.

"What are this" Ryu said as he floated forward the spherical light blue coloured orb. Its was bright and beautiful matching the same colour with his eyes. And assive it has an attractive force, it drew him closer to it. He placed his hand on it wanting to feel it and know its texture, but to his deepest surprise his hand entered through it easily like water.

"Wooooooow" Ryu exclaimed,

His body became calm as the inside of the intriguing ball was filled with some kind of liquid which relaxed his nerves. Then the orb began to spin, rotating in an anti-clockwise formation.

"Ahhhhhhhh" Ryu yelled out in shock as he slowly got pulled into it, until he entered completely.
