(In the late evening)

The sky was dark as Ryu is seen returning from school with his bag hanged on his back with exhaustion showing on his face.


He sighs as he walked along the road side passing tall buildings and also passing the cafe from early this morning where he met Selena.

"Today was stressful" He said,

"I really got myself into alot of trouble "

"Good thing Mr Rudeous was there or else things would have turned out bad"

He said recalling the event of today,

Mr Rudeous jumped in and dragged Raiden away, avoiding collision with the ball of light and saving his life.


"Unlucky me, the ball of light kept on going and might have destroyed some of the school infrastructure" Ryu said to himself,as he frowned.

"And i have been detained since then till this evening for reckless behaviour" He said,

"Mr Rudeous still vouched for me about it being an accident but I just could not help myself" Ryu said, as he turned to his right, passing through a dark alley to get home.

"And worst of all I've been fined" Ryu said with annoyance,

"Claire is not gonna be happy when she sees this" He said.

On his way through the alley, Ryu's could see 3 human figures through the darkness. He passed the first, and noticed the mans gaze on him, like a predator who had found its prey. He passed the second one and noticed the same thing but this one was different. The second man had on of his hand behind his back as he stared at Ryu as he passed.

"Bunch of weirdos" Ryu said inwardly,

As he walked towards the alley exit, the last man was standing at the exit with his both hands folded assive he was blocking it. It felt suspicious and Ryu face turned dull instantly as he walked pass the man.

Immediately, the man brought out a knife and spined it towards Ryu's throat, despite the sudden attack Ryu's eyes were still dull. But he noticed something awfully strange as the knife stopped infront of his throat thanks to his infinity barrier. His eye widened as the knife was releasing cursed energy.

"Curse weapon" Ryu said in shock,

Immediately he jumped backwards away from the man, trying to put some distance between him and his attacker. One was behind, to his surprise he felt curse energy coming from directly behind him. He turned his head over his shoulder, his eyes widened as the second guy he passed had a silver dagger with him which was emmiting curse energy.

Ryu jumped backwards high into the air, doing a backflip over the guy and the silver dagger missed his foot by inches. He landed and jumped backwards once again putting distance between him and his three attackers. He stared at them with the dull look on his face, he was surprised and confused but didn't let it show.

"Something gives the feelings that these guys aren't the normal weirdos who hang by the alley" Ryu said in his mind as he stared at them.

To him they were like aren't ants when compared with strength and agility, he could easily beat them without needing to touch them. But, his main focus were on the weapon with them. One holding a small wierdly shaped sword, another with a silver coloured dagger. The last one with a sort of short metal pole, completely red in color and a sharp end.


Cursed weapon are rare artifacts embedded with unlimited amount of curse energy. They were created during the olden times, but there are some that were created in the modern day. Basically because the designs to create it were lost its a 50/50% chance of success.


"Wherever they get it from, they chose the wrong person to use it on" Ryu said inwardly as he stared at them. He needed to check something,

"I don't have any money on me"

Ryu said like a child with a normal tone in his voice.

On hearing what he said, his three attackers turned thier heads to face each other and suddenly all three of them burst into laughter as Ryu kept a straight face. They started to laugh, forgetting the amazing speed and flexibility Ryu displayed with his backflip.

The last man spoke out and said ,

"Think of it as your final moments"

Ryu heard,

"Your gonna regret what you just said"

Ryu said with a dull intimidating tone. They were stunned on hearing Ryus voice as it suddenly changed.

"When im done, your gonna wish to be in the grave" He said to scare them but they didn't flinch on hearing his threat.

"No kid is going to intimidate us" The last man yelled.

The first guy walked forward towards Ryu, with his cursed weapons gripped tightly and raised ready to use it on Ryu. Ryu turned his head to the side and it made a crack sound as the man swung his curse weapon towards him.

The man swung his cursed weapon towards Ryu, he saw it coming and displayed his amazing speed once again. He moved to his right dogding it, and leaving behind an after image of himself.

The man missed and twisted his weapon and swung it back at Ryu once again. Ryu bent down and the weapon passed the top of his head swiftly. As it passed Ryus eyes widened as he felt the amount of curse energy emiting from the weapon.

"So thats its effect" Ryu said,

Author note:

Sorry for the mishap forgot to input it before, a curse weapon has its own power or effect it applies when used.

Thank you


"With every attack it curse energy increases" Ryu's said turning to his right and dogding it once more.

"I have to end this quick or it will get dangerous" Ryu said inwardly.

He clenched his fist and it began to emit curse energy on a dangerous level. Ryu dogde the curse weapon for the last time and launched his fist towards his attacker.


The man grunt in pain as Ryus fist struck him but Ryu did not stop, unexpectedly 2 straight jabs towards the man chest. Each hit caused the man to move backwards. And lastly

"Curse strike"

Ryu said in a dull tone and instantly and uppercut to the guys jaw. If it was a video game it would have certainly counted as critical hit. The man stuttered backwards away from Ryu holding his jaw. He was panting hard as he stared at Ryu.

Though everywhere was dark, Ryu's eyes seem to glow in the dark, making him look intimidating as no emotion showed on his face.

The mans eyebrows curved into a frown and he gripped the weapon with his strength and the curse weapon gave off more curse energy than before. He stared at Ryu and he was about to charge at him once more. Before he could,

Ryu appeared infront of him and he held onto the curse weapon, and placed his hand on the guys chest. The man eyes were wide open, he was shocked as he stood in place like a frozen statue.

"Repulsion" Ryu said in a dull tone

Suddenly, the man launched backwards with so much force assive getting hit by a truck and struck the wall of the alley. Falling back to the ground unmoving,

Ryu is then seen holding the red, curse weapon in his hand, both men were shocked as they stared at him.

"Who's next" Ryu said with a dull threatening tone in his voice. And shivers of fright went down thier spine as they stared at him.

Both men looked at each other and Ryu could see the last man giving the other one signal. Then the man advanced towards Ryu slowly, his fear was getting to him as he got closer and closer to Ryu who just stood in place with no emotion on his face.

The distance between them was slowly depleting, and in split seconds as his attacker got to him. He vanished.